Feng Zhi, wake up, wake up

Long Yan held Feng Zhi's hand tightly, repeating such words in his heart over and over again, hoping that his sincerity would make Feng Zhi wake up quickly.

Because he was too focused, Long Yan couldn't hold any other people and things except Feng Zhi. Later, maybe because his mind had not been realized for a long time, Long Yan's whole person looked a little dull, especially his eyes were straight, and he didn't seem to have any charm.

"Not good!"

Xiao Xu, who has been by the side, has seen the State Road.

Then, Xiao Xu quickly came to Long Yan's side, put one hand on Long Yan's shoulder and drank softly: "wake up!"

His voice was not loud, but it was particularly penetrating. When these two words were passed into Long Yan's ears, he could not help shaking. His eyes, which had no focal length before, finally returned to normal state.

Looking back on the situation before, Long Yan also knew that if Xiao Xu hadn't reminded him in time, he might have lost his mind today.

Long Yan is not an ungrateful person. He clenches Feng Zhi's hand tightly. He nods to Xiao Xu and says sincerely, "thank you for your help..."

If there is no Xiao Xu, it is Long Yan who can finally adjust himself, but there will be some damage.

If in the ordinary also calculate, but now Fengzhi has an accident, if he has a thing, then Fengzhi again how?

With Long Yan's thanks, Xiao Xu was even flattered.

You know, since he appeared between Feng Zhi and his party, Long Yan has always had a bad face towards him, who is a tenant of Fengzhi Zhihai. He always looks at him with a cold face. Maybe he is used to being treated coldly. Now Long Yan thanks Xiao Xu in this way, which makes him feel that way.


The next moment, Xiao Xu felt his face was slapped.

Because, after thanking him, without any pause, Long Yan again set his eyes on Feng Zhi's body. He didn't even look at Xiao Xu any more, as if the previous thanks were just Xiao Xu's illusion.

Sure enough

In the eyes of Long Yan, only Fengzhi exists.

Xiao Xu puffed his lips.

Then, after thinking about it, he reminded him, "Long Yan, why don't you let me have a look at Fengzhi?"

Long Yan slowly turned his head and looked Xiao Xu up and down for a long time. Then he finally nodded.

Xiao Xu is a strong monarch and has lived for tens of thousands of years. He is more experienced than Long Yan. Long Yan can't see what happened to Fengzhi. But if Xiao Xu, what can he see?

Even if he nodded his head, Long Yan still did not leave Feng to his side, but gave way to Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu turned his eyes.

Look at his appearance. If people who don't know it, they will not think that they are here to help, but they will think that they want to rob Feng Zhi from Long Yan's hand?

However, looking at the expectation in Long Yan's eyes, Xiao Xu also shook his head secretly.

It's just that, not to mention that he still has to stay in Fengzhi's divine consciousness to exist. He is only aiming at Longyan's deep affection, but he will not shirk anything that can help.

Xiao Xu then came to Longyan's side, and then reached for Feng Zhi's wrist.

A wisp of immortal Qi enters Fengzhi's body from Xiao Xu's fingertip, and the wisp of immortal Qi gives Xiao Xu a complete feedback on the situation of Feng Zhi's body.

After a long time, Xiao xucai took back his hand with a slight surprise.

Long Yan immediately looked at Xiao Xu, "master, what's wrong with Feng Zhi?"

His tone is very urgent, even hidden in the middle of some uneasy fear.

Yes, fear.

If Long Yan had been injured, he would never have been in such a panic even if he encountered something terrible. But when the man who had an accident became Fengzhi

Long Yan felt fear out of control.

Xiao Xu once loved him. Of course, he knew what kind of mood Longyan was now. He didn't rush to speak. Instead, he looked at Longyan with a slightly soothing look, and then pondered for a while, saying, "the situation of Phoenix to now is somewhat special..."

After listening to Xiao Xu's words, it was determined that Fengzhi was not a big deal. Long Yancai finally put a heart down and waited for Xiao Xu's words.

Not only Longyan, but also Fenglai also responded.

Even Mingruo and Mingxi are all intently trying to listen to Xiao Xu's next words.

Xiao Xu also had some doubts in his eyes. He said: "just now I explored a wisp of immortal Qi into Fengzhi's body. I found that Fengzhi's body did not have any damage. The last injury has not been seriously affected. As long as you take a rest for a hundred years, you can completely recover to the original appearance. But strangely, there seems to be something in the Dantian area of Fengzhi We take nutrients from our bodies... "Xiao Xu also some can not describe that feeling.

There is something in Fengzhi's body to extract nutrients, but Xiao Xu can also feel that it is not harmful to Fengzhi, and it seems to have existed in Fengzhi's body for a long time.

According to Xiao Xu's inference, it may be that this thing is extracting nutrients from Fengzhi's body according to the previous habit, but Fengzhi has been injured recently. How much of his body has always been injured, and it is difficult to supply the nutrients for that thing in this way, so that he suddenly faints.

After saying this, Xiao Xu said again, "but you can rest assured that Feng is OK. After waking up, you can take more Tiancai Dibao from the body to replenish the vitality, and it will be OK."


Xiao Xu thought for a while, but he didn't ask.

In fact, he was very curious about what was in Fengzhi's body?

He was sure that it did no harm to Fengzhi, nor did it mean anything to the enemy. So, what is it?

However, thinking about Long Yan's previous appearance, Xiao Xu felt that even if he asked, Long Yan could not give an accurate answer. In this case, what else could he ask?

And listen to Xiao Xu under such a conclusion, Long Yan, and Fenglai several talents are finally relieved.

Although Fengzhi just fainted for a while, they all felt that the absence of Fengzhi in their team was just like the sea god needle in the sea.

Feng to nothing, that's great.

Long Yan's mood finally calmed down after a long time. He held Fengzhi in his arms again and patted Fengzhi's back gently, as if he were coaxing a sleeping child. At the same time, he did not forget to say thanks to Xiao: "thank you, master."

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