Obviously, Long Yan has the advantage.

Feng Zhi looked at her, and suddenly clapped her hands and said with a smile, "come on, Long Yan is the best. Beat her, beat her hard!"


Why does she want to kill?

And Long Yan did not fail Feng Zhi's encouragement. His hands pushed forward again, and the momentum of the nine golden dragons soared again. After shaking violently for a long time, the Tianyi, which was originally equal to the nine golden dragons, was still unable to resist. After a sound of "bang", he was driven to the sky.

Feng Zhi doesn't doubt the power of Mingxi's move, but no matter how powerful it is, as long as it doesn't hit people, it's useless?

See the Dragon Yan break Mingxi this move, Phoenix to send out a cheer.

This performance is no different from Long Yan's fan Mei.

Mingxi's face sank.

She thought that this time would not be different from many times before. She would easily take down Long Yan and turn him into one of the beautiful men she collected by relying on the characteristics of the red line.

But now

It's like a tornado.

Think of what she said before, and then compare the current situation, especially when her old opponent Mingruo is also watching, she notices her smile like expression. Mingxi only feels hot on her face.

The so-called anger from the heart, evil to the edge of the voice.

Originally, Mingxi was still in a playful mood, so although she didn't keep her hand, she still didn't use her Assassin's mace. But now she can't stand up in front of so many people. How can Mingxi have any reason to say for a moment?

Angry, bright face with frost, and then a hand forward, open palm is a small drop of crystal clear water.

The water drop looked like a small drop. It should have been unnoticed at all, but I don't know why. When Mingxi opened her hand, people's attention was focused on it.

Feng to slightly twist eyebrows.

She recalled the fairy world treasure book she had seen, and always felt that the little water drop was familiar.

But at the request of Mingxi, Xiao Xu, who was watching the war at the side, was slightly changed.

Mingruo, who knows most about Mingxi, also changes her face after seeing the little water drop in the palm of Mingxi's hand. She quickly comes to Mingxi's side, grabs Mingxi's sleeve and says in a cold voice, "Mingxi, are you crazy?"

Mingxi put away Mingruo's hand, "I'm crazy, I don't need you to manage it, and you're not qualified to say I'm crazy. Didn't you move the emperor's blood?"

It's as bright as a flash.

Mingxi is telling the truth, which makes her unable to refute.

However, it doesn't mean that Mingruo has nothing to say. She stepped back and put on the appearance that she would not stop Mingxi any more. Then she sneered: "well, I won't stop you. You can do whatever you want. However, I have to remind you that you don't forget the purpose of our coming out this time. If something goes wrong because of your selfishness, you know what the consequences will be Yes. "

Hearing this, Mingxi is stiff.

Obviously, the purpose of Ming ruo's coming out is very important, and it can't be lost at all.

Looking at the little water drop in her hand, Mingxi's face changed several times. In the end, she closed her hand and put it away.

"Good luck for you this time!" Mingxi finally said.

Feng Zhi was not happy to see it next to her. She picked her eyebrows at Mingxi: "Oh, who can't be so cruel? You can't find any excuse for yourself. No matter it's the blood of the emperor or other treasures, you can use it. If you say a word of fear, I'll lose it! "

It's not Feng Zhi's arrogance, but

She can see that Mingxi can't do it again, OK?

Sure enough, even if Feng Zhi is so provocative, but Mingxi is how ugly her face is, and she never means to continue to do it.

For a long time, Mingxi was excited by Fengzhi and couldn't suppress it. Then she looked at Feng Zhi and said, "Fengzhi, right, wait. When I see you next time, you are not your little lover!"

Feng to smell speech in the eyes of a cold.


She immediately raised her eyebrows, and a big smile appeared on her face: "Oh, it seems that this is the cruel words of the loser. In this case, I will satisfy you for a moment. Well, you are bored. People are so afraid that they almost fainted..."

Mingxi is angry.

She hasn't seen the strength of Fengzhi, but she can see the power of this mouth.

Since it is impossible to continue to fight today, in order not to call herself angry by Fengzhi, Mingxi only stares at Fengzhi fiercely, and intends not to take Fengzhi again.

Receiving Mingxi's glance, Fengzhi made a delicate look. She leaned her head against Long Yan's shoulder and said, "Long Yan, she's so terrible. She really scared me..."A little smile flashed in Long Yan's eyes, and he liked to see Feng to hate people.

Holding out his hand, long Yanzheng was about to take Fengzhi into his arms. When he saw Feng Zhi's whole body tilt, he just turned over to Long Yan's arms. If it wasn't for Long Yan's quick reaction, he would have caught her in time and had to fall to the ground like this.

Fenglai behind several people can not help but some helpless.

This Fengzhi is just acting against others. It's OK to act in a play. However, Fengzhi always exaggerates in her acting, for fear that others will not see that she is pretending to be the same.

But today

How can it be so lifelike, as if she really fainted.

Then, seeing the dramatic change of Longyan's face, Feng Lai and other talents realized that something was wrong.

Feng Zhi occasionally acts to meet people, but Long Yan is not the same. He usually plays with Feng Zhi, but he has never been as anxious as he is today.

When it comes to Fengzhi, Long Yan can never cheat.

So, Feng Zhi, is something really wrong?

Fenglai several people look at each other, and then immediately rush to Feng Zhi and Long Yan's side.

"Fengzhi, what's the matter with you?"

Feng Lai asked several people at the same time.

When they had finished speaking, they looked at the Phoenix who had fallen in the arms of the dragon.

At this time, Fengzhi's condition was not good at all. Not only was her face pale, but also the whole person looked extremely weak. When she fell quietly in Longyan's arms, if her breath was not quite symmetrical, I'm afraid that Fenglai's several people would doubt whether she was out of breath.

Having been with Fengzhi for so many years, Fengzhi has always been full of vitality in people's eyes. When have they seen Fengzhi so weak?

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