Fengming first smiles at Longyan and then asks, "Longyan, do you still remember me?"

Long Yan shook his head.

Because we can see that the relationship between Fengming and Fengzhi is very close. Even if we don't know Fengming, Long Yan gives him a good look.

Seeing Long Yan shaking his head, Fengming first laughed twice, then suddenly looked at Long Yan with a wooden face: "I am your father, please kneel down and call Dad!"

Feng Lai couldn't help but cover her face with a hand.

He had a premonition that Fengming would probably die miserably.

Sure enough, the next moment, Fengming screamed.

It's the hand of Feng Zhichu.

One slap on the back of Fengming's head. The strength is so strong that she directly pats her head down and then twists her ears tightly for several times.

Fengming felt that the pain from his ears was unbearable. Knowing that Fengzhi was annoyed, he begged for mercy: "Fengzhi, I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Can't I? Let go. Let go. It's so painful!"

Feng Zhi didn't let go at the first time, but twisted it for a long time, until Fengming could hardly bear it, which was the mercy to let Fengming go.

"Do you dare to talk nonsense in the future?" Feng Zhi looks at Feng Ming with slanting eyes.

Feng Ming quickly shakes his head: "dare not, dare not."

He just watched Long Yan lose his memory and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make fun of him. Where did he think of it, he annoyed Feng Zhi.

If Feng Zhi had known that Feng Zhi would be angry, he would not have teased Long Yan by borrowing his courage.

"Well..." Fengzhi looked at Fengming for a while, "now I should know who Longyan is and who are you?"

Feng Ming said for the first time: "yes, he is my brother-in-law!"

Then he turned his head toward Long Yan and called loudly: "brother-in-law!"

Feng to this just lightly hum a, is to expose this matter in the past.

But Long Yan, hears the Feng Ming to shout out "brother-in-law", only feels all over comfortable.

After such a laugh, Feng Zhi and Long Yan both looked at Mingxi, who could not even move their fingers.

"What are you going to do with her?" Feng Zhi bowed her head and thought hard.

This is Dongsheng palace. Although Mingbo hasn't attacked her now, it's only because Fengzhi and Longyan haven't killed her. Otherwise, even if there is a suspicion of bullying the small, Mingbo will never watch Mingxi in danger.

Therefore, it is impossible to kill Mingxi directly.

At least, it's impossible in this east holy palace.


Feng to think about it, and in a short time straight smile at Mingxi.

She thought of a way to clean up Mingxi.

With a slight turn of the wrist, there was an old turtle in the palm of Fengzhi's hand, which was bigger than the washbasin. It was caught from the Dongsheng lake after arriving at the Dongsheng lake.

As the residence of the East emperor, Dongsheng lake may be contaminated with the breath of the emperor. The fish and shrimp in the whole Dongsheng lake are much better than other places in the fairyland, and many of them have opened up the wisdom and embarked on the road of cultivation.

This turtle has not opened its mind, but it has lived for at least a thousand years. It absorbs the spirit of the East holy lake every day. Naturally, it is not a common thing.

Feng to this thought, the old turtle stewed to everyone to make up, so conveniently threw into the space.


This old turtle has other functions.

All of them are trembling with laughter.

She always felt that Fengzhi must be holding back some big move, so she glared at Fengzhi and Longyan with fierce eyes, and she could hardly wish to tear them raw and eat meat.

Feng to can ignore from the failure of unwilling.

She put her hand on the heavy shell of the old turtle and stroked it. She said, "it's said that the king of thousands of years old and the turtle of 80000 years old, I don't know how old you are now. However, no matter how old you are, I'm afraid you haven't experienced the feeling of being a human being. Today, I'll let you be a good person, OK?"

The old turtle hasn't opened his mind yet. Of course, he can't answer Feng Zhi.

Therefore, Fengzhi should regard it as the default.

But Mingxi, only listening to Feng Zhi's saying, has already guessed what Feng Zhi wants to do. She then stares at a pair of eyes, and her eyes are almost staring out.

"Fengzhi, you..."

Fengzhi didn't want to hear Mingxi's shouting and swearing at this time. She reached out to Mingxi's stomach and gently touched it. Mingxi's all calls and curses stopped.

"That's what I'm talking about." Feng Zhi was very satisfied.

Then, her forefinger gently touched the top of the turtle's head.

It's strange to say that the old turtle was originally very timid. When he met with any wind and grass, he would shrink his head into its thick shell at the first time. But today, in Fengzhi's hands, it is not like this at all.

Or, it should be said that it dare not.Feng Zhi stroked the head of the old turtle, and then gently touched it with its forefinger, and then made a movement of pulling things from it.

Although her hands were empty, and it seemed that she did not extract anything from the head of the old turtle, none of the people present were fan fan's generation. Naturally, she could feel that Feng Zhi's seemingly empty hand was holding a very fragile spiritual consciousness.


It belongs to the spirit of this old turtle.

The so-called all things have spirit, even if the old turtle has not yet opened up the wisdom, this sentence is also true in it.


Looking at this scene, Feng Lai and others are confused.

What is Fengzhi doing here?

The next moment, they'll know.

After pulling out the old turtle's spiritual sense, Feng did not rush to move, but made a strong grasp in the direction of Mingxi.

In this way, people can see clearly that there is a translucent shadow on Feng Zhi's other hand, which is clearly the appearance of Mingxi.

Then, Feng Zhi again waved to the place where Mingxi and laobie were, and put the spirit of this man and turtle back again.

It's just that she changed their identities.

The old turtle's spiritual consciousness entered Mingxi's body, while Mingxi's spiritual consciousness went into laobie's body.

The old turtle has never been a human being. After entering Mingxi's body, he can't even control his balance. After moving his hands and feet, he has already fallen to the ground. The look of panic on his face is not much funny.

As for Mingxi

She also had no experience of being a turtle.

As a result, people saw an old turtle in the same place kept spinning, until at last, maybe Mingxi was dizzy and finally stopped.

Seeing such a scene, people are surprised at how Yu Fengzhi can think about it. At the same time, they can't help but smile.

It's really interesting, isn't it?

Of course, people don't know what old turtle thinks, but Mingxi certainly doesn't think so.

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