After telling about the importance of Shengxian pool, Fengzhi picked up what she knew about the fairyland and said it again.

"The fairyland is a world that is one level higher than our original Xuanwu land or virtual spirit land. What is full of fairyland is not aura, but immortal spirit." Feng Zhidao said, "the plants in the fairyland grow up in the spirit of immortality. Compared with the plants in the Xuanwu land and the virtual spirit land, they are naturally a higher level. Even in the eyes of many people who have just risen from the lower world to the fairyland, it is the most common grass in the fairyland, which is also a treasure like existence..."

Speaking of this, Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

"When the Donglai sect came to xulingjing, one of them regarded the common flowers and plants in the fairyland as a rare treasure when he first ascended. He was afraid that he would be robbed by others. In front of many immortals, he pounced on them like dogs, but they made a lot of jokes. I don't know how many years they have no face to walk outside!"

This is about Zhao Changsheng.

In the fairyland, hungry dogs prey on Zhao Changsheng, who is a famous figure.

Of course, this name is not a good name.

In order to stimulate the four people of Zhao Changsheng, Fengzhi gave Xiao 19 some wrong ideas, and let Xiao 19 spread the embarrassing story of Zhao Changsheng four people to Xu Lingjing. People all know that Fenglai and Fengming also know.

Listen to Feng to mention this matter again, Feng Lai and Feng Ming also can't help laughing.

After saying what I know about the fairyland, this space passage will probably be finished. It is only because the four people from Fengzhi can see it. Originally, it seems that the space passage with grey color can not see any other color. Just in front of it, a little hazy white light begins to appear.

Want to come

The place where the white light comes from is the fairyland.

This thought, Feng to four people can not help but some excitement.

Fairyland, the place they yearned for for for a long time, they finally arrived!

Feng Zhi smiles at Long Yan and says, "look, there is a brand-new world waiting for us to conquer. It's really exciting to think about it..."

It is.

At this time, the white light in front of her eyes was blazing, and the four people subconsciously closed their eyes.

Then, at the same time, all four felt a sense of weightlessness completely out of their control.

Even if Feng Yong's Qi is out of balance now, she doesn't want to help her balance.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

After the sound of four heavy objects falling into the water, Fengzhi four people fell into the water like this.

Gulu Gulu

Caught off guard, both Fengzhi and Longyan drank a few drinks.

For them, this is the first time.

In the past, their strength was at the top of the pyramid in the Xuanwu land or the virtual spirit realm. No matter where they went, they did not suffer from this kind of loss. Now they just enter the fairyland, and they even get a demotion.

Of course, at the first time of the entrance of the water, the four people of Fengzhi had awakened. If they guessed correctly, what they had just drunk was what Fengzhi said, the pool water in Shengxian pool.

However, Feng Zhi's four people did not like to drink the bath water that had been bathed by many people, so they wanted to spit the water out of their mouths at the first time.

However, it is already late.

As soon as the pool water entered the four people's mouths, it seemed that they had their own consciousness, and they were directly transformed into the mouths of Feng Zhi and the four people. They were not given the opportunity to spit out.


On her first day in the fairyland, she was forced to drink several mouthfuls of bath water.

It was a sad thing for her.

Of course, it's not without benefits to drink these water.

As Fengzhi said earlier, the water in the Shengxian pool has an excellent effect on the rookie immortal who has just risen to the fairyland. It can not only strengthen the immortal body, but also enhance the strength.

After several mouthfuls of water, Feng Zhi immediately felt a warm breath from her abdomen to her whole body. She was so comfortable that she could not help but sigh with satisfaction.

If you look at Long Yan and Feng Lai Feng Ming, they all have the same reaction.

Feng Zhi looked around a few times.

She did not know which of the four Shengxian pools in the southeast and northwest of the fairyland. The Shengxian pool was very large, and the four of them could not see the margin around them.

The pool is full of water, which is not as clear as ordinary water, but a milky white.

If you only look at the color, it is very similar to milk.

The milky white pool water kept rising, releasing translucent steam, forming a water mist about one or two meters above the pool water, which also made the Phoenix look far away, and the place where her eyes could reach was actually water mist. It was quite like the fairyland imagined by ordinary people.As a matter of fact, it is also a fairyland. It seems that there is nothing wrong with fairyland.

In this pool, Feng did not see anyone except the four of them.

It seems that the number of new Xianren flying into the fairyland is not large.

The idea flashed in Feng Zhi's heart.

The pool water in Shengxian pool is not deep. With Fengzhi's height and feet on the bottom of the pool, the pool water just overflows her chin. The height of the four Longyan people is higher than that of Fengzhi, and the pool water just flows through their chest.

After confirming that there was no danger around, Feng Zhi took a look at Long Yan and said, "remember, stay in the Shengxian pool as long as possible. Now every little more accumulation is very important for us in the future."

Long Yan nodded heavily.

Feng Zhi didn't say anything more. After nodding at the three people, she closed her eyes and began to absorb strength from the pool water of Shengxian pool.

The same is true of Long Yan.

Although there was water, Feng Zhi found that in the water, it seemed that no matter what posture she would sink, she immediately took the most commonly used posture of cross knees to sit up.

Then, since flying up, the immortal Qi that has been completely unsealed surges in her body.

The immortal Qi flowed through every muscle and vein of Fengzhi, and soon completed a big Sunday. In this process, there was a mysterious power in the water of Shengxian pool, which was absorbed by Fengzhi with the flow of Xianqi in Fengzhi's body.

Feng to can clearly feel that every time she absorbs a little more that kind of strength, she is now more and more strong immortal body.

The cumulative effect is clear.

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