The crane came and nodded.

If he was asked to guess, Fenglai, Longyan and Gufeng would guess Fengzhi, probably out of some intuition.


As soon as the crane came, he frowned again, "Xuanji, if our treasure's robber is really one of them, that smelly boy named Fenglai..."

Speaking of later, the crane's eyebrows twisted deeper and deeper, only to be tied into a knot.

If Fengzhi is the robber of xianbao'er, xianhelai will have to restrain Fenglai, who dares to play his daughter's idea.

Otherwise, who knows if Feng Zhi will bear a grudge for it?

For the sake of xianbao'er, the crane has to think about it.

Chu Xuanji looked at the crane and said, "come on, no matter how much we pamper bao'er, we can't protect bao'er all our life. Now that bao'er has someone to like, as long as the Phoenix is sincere to us, you can take it easy!"

The crane snorted in defiance.

No way, as a daughter slave, how can you have any good feelings for those stinky boys who want to make their daughter's ideas?

However, xianhelai also had to admit that Chu Xuanji was right.

He and Chu Xuanji are both powerful and have a long life. However, as long as they do not reach the level of longevity and Tianqi, their life span is always limited. It is impossible to protect xianbao'er behind them all their lives as before.

When they are gone, xianbao'er always needs a person to accompany her.

Having been in love with Chu Xuanji for so many years, it is clear that the crane is lucky to have such a heart to heart love.

Therefore, if xianbao'er finds such a person now, how can they be parents, even if they can't give up their daughter, how can they want to separate them?

Xianhelai's previous dislike of Fenglai is not because he really dislikes Fenglai. He just doesn't want her daughter raised by herself to be someone else's, so she wants to embarrass Feng.

Thinking of this, the crane could not help but snort.

Chu Xuanji smiles. Although the crane didn't say it clearly, how could she not know that the crane came by default?

Sure enough, after a while, the crane sighed and said, "Xuanji, it's good to have you..."

Then, the couple looked at each other and laughed at each other.


When Xianhe comes to talk to Chu Xuanji, Feng Zhi and his party are led to the guest room prepared for them.

Because of Chu Xuanji's reaction, xianbao'er, who led Fengzhi and others to the guest room, was obviously a little dispirited. He did not introduce the scenery along the way for Fengzhi and others like before he went up the mountain.

Seeing that they were all outside the guest room, xianbao'er suddenly said, "Sister Feng Zhi, my mother Did I spit out blood

Her distress could be heard in her voice.

However, Feng Zhi did not hear regret.

Obviously, up to now, even if Chu Xuanji's spitting blood is attributed to himself, xianbao'er still has no regrets about his acquaintance with Fenglai.

Feng couldn't help nodding secretly.

Xianbao'er can be so, it is enough to see that she is serious about her relationship with Feng.

Smiling and shaking his head, Feng Zhi reached out and patted on xianbao'er's head. "Don't think about it any more. Your mother is a strong ruler. If you are so easily pissed off by anger, it's too shameful to be called the emperor."

Although I'm not sure if Fengzhi said this because of comforting herself, xianbao'er still felt much relieved when she got the words.

When Feng Zhi saw her like this, she couldn't help laughing and said, "honey, you still call me" Sister Feng Zhi ". When the matter of your coming with Feng is settled, I should call your sister-in-law..."

Hearing Feng Zhi's teasing, xianbao'er suppressed all her worries about Chu Xuanji and turned red.

This is a shy girl.

Feng Zhi thinks so.

If she changed herself, no matter how she was teased, I'm afraid there would be no color change.

Speaking Kung Fu, people have been outside the guest room.

Xianbao'er arranged accommodation for the people. Worried about Chu Xuanji's injury, he left in a hurry.

The rest of the people did not rush back to the room to rest, but gathered together to talk to the room of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Looking at Feng Lai, she changed her calm look again. Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows and said, "Feng Lai, you are calm now. Why don't you worry that your future father-in-law and mother-in-law are not satisfied with you and hinder you and bao'er's together?"

Previously, Feng Lai was nervous in front of the crane, but Feng had never seen it for more than a thousand years.

From this, we can see how important xianbao'er is in Fenglai's heart.When Feng came, he really calmed down. Listening to Feng Zhi's saying, he said with a faint smile, "I didn't learn from you. I'm so excellent. If bao'er's parents can't look up to me, what kind of person can they like to be a son-in-law?"

Feng couldn't help whistling.

"Have confidence!" Feng Zhi Dao.

The Phoenix came to laugh without saying a word.

He was not a man who would be worried about his gains and losses. In front of xianhelai and Chu Xuanji, he was eager to show himself. He didn't want xianbao'er to be caught between himself and her parents, which made him lose his normal mind. Now, with such a period of time, he can calm down again.

After chatting for a while, they went back to their rooms to have a rest.

Feng Zhi originally thought that Feng Lai wanted to hold the beauty home, but he was afraid that it would take some time to grind.

After all, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji didn't like the existence of Fenglai because of their relationship with xianbao'er. They were hurt and vomited blood when they were divining for Fengzhi and others. Maybe they have a worse impression on Fenglai.

How could you imagine that the next day, when xianbao'er led him to meet Xianhe and Chu Xuanji, everyone could clearly notice that, however, the attitude of xianhelai towards Fenglai had changed greatly.

It can't be said that he accepted the existence of Feng Lai all at once, but at least when he saw Feng Lai, he didn't pick his nose and eye as he did yesterday.

It depends

It seems to be the acquiescence of the relationship between Fenglai and xianbao'er.

What's going on?

Feng Zhi thought it was quite strange.

It's not that she doesn't like Feng to marry xianbao'er more easily, but that the attitude of xianhelai changes too quickly. When they all think that Fenglai will have to spend a lot of trouble to get her back, the crane has softened her attitude to this mountain?

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