Tell an outsider the names of his brother and sister, and explain his origin. At this time, both of them are in a strong mood.

The experience of the Spanish once told them that if their identity fell into the eyes of those who had malice towards the Spanish people, it would bring another disaster for them.

A disaster like that

It's too much for the mackerel family to bear it again.

Therefore, even if they just say their names to Fengzhi and Longyan and admit their identity, it is actually a great challenge for their brothers and sisters.

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

As early as the last meeting, she had already known the origin of the two brothers and sisters, which naturally need not be concealed.

In fact, if it had not been for Fengzhi's early knowledge of their origins, the brother and sister would not have had a frank conversation with Fengzhi and Longyan.

See Phoenix to have no other reaction, shark gauze and shark bead are relieved.

They feel that the inexplicable trust in their hearts should be right.

Although since the Spanish people suffered the disaster of almost exterminating the tribe, the family has been teaching those who were born behind them. Human cultivators are all cunning and vicious. If one day they really go to the world of human cultivators, they can never trust human beings and actively tell them their own identity, but even if there is such a preventive needle In fact, the nature of the two people is very simple.

We can see that they believe Fengzhi and Longyan so easily.

Feng to see the situation secretly shook his head.

These two people are also too easy to coax, but also thanks to them, they met her and Long Yan. They didn't want to kill them for their treasures. If they changed

I'm afraid that now these two people have been arrested and tortured to ask the whereabouts of the shark clan?

Even if I can't ask you anything, they are all of the same clan. We can not only lock them up and make them shed tears. Even if they die, they can boil their bones into shark oil, right?

I'm covered with treasure.

However, these two people did not have such self-consciousness.

It's really

What a pity!

Feng Zhi made such a conclusion in her heart.

She couldn't help asking, "I said, are you shortsighted? You should know what your identity means to human practitioners, so you dare to say your identity so easily? Don't you fear that we will lead people to tear up all the nests of your people? "

Both the silk and beads of the mackerel quiver subconsciously.


The two then relaxed.

After all, if Feng Zhi really intends to do so, they will not be able to resist.

What's more, Fengzhi had already done it. She knew their identity a few days earlier.

The shark bead looked at the Phoenix to one eye, "you already know our identity, then tell you or not what difference there is? If we were to others, we would not be so ungrateful! "

A "you think we really lack of heart and eye ah" look.

Feng Zhi is a little speechless.

However, this feeling of trust given by people inexplicably, I have to say, it's really good.

After a while, Feng Zhi asked, "by the way, didn't you people move to the deep sea beyond the reach of human beings? Why did you come out again this time? The human world is very dangerous. You'd better go back to the sea

The world of practitioners is too dangerous for those who are relatively simple in mind.

Smell speech, shark gauze and shark bead all look at each other and sigh.

If they could, they would never leave the sea.

This time they left the sea and came to Dongyi city. Their hearts were heavy all the time. Now they finally met a person they thought they could trust. Naturally, they were not happy.

"We will come here, and there is no way to..."

They are really helpless.

At that time, the shark family was almost destroyed by human cultivators. Under the leadership of the great elder of the group, the last small group of shark people escaped from the pursuit of human practitioners and fled to the extremely dangerous deep sea.

The deep sea is extremely dangerous, and there are many powerful sea animals.

Such a danger was a natural barrier for the shark people who were almost exterminated at that time.

At least, those greedy human practitioners, frightened by the danger in the deep sea, dare not pursue them.

Since then, the Spanish have struggled to survive in the deep sea.

So hundreds of thousands of years have passed.After this long period of time, the Spanish people have gradually recovered their vitality, and the number of them has gradually increased. It is possible to recover to their former glory.

But at this time, many of the people in the group began to feel sick.

"Even if you are immersed in the sea water, you still feel hot all over your body, and your mind is dizzy. It seems that you may faint at any time and place. If you do, you may feel dizzy for several years..."

The Pearl of the mackerel describes the strange appearance of the people of the shark race.

Later, the current chieftain of the Spanish clan finally announced that the reason why these people had such a strange situation was that they lacked the same precious treasure of the Spanish people.

The most precious treasure is the Pearl of shark that was snatched from the hands of the Spanish people by human practitioners in the original disaster.

Actually, it can be regarded as a pearl.

However, compared with the ordinary pearl, it not only reaches the extreme in function, but also has the function of removing all kinds of diseases and stabilizing the mind for the people of the shark race.

As long as you put the Pearl in the group of the people, the group of people is equivalent to having a disease free body.

Only in terms of this role, chihuazhu is called the most precious treasure of the Spanish people, which is worthy of its name.

And now

It was lost early.

There are so many people in the shark family who are suffering from strange diseases, and they can only go into a coma day by day hopelessly.

During this period, there were more and more people suffering from strange diseases among the Spanish people.

If we can't find the chihuazhu back, maybe we don't need to invade again by the human cultivators, and the Spanish people may go on the road of extermination.


Shaxiao and shajizhu convinced the elders of the clan to leave the deep sea and go to Dongyi city.

Their aim is to bring the lost treasure of the Spanish people, namely, the Pearl of shark, back to the deep sea.

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