Although she didn't mean to practice, she didn't mean to.

Phoenix to see the situation can not help raising eyebrows.

After years of getting along with each other, she had a good understanding of the temperament of xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu. These two people were definitely not timid people. Now, after hearing the words "Chatian gorge", they all agreed that it was too dangerous and did not agree with people going there. Therefore, it can be seen that the Chatian gorge is really extremely dangerous.

The ancient custom agrees with the danger of the rift valley.

However, the hesitation of xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu made him not take it seriously It's really dangerous, but it's not enough to make people talk about it. All of us are good at talent. What we need most now is to hone ourselves with danger. Undoubtedly, it's such a good place to hone ourselves. In this case, it's just dangerous. How can we be afraid of it? "

Practice red jade smell speech, tightly twist eyebrows.

Among the people, Lian Hongyu no doubt seldom spoke, but at this time she also felt that the ancient style proposal was a bit rash.

"It's right to temper your own ideas, but the rift valley is not a suitable place. The danger there is obviously more than honing yourself!" Practice the path of ruby.

The old wind wrung his brow, "how can we achieve the goal of tempering ourselves without experiencing danger? Strength can never be improved steadily! "

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu tightly closed their lips.

Both of them did not argue with the ancient style any more, but looked at Feng Zhi.

They all know that in this team, the real master is Fengzhi. As long as Fengzhi doesn't agree, the ancient custom is of no use in breaking the sky.


To the disappointment of xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu, Fengzhi didn't stand on their side this time.

Seeing that everyone was looking at herself, she was obviously waiting for her own decision. Feng Zhi blinked and suddenly said with a smile: "crack sky gorge, just listen to this name, it must be a wonderful place. People want to have a good look at this place..."

Xianbao'er was very anxious when he heard it, "Feng Zhi elder sister, but..."

Feng Zhi winked at xianbao'er. "It's nothing. The ancient wind is right. All of us need to hone ourselves and improve our strength. After all, if Fenglai's strength has not been improved, your father and mother will not nod and agree with you to be immortal partners!"

Obviously, I'm joking with Xianbao.

Xianbao'er originally wanted to say something, but Feng Zhi made fun of it and forgot what she wanted to say.

Lian Hongyu takes a look at xianbao'er, then looks at Fengzhi, and then her eyes flash a little thoughtful, but there is really no more persuasion. It seems that she acquiesces to Fengzhi's decision.

As for Long Yan and Feng Lai and Feng Ming, they have never had any opinions on Fengzhi's decision, so they have not spoken at all.

Seeing that all the people were no longer against it, Gu Feng then said with a smile: "it's still the Phoenix who has the courage. I've been to the Shatian gorge once. Although it's really dangerous there, if we can survive there, our strength will be greatly improved, which is much faster than trying to find other ways to improve our real strength."

Fengzhi four people did not understand the situation of the rift valley, so they did not have any other reaction.

But Xianbao is different.

There is a father and mother of Tianjun. Although xianbao'er has never been to the cleft sky gorge, she knows a lot about it from xianhelai and Chu Xuanji.

With the strength shown by the ancient style today, it is absolutely impossible to escape safely if you really enter the rift valley.


That is, xianbao'er is simple in nature, and at this time, he is more or less aware of something wrong.

However, although she felt something was wrong, she couldn't find out what was wrong with the ancient style. She moved her mouth and did not say anything to Fengzhi.

Feng then said, "well, since everyone doesn't object, it's decided. Our next destination is the Chatian gorge. Since it's so dangerous, everyone of us should get up early. Don't go all the way there. In the end, we didn't reach the goal of tempering ourselves. Instead, we should stay there forever..."

Speaking of later, Feng Zhi is quite meaningful.

When they heard this, they were all awe stricken.

After saying that, seeing that everyone listened to their own words, Feng Zhicai looked at the ancient wind again, "since the destination has been determined, and you have been to the Shatian gorge before, the task of leading the way will be given to you."

The spirit of the ancient style was inspired, and then nodded.

So it was settled.

Next, they started the journey to the Chatian gorge.

It's not only a hundred thousand miles away from Fangshan, but also at the speed of zuofengzhi and others. You can't catch up with it without a year's effort. For such a long time, you can't keep your head on the road. Therefore, on the road, three people who have a certain understanding of the valley, Gufeng, xianbao'er, and Lian Hongyu, popularize the situation of Shatian gorge to Fengzhi four people.Chatian gorge.

This is indeed a name that makes people feel a bit domineering. In fact, the real crack sky Canyon is more aggressive than its name. I don't know how much.

The rift valley is in the south of fairyland.

It is said that a long time ago, the place where the Chatian gorge is located was originally a boundless wasteland. There were many powerful immortal beasts living on the wasteland, and even once became the forbidden area of immortals.

Then suddenly one day, there were countless boulders falling from the sky. The boulders were carrying the force of the great force, which directly led to the death and injury of many immortal beasts living in the wasteland.

Because this piece of wasteland was originally the forbidden area of the immortal, so the situation here was known to the immortal after a long time.

It is impossible for the immortals in the fairyland to ignore such a sudden change on the wasteland.

As a result, several powerful emperors entered the wasteland and wanted to find out the cause of the accident.

This time, a few of the emperor strong can not help but be shocked.

Because they found that in the middle of the original boundless wasteland, they did not know when there was an invisible crack, which directly separated the wasteland into two parts.

That crack is now the Chatian gorge.

Suddenly there was such a crack in the wasteland, and it was impossible for those powerful emperors not to check it out, so they went down to the crack.

It is also the trip of several powerful heavenly kings that makes the name of Chatian gorge famous throughout the fairyland.

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