"So many discerning people have taken all these years into consideration. If your husband and wife still have a little bit of concern about the family, they should hand over the things they got from the mine last time!" The six elders made a look of righteousness and solemnity.

Other people were originally guilty, but when they heard the words "what they got in the ore veins", their eyes were all the same.


Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI get a treasure from the mine. As long as they get that treasure, they will surely please Miss Fengzhi. Even if the sky changes in Qiao's family, how can miss Fengzhi care about these things?

Just get that thing, and it's OK!

Everyone's eyes are like two more small light bulbs.

Many people even subconsciously approached Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI for a few steps, which shows the urgent mentality.

Qiao Zhenyu sneered, "want that thing? Yes, just step over our bodies

This is not a joke.

Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI have already clenched their teeth for a long time. They will never give in unless they fight to death!

Six elders smell speech to pinch his goat beard tightly.

"Since you must be stubborn, don't blame me for my ruthlessness..."

Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI both hold their weapons tightly and are ready to fight hard at any time.

They are all sad in their hearts.

The Qiaojia family will have this kind of wall fighting. It also has something to do with Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI who are too comfortable with the people below. They think that they are all family members, and they have experienced the disaster of nearly exterminating the clan together. Everyone always hopes that the Qiao family will get better and better.

But I didn't expect

It will come to this point in the end.

Had known, had known

Meigui bit her teeth hard and regretted.

This matter must start with the six elders.

The six elders are called Qiao Zhenlin. They are of the same generation as Qiao Zhenyu.

At the beginning, Qiao Zhenyu and Qiao Zhenlin were the two great talents of the Qiao family. Qiao Zhenlin was a little older than Qiao Zhenyu. They even competed for the position of home owner. However, Qiao Zhenlin was defeated by Qiao Zhenyu in the end.

After that, Qiao Zhenyu became the head of the Qiao family at the time of the decline of the Qiao family. Qiao Zhenlin was probably hit by the failure and left the Qiao family from then on, saying that he wanted to travel to the basaltic continent to gain insight.

Although Qiao Zhenlin used the reason of "traveling", the whole family of Qiao actually knew that he just didn't want to stay in the Qiao family who witnessed his failure.

Later, because of knowing Fengzhi, the Qiao family not only defeated their old rivals, Fang family, but also developed a little bit, becoming the existence of any family under the top ten families.

At this time, Qiao Zhenlin came back.

Qiao Zhenlin left the Qiao family for more than 20 years. When he came back, none of the younger generation of the Qiao family knew him. If Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI didn't recognize him, he would be driven out of the Qiao family.

Qiao Zhenyu is not a narrow-minded person. Even though he had a competition with Qiao Zhenlin at the beginning, everyone was in his heart for the sake of the Qiao family. So at this time, he could not be more happy to see that Qiao Zhenlin had not only accomplished his cultivation in the realm of Emperor Wu, but also was willing to return to the Qiao family to make contributions to the Qiao family.

As a result, Qiao Zhenlin returned to the Qiao family and became the six elders of the Qiao family.

Qiao Zhenyu thought that this meant that the strength of the Qiao family had been enhanced, but he did not expect that Qiao Zhenlin, who was sincerely treated by him, would return to the Qiao family at this time, not to be his right and left hand at all, but to snatch the position of master from his hand.

Yes, grab it back.

In Qiao Zhenlin's eyes, the owner of the Qiao family should have been his. It was Qiao Zhenyu who robbed him.

Even, he felt that if he had been the owner of the house, the Qiao family might have developed better, and all the glory should be his!

If a person got into a dead end, he could not be pulled out.

That's what Jolin is.

Of course, it's also possible that Qiao Zhenlin doesn't want to come out at all.

He never thought that the reason why the Qiao family has developed now is that the earrings made by Meigui with Lingshi attracted Fengzhi's attention. Otherwise, as early as 20 years ago, the Qiao family had been swallowed up by the Fang family. How could he enjoy the glory?

In short, Qiao Zhenlin has made up his mind to take over the position of the head of the family.

Since he came back, he has maintained a good relationship with Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI on the surface, but secretly, he has tried his best to provoke and win over those people who have different ideas in the Qiao family. He also promised them that as long as he becomes the owner of the Qiao family, he will give them more benefits.

People die for money, birds die for food.

As a result, those Qiao family members who usually secretly envy Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI, but don't have the courage to show it, are naturally attracted by Qiao Zhenlin.Qiao Zhenlin was also able to restrain himself. Although he had already made preparations for it, he remained calm.

After all, Qiao Zhenlin is still afraid of Feng's reaction there.

Although the Qiao family is developing rapidly, the Qiao family is only a subordinate family of Fengzhi. If Fengzhi really values Qiao Zhenyu and Meigui, I'm afraid that if she gets angry, everything Qiao Zhenlin can't easily get will turn into fly ash.

In such a premise, Qiao Zhenlin's patience can not be bad.

Until one day, Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI got a good thing in the spirit stone vein of Fengzhi, and made it clear that if the good thing was offered to Fengzhi, Fengzhi would be very happy.

This let Qiao Zhenlin see the dawn of action.

Since there is such a thing, I think that what happened to Qiao's family is enough to calm down Feng Zhi's anger.


In Qiao Zhenlin's opinion, what Fengzhi needs is a family that can work for her. As for who controls this family, it should not be important for Fengzhi.

Therefore, Qiao Zhenlin arranged for someone to cheat Mei GUI's whistle, and then launched the raid when Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI didn't notice.

Where could Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI think that such a thing would happen? They were unprepared at all. Naturally, they fell into the downwind from the beginning. Although they were still struggling with Qiao Zhenlin and others, it was only a matter of time before they became prisoners.

Thinking of these, Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI have some sadness in their eyes.

They think they have done their best for the family in the past few years, but now they are betrayed by the family members they care about. To say that they are not sad at all, it must be a lie.

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