"Be careful!" Xiao Xu was shocked.

He thought that this was his former enemy. After knowing that he had come out of the Chatian gorge, he came to him for trouble. However, he didn't expect that this was not the case at all. This man was aiming at Fengzhi or Longyan.

Otherwise, how could he abandon Xiao Xu and go straight to Feng to Longyan?

Feng Zhi and Long Yan are both shocked, and then they are very tacit to avoid the side.

The big hand condensed from the darkness immediately changed its direction, gave up Fengzhi directly, and grabbed it toward Longyan.

Because the speed was too fast, Long Yan could not escape. He could only raise his hair and utter a dragon chant. Then he flashed a golden light all over his body. He punched the big hand which was different in size from his fist.


In the dark, Xiao Xu and Fengzhi only heard such a dull sound. Long Yan's fist with all his strength was like hitting cotton, which only brought about such a little movement, but failed to make any contribution at all.

Then, the big hand castrated will not reduce the Long Yan caught up.

"Long Yan!" Feng Zhi exclaimed.

The big hand didn't stop half a bit because of Feng Zhi's exclamation. Instead, he grasped Longyan cleanly and was about to retreat.

It was aimed at the dragon!

In a hurry, Feng Zhifei ran after the big hand. At the same time, the soft sword on his waist was completely hidden in the dark and stabbed at the big hand.

The big hand noticed the movement of Fengzhi. He originally wanted to wave it towards Fengzhi, but he didn't know why. He took it back before he took it out. Then he knocked it on the soft sword and disappeared in the night.

At this time, Xiao Xu's sword also arrived.

Xiao Xu's strength is much stronger than that of Fengzhi. The big hand does not ignore Xiao Xu's sword, but stretches out an index finger and focuses on Xiao Xu's sword.


After a sword scream, Xiao Xu's sword flies upside down. However, the big hand just pauses for a moment, and then speeds up again. Without giving Feng Zhi and Xiao Xu time to react, he disappears into the night with Long Yan.

"Long Yan!" Feng Zhi cried out again.

But in the end, she can only watch Long Yan disappear from her sight. What she sees is that Long Yan says two words to her in silence.

Wait for me.

The two sides couldn't even talk about fighting. They just fought like this. Because things happened so fast, until the big hand and Long Yan disappeared completely, Fenglai finally ran out of the tent.

Seeing Xiao Xu and Feng Zhi, Feng Lai's expression is also a coagulation: "Feng Zhi, what happened?"

Thinking of the two "Longyan" that Fengzhi had heard before, but did not see the figure of Longyan, Fenglai's heart leaped slightly and asked: "what's the matter What about Long Yan? "

Feng to take a deep breath, voice than that ten thousand years of ice even cold: "was caught."

Feng came to several people with a fright.

Under Xiao Xu's nose, someone actually captured Long Yan?

What's more, it's strange to catch Long Yan. No matter how you look at it, it's more normal to catch Feng Zhi and Long Yan?

From the Dragon

Feng Lai several people in the heart worry at the same time, but also thinking about who did this thing.

Fengzhi, as early as the moment Long Yan disappeared, she had a faint guess of who did it. Recently, they only met Mingruo and Mingxi. At that time, Mingxi looked at Longyan with an undisguised ambition to get it. Can she be sure that this matter has something to do with Mingxi?


Feng to secretly bite teeth.

Mingxi's strength can't compare with Fengzhi and Longyan. Of course, it's impossible for her to capture Longyan this time. I think it's a small one, but she doesn't have that ability, so she's going to do it?

Fengzhi knew that there must be some relationship between Mingruo and dongdijun, but Mingruo and Mingxi must have something to do with each other only from their names. Moreover, the little drop of water that Mingxi took out at that time was later said by Xiao Xu to be the spirit of water in Dongsheng lake.

Dongsheng lake is boundless and boundless. The water of Dongsheng lake can only condense into such a small drop of water spirit heart, which can be said to carry the power of the whole Dongsheng lake.

The value of such a treasure is not weaker than that of the emperor's blood in his hand.

In any way, Mingxi must have something to do with the East emperor.


Feng to youYou sighed: "it seems that we are going to go to the East Lake."

The residence of Dongfang Ming, the emperor of the East, is in the center of Dongsheng lake.

Xiao Xu took a look at Feng and didn't make a sound.

He originally wanted to say that it was the emperor, and he was one of the few powerful people in the fairyland. Not to mention Fengzhi, it was Xiao Xu himself. In front of the East emperor, he could only be regarded as a small mole ant that could be easily crushed to death. Fengzhi was absolutely impossible to get anything cheap from the East emperor.However, looking at Feng Zhi's resolute appearance that he couldn't change his mind, Xiao Xu knew that he was useless.

Xiao Xu also saw how deep the relationship between Fengzhi and Longyan was. Now that Longyan has been captured, it is absolutely impossible for Fengzhi to give up looking for Longyan.

Xiao Xu understood this as early as when Feng Zhi broke into Xiao Xu's fantasy.

Since he knew that persuasion was useless, Xiao Xu simply stopped talking.

That's it.

Since Feng Zhi must go to the East holy lake, he will sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

As a matter of fact, Xiao Xu also felt very strange about the previous events. He also wanted to know who did it this time.

Xiao Xu had been to Dongsheng lake before, and had seen dongdijun. In his eyes, dongdijun was a gentle and tolerant elder. Therefore, Xiao Xu was not worried about the safety of his party during his trip to Dongsheng lake.

The East emperor will not care more about Fengzhi.

On the contrary, if the matter is really related to the people under the East emperor, the East emperor will never indulge in it.

Therefore, Xiao Xuxian sighed and then said, "in this case, our next destination will be changed into Dongsheng lake. Fengzhi, when we arrive at Dongsheng lake, don't be impulsive."

Feng Zhi sneered and pulled her lips.


She's certainly not impulsive.

However, if she is told to find Long Yan and confirm that it is Ming Xi who is looking for the hand of Longyan, she will let Mingxi have a good taste of her means!

Feng Lai and Feng Ming know the most about Feng. Seeing her appearance, they can also guess what she is thinking, so they are all in a hurry.

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