Feng Zhi thinks that he is now a rich overnight Boomer in general, and has a kind of impulse to take the best spirit stone and throw one piece away.


If that's what it feels like to be a Boomer, she'd rather have it last longer.

Holding Long Yan's hand, Feng didn't sing and dance, "Long Yan, I'm rich, do you know?"

Long Yan shook his head fondly.

Only reach out to gently caress Feng to the hair, a pair of "you are happy to be good" appearance.

After that, Feng Zhi remembered another piece of soul marrow.

A total of two spirit pith have been put into the blood color abyss. As long as there is soul marrow, the aura concentration in the blood color abyss will naturally rise in a straight line. It can not only make the insects in the blood color abyss evolve quickly, but also form a new spirit stone vein in the blood color abyss.

As long as time is enough, Fengzhi will not only get a lot of insects that can be used for Yin people, but also get a secret place with rich aura and a whole vein of spirit stones.

And the other piece?

After thinking about it, Feng finally decided to put the remaining pith in yumingfeng, where the five element sect is located.

In this way, the spirit of Yuming mountain can be more abundant, which is beneficial to the growth of the disciples of the five elements sect in the future. Secondly, it is always right to put the most important things under your own eyes.

Of course, Feng is not going to talk to other people about it.

She took Long Yan's hand and shook her left and right like a little girl. "I'll bury this pith in Yuming mountain later, and set up a border, so that no one will know..."

With this pith, yumingshan will become another ore vein, and will never worry about the lack of aura here.

When Long Yan heard Feng Zhi's words, he felt soft again.

Obviously, Fengzhi's "anyone" does not include him.


For Fengzhi, the existence of Longyan is just as important as her own. Naturally, she will not be placed in the "anyone".

And Long Yan, why is he not?

They didn't say any love words, but the atmosphere between them was so sweet that people could smell the sweetness in the air.

After a long time, Feng came to think of Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI, who were still waiting for her reply.

Pulling Long Yan out of the mine together, under the respectful gaze of those Qiao's children who had been swept out by Fengzhi, Fengzhi and Longyan returned to the Qiao's home as quickly as they had been.

With such a buffer period of time, the Qiao family has been reorganized, the people who should be dealt with have been disposed of, and the things that should be gathered together. The whole family of Qiao presents a school of vitality. Where can we see the decline before?

Feng didn't care.

For her, she doesn't want to be in charge of the Qiao family. As long as the Qiao family is still under the control of Qiao Zhenyu and Meigui, she can always do what she tells her.

As for the others

She doesn't have that much Kung Fu.

As for people like Qiao Zhenlin, who think they can replace those who are favored by Fengzhi without the permission of Fengzhi

Well, now you can see what happens to Qiao Zhenlin.

Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI have dealt with the rest of the Qiao's family. They reckon that Fengzhi will come back soon. They have led the people of the Qiao family to wait at the door. As soon as they see Fengzhi and Longyan back, they have bowed down and saluted in unison, "see Miss Fengzhi, Lord Longyan!"

Then Feng Zhi and Long Yan were held to the upper seat.

Feng Zhi looked down at Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI and said, "you've all lived for a long time. In the end, you almost took yourself as a dish and sent it to someone else's hand. It's really promising!"

With these words, Feng Zhi felt that he hated iron but not steel.

Miss Feng Zhi, since her debut for such a long time, when she has suffered a loss in other people's hands, even if she has suffered a loss for a while, she will always retaliate back at the fastest speed. It is even more calculated that countless people are afraid of her.

Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI are both Fengzhi's servants. In the end, they did not learn Fengzhi's calculating skills at all. Instead, they were schemed by Qiao Zhenlin, a person who could tell at a glance that he had no good intentions.

It's really

Feng to can't wait to poke two holes in Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI's forehead with her index finger.

After hearing Feng Zhi's words, Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI are both embarrassed.

However, they agreed with Feng Zhi from the bottom of their hearts. They were really hopeless. They clearly understood the reason why Qiao Zhenlin left Qiao's family. However, they thought that they were all family members and let Qiao Zhenlin almost overturn them.

If Feng Zhi didn't come here in time

Both of them can't think of what will happen to them with the ruthlessness shown by Qiao Zhenlin.

But it's not going to be good.Two people quickly to the Phoenix to thank, "thank you for your help."

Neither of them said anything in return.

In fact, they owe too much to Fengzhi. Twenty years ago, the whole Qiao family was able to survive because of Fengzhi's blessing. After that, they also got so many benefits from Fengzhi. What they paid was just the mine that they had no use at all and opened mines for Fengzhi in the past 20 years.

Compared with what Fengzhi gave them, Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI felt that the Qiao family had taken advantage of Fengzhi.

Therefore, if Fengzhi opens a mouth, he wants to give everything to the Qiao family, and they must do good things for Fengzhi. So, naturally, there is no need to say more about those words of gratitude.

Feng Zhi glanced at them.

These two people are really solid eyes.

After waving his hand, Feng Zhi said again, "well, in the future, you should have a few more eyes and see all the people around you clearly. In addition, the things in the mine will continue to be mined..."

Before the two new Lingshi veins were formed, the spirit stones in these veins were the foundation of the development of the wuxingzong, so we should not neglect them.

Both Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI were in a hurry.

Although they still don't know the use of stones that they think are just good-looking, but have no other use, they just need to know that Fengzhi cares about this matter, and then do what Fengzhi tells them.

As for the rest, that's not what they should worry about.

To say that Feng Zhi's favorite is really Qiao Zhenyu and Mei GUI's sensible, so she nodded with great satisfaction when she saw that they were so sincere.

After thinking about it, how can Qiao's family be regarded as one of his subordinates, Feng Zhi also decides to give the Qiao family something sweet.

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