At that moment, the people of Quanqiao family, no matter where they were, felt the shaking of the mountains.

What's going on?

Is there an earthquake?

Many of the Qiao's low-level children, who did not know what was happening in the Qiao family, ran out in panic and looked for the source of this inexplicable vibration.

Finally, they found Qiao Zhenlin in the square.

"Six elders!"

Someone exclaimed.

Others tried to help Qiao Zhenlin up.

However, not everyone is completely ignorant of what is happening today. There are those who have eyes, so they quickly pull the bad and kind-hearted person back.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other.

At this time, Long Yan, who was still in the meeting hall, did not care what Qiao Zhenlin had become. He just looked down at Feng Zhi, who was buried in his own bad situation and made a "occasionally afraid" appearance.

"Well, the one who scared you has already been inlaid on the floor by me. Feng, you don't have to be afraid." Long Yan Wen's voice.

It's set on the floor

It was cold for everyone to hear.

They all felt that, no matter what, they would never be willing to fall into such a situation.

Feng Zhi was very happy on her face. She clapped her hands and jumped up like a little girl. "Well, well, let's go and have a look. In case he gets out of the floor, it will be bad..."

Long Yan gently smile, even in the voice are with doting, "don't worry, he can't climb out."

With that, they left the meeting hall hand in hand and came to the small square outside.

Sure enough, as long Yan said, Qiao Zhenlin, who was full of air, was directly inlaid on the ground made of green stone slabs after Long Yan's foot. He was also inlaid with a perfect fit. He could not climb out of the ground only by his own words.

Well, maybe only under the external force, can we dig him out?

To see a burst of convulsion to the corner of the mouth of Qiao Feng, and many people come out of the house.

Look at Qiao Zhenlin now.

He was full of energy, but now he is beginning to doubt life. His eyes are staring at the sky, and his limbs are in a "big" character, which makes people feel pitiful.

When people feel sorry for Qiao Zhenlin, Feng has already started to count it as a back account.

While holding Long Yan's hand, she pointed to the crowd, "not only this old man scared me, but also this, this, this These people are frightening me. You must stand up for me, my husband

After saying that, he also took Long Yan's gold robe and swayed and coquettish.

Those who were ordered by Feng couldn't help shrinking their necks.

Without exception, these people from Fengzhi were those who stood by Qiao Zhenlin in the previous conflict.

Long Yan nodded again.

There is no difference between cleaning up a person and cleaning up a group of people. As long as you can make Feng happy.


These people are miserable.

Long Yan raised his legs again and again, and those named by Fengzhi followed Qiao Zhenlin's footsteps one by one. Long Yan severely kicked them into the ground of the small square. Together with Qiao Zhenlin before him, he formed an "s" character and a "B" character.


How to look at it, it makes people feel excited.

I have to say, what Long Yan did was just too much Fengzhi's heart. She clapped her hands and danced, "husband, you are so wonderful. Even if you deal with these people, you are so heartbreaking."

Long Yan heard the speech and laughed, "that's because You are Fengzhi. "

The Qiao family, who are still in good condition, heard that there was a burst of toothache.

If they can, they really want to refuse to be stuffed with dog food.


The reality is that they really can't help it.

Feng has already had enough fun now. After a good appreciation of Qiao Zhenlin and others, Feng sneered and returned to her normal painting style. She said to Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI: "you are so old that you probably live to be a fast wind pig. It's so easy to be stabbed by the people around you. If it wasn't for my business this time, I'd like to return to the normal painting style If you want to find you, maybe the Qiao family has really changed the sky quietly? "

Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI both bowed their heads in shame.

This time, they really learned a lesson.

However, because of their credulity, they not only nearly became prisoners, but also took away all the treasure bags. It was just that the last trace of resistance was counted to the bottom. If it was not for Fengzhi, they would have to watch Qiao Zhenlin succeed.

"Miss Fengzhi, we know it's wrong!" There was a little pain in their tone.Feng to see two people a look, sure that these two people are really aware of the mistake, this just waved, "OK, this matter I don't mix, how these people want to deal with depends on your will."

Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI are relieved.

Of course, they are really cruel this time, and will never allow Qiao Zhenlin and others to live well after betrayal.

At this time, Feng changed her voice. "By the way, it seems that I heard that you got a good thing from the spirit stone vein. Even that person is sure that as long as you take that thing to please me, I will not investigate the Qiao family's change of heaven?"

Feng Zhi is a little curious.

What is it that is obtained from Lingshi vein and has such effect in Qiao Zhenlin's cognition?

Mei GUI pats her forehead when she hears the speech.

"Miss Fengzhi, a few days ago, when people were mining spirit stones in the mine vein, they did find something. I think Miss Fengzhi will like it!"

With these words, Mei GUI takes out a thing from the treasure bag that Qiao Zhenlin took away.

This thing is a few days ago, the Qiao family sent to the spirit stone vein mining spirit stone, one of them dug.

Fengzhi got this Lingshi vein from the Qiao family, which is very rich in mineral resources. Even though Qiao's family has been mining at a high speed for more than 20 years, the real spirit stone mined is only a fraction of the whole vein.

It's not easy to mine spirit stone. There is a strong aura in spirit stone. If you want to dig spirit stone out of the mine, you not only need strength, but also need extremely high skill.

In this process, the martial arts can undoubtedly get great exercise.

Therefore, in the past 20 years, the more gifted the Qiao family was, the more they were sent to the mines to mine spirit stones in order to train their disciples.

The effect is remarkable.

At least, in the past 20 years, the younger generation of Qiao's disciples are not much better than their predecessors.

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