The treasure map of the fairyland records all the fixed objects in the fairyland, whether they are fruits, miraculous herbs, or various rare materials. If they are treasures, they will be recorded in them.

If the new immortals who have just entered the fairyland can get a rare treasure map, they can at least go a lot of wrong ways.

This is especially true for Fengzhi.

Although Fengzhi knows something about fairyland, it is only rare. If you don't know everything about fairyland at the fastest speed, you still don't know how many good things to miss.

What's more, knowing the situation of fairyland earlier, Fengzhi several people can also start to accumulate earlier.

Cultivation needs a lot of resources.

Although Fengzhi has a space, the space also brings a lot of things to the fairyland, but those things are treasures in the lower bound, and the value of the fairyland is greatly reduced. Maybe no one would like to take a look at it.

Under such circumstances, they have no training resources in their hands.

Therefore, the resources accumulated earlier will play an important role in the future cultivation of Fengzhi four.

It's just

Feng could not help but spread out her hands.

Although in the lower world, the spirit stone and treasure in her hands were incomparable, but now she has risen to the fairyland, Fengzhi can be said to be destitute.

Fairyland circulation is fairy stone, Feng Zhi's hands of those spirit stones, in addition to the best spirit stone can have a little effect, other and stone are no different.

It's just

Even the best spirit stone, compared with the immortal stone, its value is far inferior.

The fairy stones in circulation in the fairyland can also be classified into three categories: the lower grade, the middle grade, the upper grade and the highest grade. The 100 pieces of the best spirit stones in Fengzhi's hands can only be equivalent to one lower grade immortal stone.

In this way, all the best spirit stones in Feng Zhi's hands can only be replaced by thousands of inferior immortal stones.

Thousands of inferior immortal stones

Feng to all because of their own state of abject poverty and shocked.

Since she began to practice Buddhism, she has got the inheritance of the five elements sect and has space. Where has she been so poor?

Therefore, Fengzhi clenched his fist. Now what they have to do first is to make money. No, it's to earn immortal stone!

The immortal stone is in hand, and the immortal doesn't panic.

Feng Zhi looked at Longyan and said, "of course, we have to earn immortal stone before we buy a foreign treasure map."

Without the immortal stone, it is difficult to move one step at a time. A fairy stone can defeat four immortals. Fengzhi thinks that the situation is just like this.

Hearing the speech, the three Longyan bowed their heads in shame.

They want to break their heads, but they can't think of any way to earn immortal stones.

Feng to this time, eyes slightly turned.

She didn't sigh because of the difficulties in front of her. Instead, she suddenly became interested. She said, "by the way, I'll tell you a story about making fairy stones..."

About the story of making fairy stone?

Long Yan three people all think, this is Fengzhi has what good coping strategy, so immediately came to the spirit.

They stare at Feng Zhi tightly and wait for Feng Zhi to tell us how to earn immortal stone. Then they listen to Feng Zhi's command.

Feng Zhi smiles at the three and begins to tell the story: "once upon a time, there was a second generation of immortals..."

The second generation of immortals?

Long Yan three people all have a head of fog.

Feng Zhi then explained: "I don't know what the second generation of immortals is, right? The second generation of immortals means that their parents are all immortals. They are also born in the fairyland and born to be immortals. Do you understand?"

Long Yan and his three nodded in unison.

"Once upon a time, there was such a second generation of immortals. He didn't want to live on his parents, so he decided to earn immortal stones for his cultivation. He took the only one hundred fairy stones and bought 100 fairy fruits from other immortals, and then sold them at the price of two fairy stones per fairy fruit..."

"In this way, one day, the second generation of immortals not only has a large number of immortal stones, but also has achieved great accomplishments in cultivation and has reached the peak of his life..."

At the end of the story, Fengzhi winked at the three people: "so, what do you hear from this story?"

The three of them were silent for a moment.

Later, Fengming was the first to speak. He raised his hand like a pupil answering a teacher's question. Then he excitedly said, "Fengzhi, I understand. You mean that we can use those excellent spirit stones in your hands as capital, and then accumulate fairy stones bit by bit, so that we can one day accumulate enough immortal stones for the four of us, OK To get to the top of life? "

With that, Fengming also looked forward to Feng.

Not only Fengming, but also Longyan and Fenglai.

Although they did not speak, they heard the same meaning from the story told by Feng Zhi.Feng Zhi shook her head and looked at Longyan three people with a look of hatred for iron and steel. After a while, she opened her mouth in the inexplicable eyes of Longyan and said, "Why are you so stupid?"

None of them understood.

From this story, can't we realize such a truth?

Seeing that the three were stubborn, Fengzhi directly looked at them with a look at the mentally handicapped. "Do you think that the reason why the second generation of immortals can sit on a large number of immortal stones is that it has been gradually accumulated?"

Long Yan and his three nodded in unison.

No, what else can it be?

Feng Zhi raised his hand and slapped Feng Ming's head, "what a fool!"

Feng Ming was puzzled and aggrieved in his heart. He glared at Feng Zhi, "where is stupid? What's more, they are just like me. Why do you just scold and hit me

Feng to stare at Feng Ming one eye, "who let you the smallest, do not hit you who?"? And did I say you wrong? If you want to hear the answer, just listen to me quietly

Fengming can only passively quiet like a chicken.

Feng was satisfied with this. She took a deep breath and announced the answer I said that you are really stupid. I have already made it clear that it is a second generation of immortals. The reason why he can hold a lot of fairy stones is that his parents are dead, leaving him a lot of legacy! "

Long Yan



All three are silent.

I thought that Fengzhi told them an inspirational story, but now it seems that Fengzhi gave them a big bowl of poisonous chicken soup!

So we can't bear to be a fairy, so we can't help it. It's impossible for us to be a fairy

If that's the case, it's a real blow.

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