So, no matter when you have a background, you can take advantage of it.

Feng Zhi sighed with emotion.


Feng Zhi still has a question.

That is, the four people who entered the cleft sky gorge were all heavenly kings, and there was such a shameful thing behind them that they abandoned their companions to escape. I want to know that the three Caixia fairies would not tell what happened inside and how Xiao Xu fell to the outside world.

In this case, how did the ancient custom know about Xiao Xu?

If it wasn't for Xiao Xu's knowledge, how could the ancient wind take Feng Zhi and his party to the valley with such precision, and deliberately take away the empty spirit dew of the pool?

What's the purpose of antiquity?

He took such a great deal of trouble to bring Fengzhi and his party to the Chatian gorge. Could it be that he wanted Fengzhi to be tested by Xiaoxu?

Feng to feel that they have some can not see through the ancient style of this person.

"Do you know a man named Gu Feng?" she asked

With this, Feng Zhi raised her hand and used water ball to coagulate the appearance of ancient style.

Xiao Xu only looked at it, then shook his head: "since my body fell, the immortal soul has been staying in the Chatian gorge. There is no opportunity to go out. How can I get to know any younger generation? Little girl, you and your party are the first strangers I have seen for so many years. "

Phoenix to slightly coagulation.

In this way, archaism is lying.

She did not forget that the ancient wind told them that he had been to the cleft sky gorge, and inadvertently broke into the valley, so that he found those empty gods and dew.

But now, Xiao Xu said that his party was the first group of strangers he had seen for so many years.

There is no doubt that their statements are contrary.

Xiao Xu is a powerful emperor. If he wants to clean up Fengzhi today, he only needs to use his fingers. There is no need to make up such a lie to deceive Fengzhi.

Since Xiao Xu can't lie, it's natural that the ancient style didn't tell the truth.

Just as Feng Zhi thought about this, Xiao Xu gently frowned and thought for a long time, then said: "although I don't know this younger generation, I don't know what's going on. Looking at this boy, I always feel familiar with my eyes..."


Feng to slightly squint eyes.

Although she had known for a long time that there was something strange about Gu Feng, it was only at this time that she realized that there might be more eccentricities in Gu Feng than she thought.

When she was in Fangshan before, Fengzhi had heard from xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. They did not know the ancient style, but they also felt familiar with it.

If xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are just illusions, then Xiao Xu has the same feeling this time, and it can't be explained by illusion.

Ancient style

Who is it?

But after listening to Feng Zhi talking about the ancient style, and what he did, Xiao Xu was also lost in meditation.

For a long time, Xiao Xu said: "what happened in the Chatian gorge at the beginning is a secret for ordinary immortals, but some people know it very well except for some of us."

Listening to Xiao Xu, Feng immediately thought of a person.

"South emperor!" She said.

At the beginning, the Chatian gorge first appeared, and the four Xiao Xu people entered into it, but finally came out with one death and two injuries. All the people in the fairyland clearly saw the danger in the Chatian gorge.

Later, the southern emperor, who was still guarding the southern part of the fairyland, personally entered the rift valley and sealed up the most dangerous place inside. Only then could ordinary immortals enter the valley.

With the strength of the southern emperor, it is impossible to hide from his eyes what is in the rift valley.

Of course, it is the same with Xiao Xuzhi.


Maybe the ancient custom has something to do with the southern emperor?

Feng to subconsciously thought of the once met Si Hao.

At that time, she heard Si Hao say that she was interesting. She thought that Si Hao would do something to her and the people around her, but she didn't expect that after such a long time, Si Hao didn't even see a person.


Si Hao did not appear, but now think about it, the emergence of the ancient wind, is not in the Phoenix to a few people left after shooting the moon Zong?

This is a bit of a coincidence.

Can say that the ancient style and Si Hao are the same person, Fengzhi also some do not believe.

She is a very keen person. Gu Feng and Si Hao are not the same person. Even if Feng Zhi's feeling is wrong, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji have met Gu Feng and Si Hao. They just feel that Gu Feng is a little familiar.

Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji are powerful rulers, especially Chu Xuanji. If Gu Feng and Si Hao are the same person, they can't cheat them.So, what's going on here?

Around around, this matter went back to Si Hao there.

For a while, Feng Zhi's head was filled with question marks.

Without waiting for Feng Zhi to figure out the context of the matter, Xiao Xu said again: "little girl, I think you're OK. This time, I won't embarrass you. You'd better go back where you've come from. I don't have time to talk with you any more..."

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Zhi felt that her body was wrapped up in a gust of wind, and almost instantly rose into the air.

At the same time, the sky began to light up in a dim light, the light also vaguely formed the shape of a door.

Obviously, Xiao Xu is going to send Feng Zhi away.

When Feng Zhi felt dizzy and almost didn't get into the light door, he heard Xiao Xuna with a slight smile, but listening carefully seemed to have a voice of infinite melancholy.

"Little girl, for the sake of making me look good to you, I will always give you some farewell gift..."

At the same time, the Phoenix to the brow slightly cool.

The next moment, she found herself in the valley.

At the moment when Fengzhi's consciousness returned to the valley, in another space, Long Yan, who was also imprisoned, looked at the scenes in front of him. Finally, he hooked his lips, looked at the void around him, and said with some complacency: "you see, you lose, you want me to see the scene where I was abandoned by Fengzhi, but it's a pity that Fengzhi has always been It's not done... "

What responded to Long Yan was a burst of silence.

But even if it is silence, it is also called Long Yan Neng to feel the doubts and a little anger in the silence.

It's like wondering why the situation is different from what you expected, and angry that things don't go the way they think.

At this time, Long Yan again softened his voice and said, "I'm afraid You can't understand the feelings between me and Feng Zhi. "

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