Feng Zhi found that since she passed out last time, Long Yan regarded her as a porcelain doll that could not be touched.

Feng Zhi, are you ok?

Fengzhi, don't do this. Let me do it!

Feng to, head still dizzy?

Fengzhi, this is a nourishing flower. Eat it!



This makes Feng Zhi a little distressed.

It's very nice to be taken care of by Long Yan, but she is so strong that she can fly a strange animal with one hand. How can we use Long Yan to treat her carefully?


It's rare to see such a worry about Long Yan. Feng Zhi thinks that she should bear with it.

This is probably a sweet pain.

For the distress of Fengzhi, Fenglai several people are all see in the eye, also not less in the heart secretly smile.

Who would have thought that a person who looked at the coldest place like Long Yan would be so frightened when he met Fengzhi that he would like to hold all the things in the fairyland to Feng Zhi's eyes and watch her eat?

But it is also like this, Fenglai and other talents see the importance of Fengzhi to Longyan.

Xianbao'er felt envious more than once.

As a woman, I would be satisfied to meet a person like Long Yan who treats himself wholeheartedly in her life.

Of course, xianbao'er is only envious of being lost, because she already has Fenglai. She thinks that if something happens to her, Fenglai will be like Longyan, right?

Well, it will!

Not only xianbao'er, but also practicing ruby, is not without envy.

Lian Hongyu is a disciple of the Wang family of utensils. Before meeting Feng Zhi and others, the most important thing in her life was to refine the utensils. She refined all kinds of materials into all kinds of immortal utensils. When she saw the shape of the immortal utensils, the satisfaction was what she had been pursuing.

However, after traveling with Fengzhi and others for so many years, she suddenly felt that she couldn't give up refining utensils, but there should be many other things in life.

For example, partner.

Love, for example.

After seeing the relationship between Fengzhi and Longyan, Fenglai and xianbao'er, she feels that if she doesn't meet such a person in the future, she would rather be with various kinds of immortal utensils, and would never easily become an immortal companion.

However, people like Longyan and Fenglai are easy to meet?

I don't know how to practice ruby.

OK, next, let's take a look at the daily life of Fengzhi and Longyan.

"Long Yan, don't worry. I'm fine." Feng Zhi Dao.

"Well." Long Yan light should a, and then take out a white look at some crystal clear fruit to Feng to the mouth, "come, eat a snow crystal fruit."

Snow crystal fruit, a kind of fairy fruit which is very beneficial to the immortal.

"Oh." Feng subconsciously opened her mouth and bit the fruit in her mouth.

When she finished eating the snow crystal fruit, Feng Zhi thought, ah, no, I didn't want to persuade Long Yan. How could I be stuffed with a fruit to replenish my body?

Feng Zhi then looked at Long Yan seriously again and stressed again, "Long Yan, I'm serious. I'm really OK. You don't have to stuff me like this. You believe me!"

Long Yan also nodded seriously: "well, I believe you."

There was a little soothing in the voice.

Feng blinked her eyes. That's right!

Long Yan was frightened by her dizziness, and Xiao Xu's words directly led to the later period of time when Long Yan collected a lot of fairy food, fairy fruits and other things, which were good for the health, so she fed them to Fengzhi.

Although the taste of these fairy food and fruit is pretty good, but the mouth has not stopped all day long, Fengzhi is also very helpless, OK?

The most important thing is that Feng Zhi thinks that Long Yan sees himself as too fragile.

Therefore, she had to persuade Long Yan to stop being so careful.

However, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw a small jade bottle in Long Yan's hand. The jade bottle was extremely exquisite, and its body was very thin. It could be seen that there was a little liquid in the jade bottle when facing the light.

"Fengzhi, drink some jade jelly." Long Yan handed the jade bottle to Feng Zhi's mouth.

The inertia formed in the past few days made Fengzhi open her mouth again and drink the jade jelly.

"Oh, no, I'm..." Realizing that she has been fed again, Feng Zhi still wants to struggle again.

While listening to Feng Zhi's words, Long Yan once again produced a few more fire lotus seeds in his hand, and fed them to Fengzhi with great ease.


She had never thought that one day she would be fed by Long Yan as an unknown baby.

However, after several attempts, he failed to convince Long Yan, and Feng Zhi gave up.

She's a baby, okay?As a matter of fact, Fengzhi knows why Longyan is like this. All this is due to Longyan's uneasiness. Therefore, he has been looking for all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures to supplement Feng Zhi's body, for fear that Fengzhi will suddenly fall down like before.

It is also because he knows Longyan's uneasiness that Fengzhi allows him to feed all the time.

Since you can't refuse

Then enjoy it!

Feng to in the heart so happy decision.

Under such circumstances, for a period of time, Fenglai and others were fed enough dog food. In the end, they got used to it. The dog food was full of their mouths and they could calm down completely.

It's a terrible thing to be used to.

Long Yan spared no effort to feed him for several months, until Xiao Xu checked again for Fengzhi, and confirmed that Feng's body was so good that he would not suddenly faint as before. Long Yancai finally put his heart down and put something in Fengzhi's mouth.

Feng was relieved.

She felt that she was a little over nourished during this period of time. If she was fed by Long Yan, maybe she would grow meat.

At this time, Long Yan suddenly looked at Fengzhi very seriously and said, "Fengzhi, promise me that you must let yourself be good even if it's for me in the future. Don't scare me like this again, OK?"

Feng Zhi was stunned slightly.

From Long Yan's eyes, she saw fear.

She always thought that things had been going on for so long, and there was nothing wrong with her, but it was good. Long Yan should have let go of her heart for a long time. But she didn't know until now that it was just her illusion. Since this time, Long Yan has never let go.

Without waiting for Feng Zhi's response, Long Yan gently held Feng Zhi's shoulder in his hands, and said, "Fengzhi, I'm afraid."

I'm afraid you'll have an accident.

Afraid of losing you.

I'm afraid there is no you in this world.

I'm afraid you left me alone.

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