"Master..." Feng Lai's attitude was excellent, and said, "I and bao'er are also two lovers. The love of the two elders is very famous in the fairyland. I think the two elders can understand me and bao'er better."

Before he had finished speaking, he was interrupted again.

Crane to stare at the Phoenix, "Stinky boy, if you dare to say more, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xianhelai's temper has never been good. If he really beats Feng Lai blindly, it's not impossible.

Feng Lai certainly didn't shut up.

If he shut up like this, how can he bring back the beauty?

He then said, "master, younger generation is indeed..."

After a while, Chu Xuanji suddenly waved his hand in this direction. The next moment, Fenglai found that she could not make any sound again.


Seeing that Chu Xuanji solved Fenglai as soon as he did, xianhelai looked quite proud. He looked at xianbao'er and was about to say something more. When his eyes fell on the face of one of Feng Zhi's party, he suddenly stopped.

The man

The crane's eyes showed some reflection.

Feng Zhi and others also noticed something wrong.

Following the crane's sight, we found that it was not others who attracted the crane's attention, but the ancient style.

This is a little strange.

Even for Fenglai, who wants to rob his daughter, xianhelai has never been so focused. How can he care so much when he sees the ancient style that should not have anything to do with it?

Don't say Phoenix to a few people, even xianbao'er can't help asking, "Dad, do you know him?"

At the same time, xianbao'er reaches out and points to the ancient style.

The old wind repeatedly shook his head and denied, "baby, I have never been here before, and I have no honor to meet my predecessors..."

While Gufeng was talking, the crane's eyes did not move away. Until Gufeng finished speaking, he slowly shook his head. "I don't know. I think this little friend has a good face. It seems that he has seen it before..."

Gu Feng then laughed very shyly, "the elder must be wrong. If I could get to know you earlier, it would be a great honor for the younger generation."

The crane didn't say anything more. It seems that he acquiesced in the ancient style and thought that he had recognized the wrong person himself.


Feng to slightly squint eyes.

She always felt that it was not the way the crane came.

What seems to be a secret?

And Gu Feng, as she thought earlier, has something fishy.

So, what is it?

If Gufeng is really a person who even knows the crane, then he deliberately appears around himself and others, and even does not hesitate to take such things as the inheritance of the divine arrow and the heavenly king as an exchange. What is his purpose?

Feng to began to think of herself and others from the fairyland after everyone knew, but no matter how she thought, when they were connected with such a person.

It is not easy for anyone to give up the inheritance of the divine arrow emperor.


There's another one.

Feng to suddenly think of the last time in the shooting moon Zong, not officially met, just with God "see" to see the Si Hao.

As the son of the emperor, if Si Hao is the son of the emperor, maybe he can really ignore the inheritance of the divine arrow emperor.

However, Feng Zhi takes Si Hao and Gu Feng together and compares them carefully, and finally comes to a conclusion that these two people are definitely not the same person.

Immortals have all kinds of magical means, even if they change their faces, it is not uncommon. However, no matter how they change their faces, there are always some personal characteristics that can not be changed.

It's like divinity.

On the day of Fengzhi's arrival, he had collided with Si Hao with his divine sense. Therefore, he still remembered the characteristics of Si Hao's divine consciousness, which was not similar to the ancient style in front of him.

Think of here, Feng to then suddenly put down the heart.

She felt that she had made a suspicious illness, regardless of whether Gu Feng had ulterior motives in his team. Even if he had ulterior motives, she regarded people as Si Hao, which was a bit too far fetched.

Since it is not Si Hao, then she just needs to pay attention to this person all the time, and don't let him do anything that will harm himself and others.

Feng Zhi thinks so.

Let's talk about Xianhe and Chu Xuanji.

Since seeing the ancient style, xianhelai has been silent for a while. He looks at Chu Xuanji. He suddenly changes his attitude. He was so upset with Fenglai that he would like to drive away the stinky boy who dared to rob his daughter. But now he only snorts at Fenglai, then turns around with cold face and only leaves one sentence Don't you keep up? "

Feng Zhi and others were all stunned.Especially Fenglai.

He had thought that this time he would have to eat some food and look at his face to coax his father-in-law and his mother-in-law. How could he have thought that the crane would come, but suddenly he changed his attitude?

Although I don't know what xianhelai thinks, it's always a good thing for Fenglai.

He then aimed at the back of the crane and then "Alas", and happily followed up with xianbao'er.

Feng turned her eyes at Feng.

Sure enough, I forgot my younger sister and younger brother when I had my daughter-in-law. Look at Feng Lai's silly appearance, how can I have a little cold at ordinary times?

So a group of people followed the crane to the Fangshan.

As the treasure of xianshizong, xianbao'er came back from a trip, and the news of a man's coming back had already spread to the whole xianshizong as early as Fengzhi and others set foot on Fangshan.

As a result, when people went up the mountain, it was not uncommon for the disciples of xianshizong to peep in the dark. All these people wanted to see who was the warrior who dared to rob xianbao'er under xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. As they watched, their eyes showed their admiration for Fenglai.

As the disciples of xianshizong, how can these people not know how much xianhelai and Chu Xuanji value xianbao'er? Because of this, there are so many disciples of xianshizong, but no one dares to make an idea of xianbao'er.

Have such a pair of father-in-law mother-in-law, anyone will be afraid, OK?

But now, finally, there is a real warrior, how can we not let the disciples of the immortal food sect be curious?

They even made a bet on how long Fenglai could stay on Fangshan Mountain before the crane would blow her down the mountain. Because they didn't like Fenglai, most people would bet on the option of "a quarter of an hour".

If Feng, who was called a "real warrior" by the disciples of xianshizong, knew this, he would feel sad and indignant?

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