A fairy then sneered.

"Since this younger generation is so arrogant, we don't need to keep our hands any more. The inheritance of the divine arrow Emperor Let's do it according to our abilities. " There are fairies in the crowd.

This word naturally got the approval of most immortals.

Therefore, the immortals did not delay any more, and recognized the direction of Feng Lai, and each of them grasped the light ball held by Feng Lai.

The so-called inheritance is just a saying. In fact, the immortal uses his own yuan Shen to seal the things that he wants to convey to his successor in a specific container, such as the light ball in Fenglai's hand.

If you open the container of the immortal, you will get the memory of the immortal.

Therefore, after Fenglai takes out the inheritance light ball, in the eyes of all the immortals, Fenglai has no value. What is valuable is only the inheritance light ball in his hand.

Feng Lai is clearly aware of this.

Seeing so many people throwing their hands at the inheritance light ball in his hand, Feng Lai didn't have any anxiety. He didn't even take back the light ball, but unexpectedly, when people attacked him, he suddenly threw the light ball on his hand.

The eyes of all the immortals couldn't help jumping.

See that dazzling light ball, fly all the way up in the sky, under the sunlight, reflecting dazzling brilliance, just like another sun.

All the immortals were stunned.

Then, all of them gave up Fenglai directly, but chased the inheritance light ball to grasp the past.

The smile on Fenglai's lips deepened a little. As soon as he raised his hand, he pulled his bow like a full moon. Several lights flashed over the bowstring. Before anyone could see what the light was, the light was emitted from the bow string.

The goal is precisely those immortals who are seizing the inheritance of the light globe.

Those immortals have not yet responded to what happened, a few of them were shot by the light from the bow of Phoenix.

And then

A few muffled noises came from the crowd.

When the immortals found the people who had been shot in the crowd, they were surprised to find that there were several blood holes in the bodies of those people. From the blood holes, there was a constant flow of golden blood.

Even under the attack of Feng Lai, he was badly hurt.

All the immortals were shocked.

At this time, some of the immortals finally snatched the inheritance light ball which caused people to fight for. However, as soon as the light ball was started, the immortal knew that he had been played.

"Damn it!"

At the same time, the immortal grabbed the ball of light, and the ball burst open with a bang, and many drops of water burst out.

It turns out that the so-called inheritance light ball is simply a water film formed by Fenglai casually with some water in it. The reason why it has such dazzling brilliance is just a trick played by Fenglai.

Such a large group of immortals were cheated by Fenglai under their own noses. For these immortals, this is undoubtedly a great shame!

Originally, it is impossible for the immortals to be unaware of this little trick of Feng Lai, but who told them that they were filled with the word "inheritance" and did not think about other aspects at all?

After seeing all the immortals, Feng Lai not only did not feel nervous, but also gave a very public smile. The long bow in her hand pointed to the large number of Immortals: "do you want to inherit it? You can try it

Although it is only such a sentence, but it reveals the absolute self-confidence, as well as belongs to the young people's unique high spirited, but it can not be more obvious.

All the immortals were enraged.

"Well, that's good..."

Some of the older fairies were so angry that their beards were almost cocked up.

Qi Feng was attacked by Qi Feng, who was playing with Qi Feng.

Being besieged by so many people, and many of them are more powerful than themselves. If we change people, I'm afraid we can't even move our hands at this time.

But Feng Lai didn't mean to be afraid at all.

Seeing the enemy coming like tide, Fenglai's eyes not only showed no fear, but also had a lot of looks in his eyes. On the contrary, there were Phoenix shadows flying on the bow of Fenglai.

Bow, light and shadow flash, let go

After a series of actions, Feng Lai's bow flashed several rays of light. All the immortals had no time to dodge. Among the crowd, several immortals stepped on the track of those who had been injured before.

if someone is as like as two peas, we can see that the injured celestial being has been less than ten. The location of each person's injuries and the depth of the wound are all the same.

What kind of control is shown in this process? It's really shocking to think about it.Of course, at this time of chaos, no fairy has the leisure time to pay attention to this point.

Although some people were injured, but this can not resist the footsteps of the other immortals, a group of fairy eyes will be closer to the Phoenix some, once the two sides come into contact with each other, it can be imagined that there will be a fierce battle.

In other words, Fenglai will be beaten into a pig by these immortals.

In such an emergency, Feng Lai's face did not show any fear. He laughed and did not retreat. Instead, he suddenly pulled himself up into the air.

In an instant, Fenglai has already appeared in the sky.

The immortals will follow and chase after them in the air.

But at this time, Feng Lai again drew the bow, but it was not the arrow pointing at the immortals below, but an arrow towards the height. No, it was a lot of arrows

Why, what is he doing?

All the immortals who came up next had such questions in their hearts. Even some people thought that Fenglai had no way out, so they simply abandoned themselves.


Will Feng come?

Of course not.

As soon as the bowstring on the fingertip is loose, many rays of light are just like the heavenly maids scattering flowers. First, they fly up to the sky for a distance, then draw a beautiful arc in the air, and fall towards the fairies who are chasing after the Phoenix.

"What is this?"

A fairy exclaimed.

Then, think of before and after two times in Feng to hand injured those people, people will subconsciously want to hide aside.

However, the arrows shot by Feng Lai seem to have their own consciousness. They can't tolerate the Dodge of the immortals and chase them all the way.

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