Xianbao'er nodded without hesitation: "isn't it? The emperor who married Caixia fairy was named Xiao Xu. He was also famous in the fairyland at the beginning. However, before they had been married for thousands of years, the Chatian gorge appeared out of thin air. At that time, two of the four heavenly kings who first entered the chaxia gorge to explore were Caixia Fairy and Xiao Xu. One of the four heavenly kings died and two were injured, and the one who died was Xiao Xu, It is said that he will stay in the Chatian gorge for the sake of protecting the Caixia fairy, and it is because of Xiao Xu's protection that Caixia fairy can be free from injury... "

You know, the other two emperors, even if they saved one life, also hurt the foundation. It took at least thousands of years to finally recover the injuries.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy for Caixia fairy to come out of the Chatian gorge without any injury.

"After this trip to the Chatian gorge, the Caixia fairy lost her fairy companion, and she was so sad that she didn't appear in front of people for tens of thousands of years. Many people in the fairyland secretly praised the loving and righteous couple!"

Heard such a statement, Feng to the trace of a sneer.

She did not forget what Xiao Xu looked like, who had been in the valley for tens of thousands of years as an immortal.

But the reason why Xiao Xu has the evil taste behind, in the final analysis, is not all because of the betrayal of countless colorful fairies who pursue it?

It is clearly that she betrayed Xiao Xu, but the Caixia fairy still has the face to put on a kind of sentimental and righteous appearance, and is sad and sad for Xiao Xu. I really don't know how her face can be so thick.

After xianbao'er finished the previous words, he suddenly changed the subject.

"But..." She said, "the previous ones are all fairy tales. My parents and Xiao Xu and Caixia fairies had a meeting before. After hearing this, my parents did not agree with them."

Xianbao'er only knew that. As for other things, she asked xianhelai and Chu Xuanji to send her away only because children didn't need to know too much.

However, because of the attitude of Xianhe and Chu Xuanji, xianbao'er is not as highly respected as others.

Fengzhi raised her eyebrows again.

Sure enough, no matter how the fairies perform, there will always be people who can see the essence through the surface.

For example, Xianhe came to visit Chu Xuanji.

After saying this, xianbao'er said: "by the way, in the last hundred year grand ceremony of Qicai City, there was a faint spread of people. Tao is the next hundred year grand ceremony. Caixia fairy will reappear, and I don't know whether it is true or not."

Look at the appearance of those male immortals who beat chicken blood before, maybe it is true.

On the earth to see more brain powder, Feng to but know how crazy this creature, think about the performance of those male immortals, it is not strange.

Feng to the colorful city, and Caixia fairy, suddenly had some interest.

This is the most powerful playwright she met after she arrived in the fairyland. How can she not have a close look at it?

Just in time, the colorful city is still in the East.

As for Feng, she raised her eyebrows. "It's also a coincidence that the colorful city is just to the east of us. Why don't we go and join in the fun this time to see how the colorful fairy is

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are both surprised at their words.

Always feel that

Feng Zhi said this in a strange tone.

After two people looked Phoenix up and down, their faces showed clearly.

By the way, how can they forget that according to Fengzhi's appearance, Fengzhi can also stand up to the adjective "Fenghua Jue Dai". They all say that the same sex repels each other and mentions another gorgeous beauty in front of Fengzhi. Is it because of this that Fengzhi is not happy?

Both xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu feel that they have guessed the truth.

Although they didn't say it, Feng Zhi could guess what they were thinking at once, so she rolled her eyes at them and patted xianbao'er on the head, "OK, don't think about it."

Xianbao'er spat out her tongue at Feng.

In a word, the next destination was decided in this way.

Next, Feng to a group of people will be located in the eastern part of the fairyland colorful city to rush.

The Centennial ceremony of Qicai city is indeed worthy of the word "grand ceremony". More and more fairies have been encountered along the way of Fengzhi and others. At first, all the fairies they met were male fairies. Later, some female fairies could be seen.

It seems that Caixia fairy still has some female fans.

Fengzhi and his party started their journey from the south of the fairyland, which is located in the eastern part of the fairyland where the colorful city is located. Even for the immortals, it is a very long distance. Fortunately, there are still two years to go before the Centennial ceremony of Qicai City, and there is plenty of time for calculation. Fengzhi did not rush on the way. Along the way, he was leisurely and comfortable with other excited fairies It is a sharp contrast.It was not until the Centennial ceremony of Qicai city that Fengzhi and his party arrived at the colorful city.

At this time, the colorful city is as lively as the lunar new year. The fairies from all over the fairyland gather together to fill up the colorful city. Moreover, the faces of these fairies are full of excitement and expectation. Just looking at their expressions, Fengzhi can feel the heat from the bottom of my heart.

Although the Caixia fairy's character is not very good, the ability to absorb powder is really some extraordinary.

We should know that Caixia fairy was active in the fairyland tens of thousands of years ago. Except for a few of the fairies who came to qicaicheng at the same time, the rest of the fairies who were a little younger have never seen the face of Caixia fairy. At most, they have seen her appearance in some images recorded by Xuanguang.

Under such circumstances, she can also make so many immortals fascinated, which shows its charm.

It's just

Think of Xiao Xu, who is still in the Chatian gorge, Fengzhi can't have any good feeling for this colorful fairy.

There were too many people pouring into the colorful city. Fengzhi and his party arrived late, so there was no place for them to live in the city. There were three women among them. They were not willing to find a place to set up tents like other immortals. So Fengzhi simply waved his hand and decided to take them back to the cave when it was time to rest Come out and walk when you have a rest.

In this way, it is a perfect solution to the problem of living.

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