Although there was darkness around her, neither her eyes nor her divine sense could catch anything, but Feng Zhi's intuition told her that there was someone or something secretly not far away

Or not secretly, but with a wanton look at her.

The most alert to Feng is, even if only the eyes fall on their own body, let her feel great pressure.

It can be imagined that the owner of that vision must be more powerful than her.

However, there are also problems.

Since the owner of this vision has so much strength, it should be very easy to capture her or even take her life. However, since the accident happened, although the person or thing has been looking at her, there is no other action.

Even, Feng Zhi can feel some complexity from the eyes on her body.

It's a really weird feeling.

Feng Zhi has never been a person waiting to die. Even if she knows that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to her, she has no habit of waiting for other people or other things to announce her own results.

Instead, she volunteered.

"I know you are there. No matter what you are, why do you hide your head and tail since you are here?" Feng Zhi Dao.

As she spoke, she was still attentive to the movement around her.

She was met with silence.

This silence for a long time, Fengzhi thought that the person or thing would not pay attention to her, at this time, Fengzhi heard a very ethereal listening, which seems to hide countless sad and angry and bleak voice.

"Little girl, you are very keen..."

Feng to slightly relieved.

Although she couldn't see it, she could be sure that it was human beings, not other species, who were talking to her.

Well, the same species, it's always easier to communicate, isn't it?

Taking a breath gently, Feng Zhi paid close attention to the surroundings and said, "who are you and what do you want me to do here?"

After a long time, Feng to hear the response.

"Who am I? Hehe, time has passed so long that I have forgotten myself. As for the purpose of getting you here... "

At this point, the man had another pause.

What's more, I don't know if it's Feng Zhi's illusion. She always feels that when she talks about the second half of the sentence, her voice seems to contain many complex emotions, such as grief and anger, pain, unwillingness, despair


Just listening to the voice, Feng Zhi knew that he must be a man with a story.

However, Fengzhi now has no time to investigate what kind of wonderful story this person has. She just wants to leave here as soon as possible.

She didn't know whether the others had been moved to a strange place like her, or whether she was the only one who had encountered such a thing. However, she always separated from Long Yan and other people. Now the most important thing is to hurry back.

Otherwise, I don't know what Long Yan will worry about.

Thinking of Long Yan, Feng Zhi's eyes in the dark show a bit of softness.

And her such change, no doubt by the people who have not yet appeared in the eyes.

I don't know what kind of stimulation it was. Although there was some sadness and indignation in his voice, he could still keep calm and talk with Feng Zhi, but suddenly his voice was cold: "Oh, little girl, look at your sweet face, can't you think of your little lover outside?"

Feng to smell speech a twist eyebrow.

Even if she knew clearly that she was facing an enemy much higher than her own strength, Feng Zhi still couldn't help rectifying her way: "you are wrong, that's not my little lover, that's my husband."

Hearing this, the man then uttered another cold hum.

Obviously, Feng Zhi's words did not satisfy him.

"I can't see that you are a young girl with such outstanding talent, but you tied yourself up with a stinky boy early, just..."

At this point, the man's voice became colder.

"There is a saying in the world that husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they are flying separately in the face of disaster. Now you are as sweet as honey. You don't know what kind of choice you will make when you are in real danger?" The man seemed to be asking Feng Zhi, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

Feng to tightly twist eyebrows.

She had thought that she and this man must be hostile, since this person has brought her here, then they should talk less nonsense, roll up their sleeves and start a war.

But now, listening to that person's inexplicable words, Feng Zhi felt that she was probably involved in something inexplicable.

This man

Isn't it a fool?

Before Feng Zhi asked her question, she heard the voice of the man again: "little girl, give you a choice. If your choice can satisfy me, I will not embarrass you, otherwise HumThe cold meaning in the word "hum" clearly expresses the meaning of that person to Fengzhi.


Feng Zhi didn't have time to think down the two words. Suddenly, the light suddenly caught Feng Zhi's hand in front of her. When she put her hand down again, she saw that she was standing in front of her No, is floating a translucent, how to look like a Piao people.

This man looks like he is about thirty years old. He is wearing a very elegant blue dress. His appearance is beautiful and elegant. In short, if he is still alive, he must be a person who attracts the attention of the opposite sex.


Feng Zhi's eyes flashed a little thought.

Is her enemy a ghost?

At the same time, Feng Zhi was also a little surprised.

Previously, if this person could transfer her quietly to here, we can see that his strength is quite extraordinary. If such strength is only in the state of immortal spirit, then what strength should he be when he is still alive?

I think it should be someone at the same level as xianhelai and chuxuanji.

And how could such an elder deliberately embarrass her?

It's a really puzzling question.

Feng Zhi was also interested in this floating bird in front of her for a moment, so she said with great interest: "master, instead of scaring me, you'd better tell me what kind of choice you want me to make?"

In fact, the man was a little surprised by Feng Zhi's reaction, but then he thought of those things that were not so happy. He looked cold and snorted, "young generation, since you want to know, then I will help you

As soon as his voice fell, Feng felt a sudden change in his eyes.

Looking at the various scenes in front of her, her ear also sounded the voice of the previous man.

"You are a smart man. You should know what kind of choice I want to see..."

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