The small flame in Feng Zhi's hand suddenly turned into a big ball of fire, and the fire light also spread out in an instant. Because the process was too fast, the darkness was quickly forced back, and the things that had been hidden in the dark had no time to avoid the sudden light from the fire, so they were exposed in the public's sight.


Even Feng Zhi couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

I saw, in the place where the fire was shining, there were dense and unclear numbers of things that looked like enlarged leeches.

This is the blood leech.

Blood leeches are wriggling their slimy bodies. It is clear that they have no face. But through their wriggling, people can clearly feel their desire for blood in their bodies.


They are afraid of the fireball thrown into the air.

Seeing such a scene, all the people felt only a burst of uncontrollable nausea rushed to the throat. If they had not seen the big scene, they might have vomited.

At that moment, the blood leeches retreated at a very fast speed, until they retreated into the darkness that could not be illuminated by the fire. At last, the continuous "hissing" sound finally stopped.

Silence was restored all around.

People's eyes fell into the distance of the dark, there was no previous scalp numbing sound, surrounding quiet as if everything was ok, but after seeing the scene just now, how can people think so?

"That, that, those..."

Xianbao'er's voice trembled.

Although xianhelai and Chu Xuanji were both adored and protected from childhood, xianbao'er's personality was a little bit delicate, but she was definitely not a coward. Under such circumstances, she was frightened by these blood leeches. Thus, it can be seen that what kind of fright was brought to her by the scene I saw earlier.

Among the people, it is probably not the first time to see this kind of ancient custom, and there is no fluctuation in their hearts.

Hearing xianbao'er's stuttering voice, the ancient wind was very considerate and kind enough to complete xianbao'er's words, "yes, those are the blood leeches that Lian Xianjun pulled off his horse as I said before. How about it? Isn't it very spectacular

Even if it is in fear, people still can't help but look at the ancient style.


Is this how the word is used?

Feng Zhi took another look at the ancient style.

Her feeling is not wrong. Since she went down to the bottom of the rift valley, Gu Feng seems to have let go of herself, and she doesn't want to suppress himself at all.


Just wait for him to show his tail.

Feng Zhi thinks so.

and the ancient wind "spectacular" adjective, fairy treasure can not help Tucao: "antique, what is your fault, make complaints about those disgusting and terrible insects, you can also use the word" spectacular "to describe, like you are also one of them......

The old style suddenly blackened his face.

Feng Zhizhi couldn't help laughing. She waved and interrupted the retort that the ancient wind was about to export. "OK, OK, we don't have to discuss this kind of detail. Gufeng, where should we go next?"

Being interrupted by Fengzhi, Gu Feng forgot to fight with xianbao'er and said, "you Feng Zhi, your fireball is here. We don't have to worry about those blood leeches any more. Next, we're going to the east of Shatian gorge, where there is a secret..."

The tone of the ancient style is extremely mysterious.


People were really attracted by what he said.

Seeing that everyone was interested, Gu Feng then continued: "you all know, I used to come to the Shatian gorge. At that time, I was not as strong as I am now. Coming to the valley is almost as good as dying. In fact, I didn't want to come here myself, but I was chased and killed by my enemies all the way. When I was desperate, I bumped into it I didn't expect to get a way out of this, and the main reason why I was able to walk out of the Rift Valley safely was that I discovered this secret. "

When he said this, people were more interested.

If you put it in front of him and saw that people were so interested, the ancient wind would tell the secret without pause. But the ancient wind after entering the Shatian gorge was different from that before. Therefore, he not only didn't speak happily, but also winked at Fengzhi and said, "Fengzhi, do you want to know this secret?"

Feng Zhi picked her eyebrows.

She looked up and down the old style.

Although the ancient saying seems to be more common, but Fengzhi is from his words to hear some ambiguous.


If she doesn't feel wrong, is she being seduced by the old style?

Of course, Long Yan couldn't have been unaware of what Feng could have noticed. He was staring at the ancient wind with cold eyes, and the blue veins on his forehead were beating faintly. It was obvious that he was already at the limit of endurance. He might rush up and beat the ancient wind at any time.The ancient custom is like not paying attention to Long Yan's bad behavior, or paying attention to it but not paying attention to it.

In short, without the answer from Feng Zhi, he was so stubborn that he kept staring at Feng Zhi and refused to move his eyes.

Seeing Feng staring at by the ancient wind, Long Yan couldn't hold her breath.

If anything else, Longyan naturally won't care, but it's about Fengzhi. Moreover, the ancient custom clearly means to seduce Feng Zhi in front of his husband. It's strange if he can bear it.

The two fists were tightly clenched, and a golden dragon shadow appeared on the fist. Long Yanzheng was ready to move towards the ancient style. It was on the back of his hand that Fengzhi put his hand on the back of his hand.

Feng Zhi is here to stop Long Yan.

With eyes to pacify the next dragon Yan, Phoenix to the direction of the ancient style pulled the corner of the mouth, "you love to say not to say."

The black line at the end of the ancient style.

He coughed a little, but he chose to go on The last time I came to the cleft sky Canyon, I experienced a life of death. I was lucky not to die here at the beginning. Later, I accidentally fell into a crack in the ground, but unexpectedly found that there was a hole in the crevice... "

I don't know how the crack was formed. When the ancient wind first fell in, it thought that it was going to be hopeless. Later, it was unexpectedly found that at the bottom of the dark Chatian gorge, there was a faint light coming from the crack.

It is human instinct to yearn for light.

Therefore, even if Gu Feng was completely desperate at that time, he still could not help looking for the source of the light.

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