Feng Zhi's four people saw the splendor in their eyes.

Their strength is low now, and what they need most to improve their strength is the accumulation of time. However, to be able to see the fight between the masters early on also has a very strong role in promoting them.

At least, it can broaden their horizons, isn't it?

Hearing that Taoist Feng and Qiao Yu formed a group, others naturally retreated far away in order not to be hurt by accident. As a result, the four disciples of the di Ming sect who followed Qiao Yu and the two disciples of the Taoist priest listened to the wind all felt more eager to try for a moment.

Although the battle will ultimately depend on who is in the ascendant between Taoist fengfengren and Qiao Yu, they can't do it, can't they?

Therefore, there is no need to say anything more, the two sides in the case of mutual dissatisfaction, also followed the fight.

At the end of the day, only four people from Fengzhi were still standing on one side.

In order not to call the existence of the four people too abrupt, Fengzhi quickly pulls Longyan, beckons Fenglai and Fengming back to a hidden corner in the valley, and stares at two battle circles.

Fengming is a little bit out of breath.

"Why don't we try it?" He said.

Feng to smell speech gas do not hit a place, she reached out and then in Fengming's head slapped a slap, "you are not stupid ah, on our current strength, with whom to fight is to send vegetables, you do not take bean sprouts as vegetables?"

Feng Ming immediately hung his head.

Fengzhi is right. Their strength now belongs to the lowest level in the fairyland. They are the four disciples of the di Ming sect and the two disciples of the Taoist priest Feng. Their strength is at least at the level of Dixian.

On their strength

You can't get rid of the rest of the battle.

In such a situation, they can only watch.

Not only Fengming, but also Longyan and Fenglai, at this time, there was something wrong in my heart.

How could they have been in such a low position for more than a thousand years in the basaltic continent?

Feng came to see this, but it was comforting to say: "OK, you don't feel depressed. How long have we been in the fairyland now? It's strange if we can compare with those senior immortals. But we are only short of time. As long as we have enough time, we will step on these people sooner or later!"

The three Longyan nodded their heads.

Fengzhi is right to say that they are inferior to others for a time, which does not mean that they will never be inferior to others.

Then the four men calmed down and looked again at the war.

Although there is a gap in the number of the four disciples of the di Ming sect and the two disciples of the Taoist priest listening to the wind, their individual strength is better than that of the four disciples of the di Ming sect, so they can make a tie.

And listen to Taoist Feng and Qiao Yu

Although Qiao Yu is the peak strength of Dixian, he can still break through at any time, but he has not broken through after all. Even with the blessing of the battle array, he is still a little inadequate compared with those who have been weakened some strength, and he is overwhelmed by the wind power.

However, even so, it is very difficult for Taoist Fengfeng to clean up Qiao Yu thoroughly.

In short, the war situation on both sides is to fight a protracted war.

This is like the meaning of Fengzhi.

She stretched out her hand and patted them one by one on the shoulders of the three men who were fascinated by the sight. After they looked over, they whispered: "what else are you looking at? Hurry up, we should go..."

As she spoke, Feng stood up and moved a little bit to the distance.

Although the three Long Yan didn't understand, they always followed Feng Zhi's advice, so they looked back at the people who were fighting fiercely, and left after Feng Zhi.

Quietly out of a distance, Feng to no longer leave hands, directly fly to the distance.

Until fly far away, Fengming just a little puzzled to ask: "Phoenix to, why do we want to go?"

It's rare to see the scene of immortal fighting. He wants to stay and have a good look at it.

Feng Zhi couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard the speech. She raised her hand and slapped Feng Ming's head again. "I said you were really stupid or fake silly. Don't forget why they would fight. Although it's impossible, if both sides can sit down and speak clearly, then we will not become the sandwich biscuits. What do you think we will have What will happen? "

The wind is singing.

He was fascinated, but for a moment he didn't think of it.

It's really true that the reason why the people of the di Ming sect and the Lang Ya sect would fight is completely because of the ghost words of Fengzhi. If the two sides really shake hands and make peace, we only need to say this, we should know that this is the demon moth of Fengzhi.


Fengming couldn't think of it.

However, Feng Ming is extremely dissatisfied with the fact that Feng always pats her head.He didn't believe that Long Yan and Feng Lai didn't want to ask, but they just could bear to wait for him to ask and then watch him get beaten. This is really

Fengming felt that she was simply too poor.

In Fengming's self pity, the four of them have been on the line for most of the day, confirming that neither the Taoist priest nor Qiao Yu can catch up with them any more. This is the only way to relax.

After such a long journey, the four of them were also tired. They just looked at a very busy town not far ahead. After a look at each other, they all fell to the ground and walked towards the small town.

Soon, the four entered the town.

After arriving here, Fengzhi found that it was not so much a town as a temporary gathering place for the immortals. There were no decent buildings in the sight of the four people. Many immortals sat on the ground with their knees crossed, and some exquisite ones built a tent by themselves.

These people get together in twos and threes, and from time to time they look up in a certain direction.

Obviously, there's something in that direction that appeals to them.

So, what is it?

This is what Feng Zhi wants to make clear.

She was not familiar with the situation here. Feng Zhi didn't ask about the situation. Instead, she led Long Yan to the place with the most people, and then stopped.

There are many people gathered here, so the Fengzhi four did not attract much attention during their journey. Even if there were people who noticed them, most of them were because their strength was too low.

However, there are few people in the fairyland who are full of curiosity. Therefore, no one pays more attention to Feng Zhi four people.

Sitting down in an open space, Feng Zhi took out some food from the space to replenish their physical strength.

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