If these people go to earth, they will use a mouthful of northeast accent to say "old fellow".

However, even if they don't say such a word that can fully express their feelings, just look at their eyes now, you can see what they think now.

Seeing this, Fengzhi not only didn't show mercy, but nodded: "Oh, yes, the so-called seeing through is not telling, OK, I won't say..."

All of you

You've said enough, OK?

They are not only under the feet of the dragon, but also want to step on the ground!

Is there any one like her?

With such anger in their hearts, where can these people keep their hands? Even if they all take out their own killer mace, the most obvious thing is that the green light on their heads becomes brighter.

Green light

Seeing this, people can't help but think of Feng Zhi's previous words.

If you want to live a good life, you have to take some green on your head.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha

For a moment, the spacious palace became a sea of joy.

Well, it's just for people from Feng to this side.

At this moment, the men's attack was already close to the bodies of Longyan and Fengzhi. Long Yan's face remained unchanged. He clenched his empty hand into a fist. Then he drew an arc in front of him, and then pushed it out.


A golden arc was pushed by the dragon to the men.

The golden light looked very weak and vulnerable. In a blink of an eye, it pressed down on the men, and then it was like a piece of golden film, directly facing the men.

The next moment, the men were tightly wrapped in the golden film, just like a bug in amber. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not escape the fate of being in prison.

Long Yan ended the battle with one to many.

From this, we can see how much progress Long Yan has made in the past ten years.

Mingxi looks silly.

She had thought that she had occupied the land and made peace with others, and that Mingbo was holding Xiao Xu. She could not escape from her hands in any case by virtue of Fengzhi and others.

But as a result, she guessed the beginning, but could not guess the end at all.

Looking at all the officials under the skirts wrapped in the golden film, Mingxi is biting her lower lip tightly. Instead of staring at Longyan, she stares at Feng, making her eyes seem to fall out.

Noticing Mingxi's stare, Feng blinked and sighed: "Oh, I really want to dig out her tricks..."

If it wasn't for Dongsheng palace, Fengzhi might have done so.


In the end, it is the emperor's residence, and Mingxi is the adoptive daughter of the East emperor. At least in this east holy palace, Fengzhi really doesn't dare to make mistakes.

So, just be patient for a while.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, Long Yan side looks at her: "not happy?"

Feng Zhi nodded her head and said pitifully, "yes, I'm not happy. I want Long Yan to hold him in his arms and hold him high."

Long Yan didn't have any reaction yet. Fengming couldn't help but smoke from the corner of his mouth.

Tut Tut, listening to Fengzhi say "holding hands and holding high" with this dreamy girl's voice, he always feels a little chilly in his heart. This is not the painting style of Fengzhi at all, OK?

Notice Feng Ming's reaction, Feng to a little warning to look at him.

Feng Ming then spread out his hands, well, he still did not speak much, or when Feng came out of the room, he did not have to deal with him.

Feng Zhi turns back and winks at Long Yan.

She thinks it's very novel now. Long Yan's memory is gone, and it's like a piece of white paper. She can draw on the paper at will. Think about how long Yan can be shaped by her in the future. She is excited just by what she thinks.

Long Yan has no memory of the past. However, he thinks that even before he lost his memory, he probably won't refuse to hear Feng Zhi's request, but will he try his best to satisfy her?

So, without considering it, Long Yan nodded.

Then, under the gaze of all the people, he slightly side of his body, and then lowered his head again, and printed a light kiss on Fengzhi's forehead. After the kiss, he beat Fengzhi to a princess, and finally lifted Fengzhi's body high.

In such a blink of an eye, Long Yan fulfilled the requirements of Feng Zhina's embracing and holding high.

After all this, Long Yan put Fengzhi down. No matter what other people think of them, he only looked at Fengzhi and asked seriously, "are you happy now?"

Feng to first nodded, and then shook his head: "happy a little, but not very happy."She looked at Long Yan and thought that he was more and more lovely.

Listening to Feng Zhi's words, Long Yan gives a slight pause. He turns his head and thinks carefully for a while, and then comes up with an idea.

His hands made a "pull" action, and a Golden Whip was pulled out by him. Then, Long Yan put the whip into Feng Zhi's hand and pointed to those Ming Xi ministers under the skirt who had been locked up by him with the golden film and could not get out. He said faintly, "I don't seem to remember who said it. If you beat someone when you are not happy, you will be happy You hit them. "

Hearing this, people's reactions were different.

Fengming and others were puffing at the corners of their mouths.

I don't remember who said it. Do you still need to ask? In addition to Fengzhi, no one can say this seriously.

As for the men who are struggling

They can't help but stare at Long Yan one by one. Hey, brother, are you serious?

They are not gyroscopes. They can be smoked at will. They also have self-respect, OK?

Feng Zhi and Long Yan are not people who care about these people's ideas. One handed the whip, the other took the whip in his hand with a smile, and happily adopted Long Yan's opinion.

Nodding, Feng Zhi said: "good, Long Yan, what you said is right, then I'll try it!"

At the same time, Feng Zhi raised his hand, and the Golden Whip made a crisp "pa" in the air. I don't know if they are dazzled. They all feel that even the air has been whipped by Fengzhi, which has created many ripples.

After trying such a whip, I felt that the handle was really good. Feng came to see the men who were shut up by the light film.

With a smile on his face, Feng's movements to his hands are never stopped, and raising his hand is a whip towards one of them.

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