"Wow, it's so cool!" Feng Zhi whistled beside.

Long Yan smelled speech and looked at Feng. Although he didn't say anything, everyone could see that he didn't like it.

Fengming and others saw it as speechless again.

They have understood for a long time that Long Yan is indifferent and reticent in front of others, but as long as it is anything related to Fengzhi, he can be extremely concerned about, such as now.

Fenglai and Fengzhi are brothers and sisters. Fengzhi is just like this. After boasting about Feng, he told Longyan to eat vinegar.

What a vinegar jar!

Feng Zhi obviously found something wrong with Long Yan. After boasting about Feng, he quickly looked at Long Yan with a soothing look, which finally suppressed the jealousy in Long Yan's heart.

At this time, Feng Lai has already sent those immortals away and returned to Feng Zhi and others.

Phoenix to then and to the Phoenix up two thumbs up, "farewell three days, when a new look, Phoenix, good!"

Fenglai's performance is worthy of the praise of Fengzhi.

However, in the past 20 years, Fenglai has undergone such earth shaking changes, and its strength has risen in a straight line like a ladder. With Fenglai's age, it is rare to see the whole fairyland with such strength.

After flying to the fairyland for more than a hundred years, Fenglai has been able to compete with the countless talented figures in the fairyland. If other people in the fairyland know about it, they still don't know how many people will be surprised.

Not only Fengzhi, but other people also looked at Feng with a look like praise and sigh.

For the change of Fenglai, they are completely in the eye, and because of witnessing the growth of Fenglai, they will have such exclamation.

At the same time, Fengming, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu all felt a sense of urgency.

It goes without saying that Fengzhi and Longyan are born with the speed of growth to attack people. Therefore, Fengming and Longyan did not want to compete with Fengzhi and Longyan. But now Fenglai is also ahead of them by a large margin, which makes them have to think about improving themselves.

As a partner, naturally we should move forward in unison. If we lose the team in the middle of the way, how can we continue to be a partner?

The three then looked at each other and saw their determination in each other's eyes.

And the old style

He just joined the team of Fengzhi, but he didn't have so much emotion at this time. He just looked at Feng Lai and said with a smile: "Fenglai's talent is amazing. They say that there will be two emperors in the fairyland in recent years. I think it is the future emperor. I think it will be like this..."

Speaking of this, the ancient wind also winked at the Phoenix, "will come to Phoenix, if you really become the emperor, don't forget our brothers and sisters!"

This can't be more serious.

Feng to smell speech slightly squint eyes, and then look back at the ancient style.

Since the ancient style followed in their team, he has always been very normal. He is as sharp as Fengzhi, and has never been able to detect anything wrong with him. That's why Fengzhi has always tolerated the existence of the ancient style.


Over the past 20 years, although Fengzhi's progress is not as great as that of Fenglai, she is not in the same place either. In the past 20 years, Fengzhi has absorbed a lot of money from both empty old man and fengmiaoji. Although her strength has not yet officially broken through to Daluo Jinxian, it is not far behind.

It is also because of the progress of strength that Fengzhi's perception of the outside world has been improved.

Now she always vaguely felt that there was something in the ancient style that was extremely inconsistent with his whole person. However, Feng could not find out where it was.

This feeling is very contradictory, also let Feng Zhi feel very uncomfortable.

Although up to now, the ancient custom is very normal, and has not done anything harmful to Fengzhi and others. However, Fengzhi is not sure whether he is an enemy or a friend.

There is such a person in their own team, it is really

Feng to can't help but slightly squint eyes.

After noticing Feng Zhi's gaze, Gu Feng's face showed a smile. He looked at Feng Zhi with a smile and said, "Fengzhi, what are you doing with me like this? If you keep looking at me like this, I'll misunderstand that you want to dump Long Yan. What do you mean to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Long Yan, who was standing beside Feng Zhi, had a sharp look in his eyes and a fist waving towards the ancient wind.

Only by listening to the faint whistling sound of Long Yan's fist waving, the ancient wind knew that Long Yan was definitely playing with him.

"Wow With a strange cry of the ancient wind, he hurriedly hid to the side, "Long Yan, you are really, you can't even play a joke Ah... "

Long Yan hit him hard in the face.

Long Yan resented Gu Feng's words, but he didn't leave a finger in his fist, which directly made Gu Feng's eye look miserable.The ancient style was a little bit affected by it. At this time, there was such a dark circle in his eyes, which was unexpected. It did not affect his appearance, but made him more pitiful.

Feng couldn't help but feel happy when she saw the situation. She put all her thoughts behind her mind for the time being. Facing the ancient wind, she was merciless and sneering at her Oh, if that cloud crane sees you now, believe me, even if it pursues to the ends of the earth, I'm afraid she will never let you go... "

The old wind shuddered at the words.

He said to Feng with a bitter face: "Auntie, please forgive me. I feel bitter when I hear the words" thousand magic clouds and cranes. "

"Hum!" Feng to cold hum a, "who let you have nothing to provoke Long Yan? If you want to talk nonsense again, I don't mind letting Long Yan beat you into a national treasure

"National treasure?" The ancient wind repeated it, and then some curiosity, "Fengzhi, what is the national treasure?"

Feng Zhi's eyes stopped for a moment on the black circles of the ancient style's eyes and said with a sneer: "national treasure, it's panda..."

The ancient custom has a question again, "what is a panda?"

"Panda..." Fengzhi said in a meaningful way, "panda is a kind of cute thing with two black eyes..."

Gufeng then shut up and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

He doesn't want to be beaten up like a panda.

With such a gag of the ancient style, it's all gone. The dignified atmosphere before Feng came out of the pass. The first day of Fenglai's exit from the pass came to an end after a hearty battle.

In the next few days, Fenglai is just like in the market, constantly fighting with people.

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