A lot of things actually need to be planned.

For example, the East emperor, as early as his strength reached the peak of Tianjun, had a faint insight. If he wanted to achieve the power of emperor, he also needed some external forces in addition to his own efforts.

After spending a great deal of money to ask the Taishang elder of Tianji sect to make a divination, Dongfang Ming, who was not the emperor at that time, began to look for fairyland aborigines who met his requirements.

It's very difficult for an immortal to have an offspring, but the fairyland is so big that even if the probability is small, there are always immortals who can have their own children.

Therefore, the East emperor found Mingxi.

After that, there was Mingruo.

The reason why the East emperor tried his best to find Mingxi and Mingruo was that the supreme elder of tianjizong showed him a bright way.

Dongfang Ming's talent is enough, but the emperor is related to the celestial destiny after all. Although the talent is enough, Dongfang Ming's luck is a little poor. Without the help of external forces, it is very likely that he will never be able to cross the threshold from the emperor to the emperor even if he is poor and tries his best.

As long as it is an immortal, even if there is only a very weak possibility, I would like to do my best to become an emperor.

Dongfang Ming is naturally so.

The supreme elder of tianjizong suggested to him that he should find two little girls from the fairyland who can promote his Qi, and then borrow from them. In this way, Dongfang ming could go further.

After taking Mingxi and Mingruo back, more than 10000 years later, Dongfang Ming broke through smoothly and became one of the few remaining emperors in the fairyland.

However, Mingruo and Mingxi, who were borrowed by Dongfang Ming, were accepted as their adoptive daughters by Dongfang Ming, who became the emperor.

In fact, Mingruo and Mingxi are extremely gifted, but after being borrowed by the East emperor, they can't lose anything. Even if they have outstanding talents, no matter how hard they try to practice and exhaust their lives, they can only have the strength of the Immortal King, and they can never go further.

In other words, Dongfang Ming can become emperor, which is in exchange for the potential of Mingxi and Mingruo.

The East emperor was kind. He knew that he was sorry for Mingxi and Mingruo. Since he brought them out, he always tried his best to treat them well. After he became the emperor, he favored Mingxi and Mingruo like princesses.

Knowing that dongdijun had such two adoptive daughters, other fairies naturally looked at Mingxi and Mingruo differently.

It can be said that after Ming became the emperor, Mingxi and Mingruo were really princesses.


At the same time, there is no deep sisterhood between Mingxi and Mingruo. To say there is, it is only the level of plastic flower sisters.

Mingxi was found by the East emperor before Ming Ruo.

Although she was a native of the fairyland, Mingxi's life was not good. Her parents fell down one after another shortly after giving birth to her. At that time, Mingxi was still a real little girl. It can be imagined what such a little girl could live in such a place as fairyland.

Just when Mingxi thought she was going to see her parents, Dongfang Ming appeared.

He took Mingxi back and gave her meticulous care. This made Mingxi feel that she was the unique treasure in Dongfang Ming's heart, and let her fall all her yearning for her parents on Dongfang Ming.

If it goes on like this, Mingxi and Dongfang Ming will become a pair of intimate father and daughter.

But at this time, Dongfang Ming brought Mingruo back.

This makes Mingxi feel unacceptable.

She always thought that she was the unique daughter in Dongfang Ming's heart. However, Mingruo, who was brought back by Dongfang Ming, was also loved by Dongfang Ming. Now only half of her original complete love is left. How can Mingxi, who has been spoiled by Dongfang Ming for so long, accept it?

Therefore, from the day when Mingruo was brought back by Dongfang Ming, she became Mingruo's eyesore.

And then

Over the years, Mingruo and Mingxi have fallen in love and killed each other.

The reason why Mingruo was sent to the colorful city was that Dongfang Ming saw that the two people could not coexist peacefully, so he specially sent them to other ancestral gates so as not to kill each other at any time.

I have to say, because of the guilt in my heart, Dongfang Ming did his best to Mingruo and Mingxi.

At the same time of loving and killing each other, they have grown up together since childhood. Their understanding of each other is second only to their own. The sisterhood of plastic flowers makes them unable to watch each other suffer because of other people and things.

Like now.

Seeing Mingxi's appearance that she couldn't listen to anything, Mingruo stopped giving her face and said with a cold face: "you have a good eye. You've got a crush on Long Yan. However, they haven't seen you from the beginning to the end. Under the pressure of the emperor's blood, long Yan would rather have his legs broken than walk towards me, in order not to call Fengzhi Sad, what do you think will be different here? "Listen to Mingruo open his mouth to say in his mind, Mingxi's face is colder.

Since the last time I met Long Yan, Mingxi has always been unforgettable.

There are so many men who regard her as a goddess. Mingxi used to think that she couldn't stoop for any man. But after seeing Long Yan's deep love for Fengzhi, she always thinks that if Long Yan's eyes stay on her, if all his single-minded and affectionate are for her, how wonderful it would be?

Although the time is not long, but this has gradually become the obsession in Mingxi's heart.

Emotional things can't be explained. Some people can't get along with each other for ten thousand years without any spark, while some people just look at it for ten thousand years.

Mingxi is like a demon now.

Being sarcastic by Mingruo, Mingxi said coldly after a long time: "you don't need to care what I do, but I warn you, if you want to obstruct me when I do something, don't blame me for falling out with you!"

If bright immediately then gas does not hit a place.

She and Mingxi are plastic flower sisters. If she can remind her, it is already her kindness. Since Mingxi is ungrateful, she will not be hated again.


Mingruo finally said: "you should know that the reason why the emperor asked us to go there is because the emperor captured a trace of the future track. It is said that the two will soon become the existence of the emperor, and they are likely to appear there. What we want to do is to let us have a good relationship with them in advance, you..."

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