At a time when the leaders of the major forces were completely numb and didn't want to break their fingers again, something suddenly happened in the Shengxian pool, which had been quiet for more than ten days.

This makes people can't help but cheer up.

It seems that the two inside are coming out!

They've been waiting outside for so many days, still suffering from "am I really scum?" Such self torture, not to wait until the two inside come out, and then pull the four Fenglai to their own door?

Now it's hard for them to get excited. Otherwise, if such four talented people become enemies of the clan, they will cultivate a terrible enemy for their own clan!

All of them did not dare to blink. They were staring at the Shengxian pool.

At this time, two figures flashed out of the pool.

The two men are a man and a woman.

The woman was dressed in a pure white robe, and her appearance could be regarded as unique. The whole person seemed to shine a little light, but it was not so much eye-catching. Especially, the woman's face still had a specious smile, which made people easily lost in her smile.

The man and the woman are obviously at the other extreme.

It is also a very excellent appearance that can be unforgettable at first sight, but there is no smile on the man's face. Not only is his face cold, but also the sight in his eyes seems to freeze the air into ice debris at any time. Only when he touches the woman around him, his eyes will suddenly become soft.

Obviously, these two people are a pair of double monks.

Who are Fengzhi and Longyan?

The crowd outside first took a breath, and then there was a kind of "should have been so" in their hearts.

Yes, he flew to the fairyland and stayed in the pool for twenty-one days. Such a talented person should have such elegant demeanor.

The first reaction is Fenglai and Fengming.

As soon as they saw Feng Zhi and Long Yan, they were relieved.

Although they also know that the longer they stay in Shengxian pool, the more benefits they will get.

However, after waiting outside for a long time, as time goes by, Fenglai and Fengming are more and more confused. They are afraid that Fengzhi and Longyan have something wrong in the Shengxian pool.

Now that Feng Zhi and Long Yan come out peacefully, they will be relieved.

"Fengzhi, Longyan!"

They quickly came to Feng Zhi and Long Yan's side.

Feng Zhi nods to Feng and Feng Ming.

Although she has only been out for a while, she has been able to see the situation clearly. Without thinking about it, she can guess what the large group of people are doing now.


It seems that these people are quite knowledgeable.

This is Feng Zhi's idea.


Feng Zhi still didn't change her original intention.

Although the strength of the four of them is very weak in the fairyland, Fengzhi still did not want to join a sect in order to seek stability for a period of time.

As a person who cultivates immortals, how can everything be just for safety?

If they enter a certain sect and live safely for hundreds of thousands of years, maybe their strength will be greatly increased compared with the present, but their ambition will be eroded a lot.

For those who cultivate immortals, their minds are destroyed, which is the biggest disaster.

Feng Zhi is not so far sighted.

At first, she laughed at the leaders of the major forces who had come back to their senses. "I don't know if you are around us. What's the matter?"

A listen to Feng to open mouth, people will guess, she is before Feng to say, can make an idea of that person.

That is to say, as long as they can persuade Feng Zhi, they will be able to collect four talented people!

As a result, a group of people immediately with the chicken blood general, like the vegetable market for cheap vegetables, pushing and shoving each other, only hope to push others behind their own back.

"This fairy, we sincerely invite four of you to join us..."

"Our God moon Alliance..."



All of them are scrambling to report to their families, for fear that they will be outdone by other forces if they are too slow.

So many people crowded together, but also at the same time to speak, also thanks to the Phoenix to the ear is easy to hear everyone's words.


Feng even blinked her eyes. When everyone had finished speaking, she said inexplicably: "ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I have to thank you for your sincere invitation, but don't you know?"

The crowd was stunned.

What do they know?

Seeing all the people seemed to be totally ignorant, Feng Zhi took a look at Feng and said, "Feng Lai, that's your fault. You and Fengming came out so many days before us. Why didn't you talk to these seniors well? It was tiring for them to wait in vain..."So they all had a bad feeling.

Fenglai and Fengming didn't say anything at all before. They just decided what sect they wanted to join. They had to wait until Fengzhi, who can make the decision, came out.

But now, how can it come out like this?

Is it possible that

In fact, these four people have already belonged to each other for a long time?

This is not uncommon.

Although the fairyland of jinzong didn't mean that the fairyland of the later Jin Dynasty was promoted to the new level, it didn't mean that many of the fairies would be promoted from the front to the next.

If this is the case, the leaders of the major forces will have to give up if they want to pull people into their own boats.

Now Fengzhi said "white wait for a field" such words, is it not the case of the four of them?

At this thought, people were both unwilling and jealous.

What kind of clan can produce four such talented people in a row?

With the addition of these four people, it can be imagined that the strength of that clan will certainly go up to a higher level in a thousand years. How can people not be envious?

They all stare at Feng Zhi, and some of them don't give up trying to get a definite answer from Feng Zhi's mouth.

Fengzhi said with a very sorry smile: "I'm sorry to all of you. My brother didn't make it clear. Although the four of us have just flown to the fairyland, some of our predecessors have established a sect in the fairyland, so we can't join your sect. Please forgive me..."

So it is!

The people were cool.

But in the end, the white stone Taoist couldn't help but ask: "I don't know what the fairy said, which sect?"

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