After hearing the words of Taoist priest Baishi, Feng Zhi didn't have any fear, and even continued to say with great arrogance: "OK, old man, you can wait for your aunt. When we come to the east to level down your di Ming clan, you will kneel down and beg for mercy, and my aunt will not take you one more look at you!"

The tone and the appearance of it were just like a punch.

All of you

If previously, people were still thinking about how to move Fengzhi and turn the four people of Fengzhi to their own ancestral gate, then when they knew that Fengzhi was from the East and how many enemies Fengzhi would make, they unconsciously gave up the idea.

This man may be an absolute genius in practice, but in fact, he is a fool in the end.

Such a few words will be able to offend people back to their home

They are also afraid that one day Fengzhi will provoke the enemy who can't be provoked.


It's best to keep it for donglaizong.

Even, people can't help but start to guess, donglaizong has more ancestors, and then how many enemies will be erected, whether the enemy will be found in minutes and get a result of being flattened.

Even if Fengzhi's four people are all geniuses, donglaizong is just a sect with poor strength. Fengzhi will cause trouble again. I think they can't live long without this pool.

In this case, why should they be the villains?

Just wait and see the joke.

For a moment, they all made up their minds.

Especially the white stone Taoist, he sneered and looked at Fengzhi four people, as if he was counting down the life of Fengzhi four people.

In this regard, Feng Zhi, who is proud of donglaizong, can't feel it. She holds her head high and looks like "ordinary people can't understand how powerful we are in donglaizong". How can she feel about it.

In the end, Zhao Hou came forward to make the round: "ha ha, since several of you already have a family, we will not be able to disturb you..."

And walk away first.

Other people look at the angry Baishi Taoist, and then look at the proud Fengzhi. They all smile and disperse.

They have been guarding the outside of the Shengxian pool all year round. They didn't expect to have a chance to see such a good play this time.

I really hope these four people will come to donglaizong soon, and then they will probably see more jokes, right?

Because of such an idea, people only think that this boring life has hope.

And Fengzhi

Finally, I don't have to be watched by so many people. Feng Zhi is relieved in my heart.

She winked at the three of Longyan. While the leaders of the big forces only wanted to watch the fun, she did not have any intention to stop the four geniuses. She quickly put forward her own body method and left the Shengxian pool.

Until the whole day's journey, confirmed before those people are impossible to catch up with their own few people, Feng to this is really put down.

"Well, let's have a rest first." She said.

It is also to this time, Fengming can finally not suppress themselves, holding the belly will laugh.

"Fengzhi..." He held out his index finger and pointed to Fengzhi. After a long time, he squeezed out a few words in the intermission of wild laughter, "Fengzhi, I've really convinced you. How can you think of it?"

When I was outside the Shengxian pool, I listened to Feng Zhi's "we come to the East" one by one, and he always talked about the emperor of heaven, but he didn't blow donglaizong to the sky. Fengming was also very hard-working, and managed to endure the smile.

If it wasn't for fear of ruining Fengzhi, he would have fainted with laughter on the spot, OK?

Feng to smell the speech white, Feng Ming one eye.

"Don't you just give donglaizong a black pot? What can't you think of?" Feng Zhi Dao.

They and donglaizong can't be friends in any case.

Donglaizong's situation in the fairyland is not so good, and it is just barely able to get a foothold. Naturally, it is very difficult for donglaizong to absorb fresh blood. It is precisely because of this that the matter of plotting the Xuanwu continent plays a crucial role in donglaizong.

If they really succeed, donglaizong will not have to be anxious to be inflamed because they can't replenish fresh blood in the future. Moreover, the disciples of donglaizong who fly to the fairyland through the Xuanwu land will naturally have a strong sense of belonging to donglaizong.

In this way, after the last 35000 years, the overall strength of donglaizong will definitely make great progress than today.

But man's calculation is not as good as heaven's.

Donglaizong thought that everything was certain, but he had to die halfway because he met Cheng Yaojin. Now those people in donglaizong are afraid that they will eat Fengzhi raw. How can they be willing to fight with Fengzhi?

In fact, it is.

Before Zhao Changsheng died, he once sent a message to the fairyland.

In this information, the largest proportion is Fengzhi.From this, the donglaizong in the fairyland knew that their plot against the Xuanwu continent was not only destroyed by Fengzhi, but also by the donglaizong in the virtual spirit realm.

Phoenix to this move, is undoubtedly cut off the fairyland of all the way back.

How can the immortals of donglaizong not hate?

As a result, as early as after receiving Zhao Changsheng's message before his death, donglaizong of the fairyland began to prepare for their revenge.

All the immortals in donglaizong wanted to come. Since Fengzhi was a peerless genius in Zhao Changsheng's mouth, he had already practiced to Mahayana for hundreds of years, and he would soon be able to fly to the fairyland.

It is absolutely impossible for a new immortal to fly to the fairyland than a senior immortal.

This is the consensus of all people in fairyland.

Donglaizong's idea was to keep an eye on the four immortal pools in the fairyland, and once they found the trace of Fengzhi, they would kill Fengzhi who had not yet grown up in time.

They don't want to let an enemy grow.

As far as Yufeng was concerned, it was a nightmare for her to grow up.

Therefore, for thousands of years, the people of donglaizong have been staring at the four immortal pools.

But what they didn't expect was that the Phoenix had been able to fly as early as a thousand years ago, but in order to wait for the Phoenix to come and the Phoenix to sing, they were able to stay in the Xuanwu continent for more than a thousand years.

The immortals in the fairyland can't be imagined in any case.

You know, a thousand years, this is enough talent enough for the new immortal to stand firm in the fairyland, who is willing to delay such a long time?

But Fengzhi did so.

Because of this, donglaizong's people have been staring at it for a thousand years, but they haven't even seen Feng Zhi's face.

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