It's horrible!

Feng to a foot to step out half step, and then busy back.

After only a short time, Feng had no less than 20 holes in her good clothes, which turned her into rags.

Compared with the clothes, more shocking is that Fengzhi's body also has the same number of wounds.

The red blood is just like no money. It just gushes out in an instant. It will dye the Phoenix to the whole person. It is particularly terrible to look at it.

"Phoenix to!"

Long Yan three people startled, all rushed to drag Fengzhi back to the wall of the cave.

Looking at the deep visible bone wounds on Feng Zhi's body, a pair of golden eyes of Longyan are all red, "Fengzhi, how are you?"

Feng Zhi didn't answer Long Yan's question immediately.

She gritted her teeth and endured the pain that came from all over her body.

Although Feng Zhi had already prepared herself for the danger of the world 5000 meters later because of Yueli's warning, she did not expect that the description of Yueli could not even catch up with half of the danger.

Think about the gang wind that hit the head and face before, Feng to also can't help but the corner of his mouth slightly smoked.

She doesn't even have a chance to use footwork.

No wonder, that 5000 meters after the hole, will leave so many forest white bones.


This does not mean that Fengzhi has given up the idea of going ahead and practicing.

On the contrary, her desire to stay here and continue to practice became more firm.

As a practitioner, there is no method of cultivation without any danger. Although we need to face the danger now, the greater the danger, the greater the gain.

How can Fengzhi give up such a good opportunity?

After a long time, when the vigorous wind in the body ran with the immortal Qi for nine weeks, the wound gradually improved. Feng Zhi then opened her eyes and laughed at Long Yan: "I'm ok, but I didn't expect such a big change after 5000 meters. I was a bit unprepared for the moment."

Long Yan was silent.

"Fengzhi, you should have a rest first, and then I will come." Long Yandao.

As he spoke, Long Yan clenched his fist tightly.

He is a dragon clan. The most powerful part of the dragon clan is the flesh. Although Fengzhi's body is also very strong, it is still a little far away from Long Yan, who has risen to be a dragon clan.

Those vigorous winds only instantly brought such great damage to Fengzhi. Long Yan thought that if he changed himself, he might be able to hold on for a while and a half.

In this way, he can learn more from the vigorous wind.

The more he realized, the less harm he would get when he stepped into the vigorous wind after Feng arrived.

Feng to slightly pause, but also did not refuse the meaning of Long Yan.

She knew that Long Yan felt guilty in her heart and wanted to do something for her as much as she could. In that case, how could she refuse?

So, Feng Zhi smiles at Longyan and gently leans her shoulder on Longyan's shoulder. "OK, it's all for you."

Long Yan's face is full of laughter.

After that, Feng Zhi stays at the wall of the cave to recuperate. Long Yan stands up and goes to the center of the cave. When he is ready, Long Yan takes a deep breath and raises his foot to step forward.

Just as before, one of his feet just stepped on the ground gently, and a dense, like raindrops of vigorous wind hit Longyan.

Because the speed is too fast, in Long Yan's opinion, those vigorous winds seem to have no regular pattern. Just hit him, and in an instant, he will have many more wounds on his body.

However, as long Yan thought, his immortal body strength was stronger than that of Fengzhi. Therefore, the first wave of vigorous wind did not cause him too serious damage. Naturally, he did not have to withdraw immediately, but insisted on taking another step forward.

It seems that he didn't expect that Long Yan would dare to go inside. The vigorous wind stopped for a moment, and then he immediately went crazy. A dark strong wind rushed to Longyan.

At the same time, the strong wind brought up by the howling sound also like ghost crying, always want to mess up Long Yan's mind.

However, compared with Fengzhi, Longyan's ambition is not bad at all. Even though Li Xiao is terrible to listen to, he always focuses on his own feet and those vigorous winds, without any movement.

And then there's the third step

The three steps add up to about two or three breaths.

As before, the gold robe on Long Yan's body was also directly discarded. The golden blood first gushed from his body, and then instantly condensed into drops of floating in front of Long Yan.

Feng just opened her eyes at this time and couldn't help laughing: "hurry up, take your blood to the jade bottle and collect it. You can't waste it..."Long Yan felt helpless.

He quickly returned to within 5000 meters, and then he was extremely obedient. He really took the jade bottle and collected the blood he had shed. When he returned to Fengzhi, he handed the jade bottle to Fengzhi's hand.

Phoenix to the jade bottle received their own space.

Then she looked at Long Yan and said, "what do you feel?"

Long Yan gently shook his head, "too fast, however, if more than a few times, probably can also find out the law."

Feng Zhi nodded, and then motioned to Longyan to heal.

Although their injuries were very serious, fortunately, every time they were injured by the vigorous wind, their immortal bodies would be strengthened. This was the foundation for Fengzhi to be confident that the four of them could survive in the black wind cave.

While Longyan was recuperating, Fenglai and Fengming also went to feel the world in the black wind cave after 5000 meters.

For them, after all, it was too dangerous. Almost at the moment when they took the first step, they were pulled back by Feng Zhi, who followed them.


Maybe they will become one of those white bones.

"How terrible!"

Feng Lai and Feng Ming look pale, looking at the dark hole ahead.

Fengzhi patted Feng and came to Fengming's shoulder: "you'll have a rest next to it. When Long Yan and I have summed up some rules, it's not too late for you to step forward."

Fenglai and Fengming did not refute.

They all know that at this time, the most important thing for them is to keep their own lives, not to go forward for the sake of self-esteem.

When Fengzhi and Longyan have an understanding, they have more opportunities to move forward.

So, the next time, in the Phoenix to and Long Yan alternate forward to spend.

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