Xiao Xu can only think of such a possibility.

Otherwise, in the tens of thousands of years when he was trapped in the cleft sky gorge, there will be another amazing figure whose strength is much higher than him?

If there is such a person, Xiao Xu has left the rift valley for such a period of time, it is impossible that he has not heard any news.

After that, she fell into a quiet cave.

Phoenix to the first time will xianjiancao received space, and then back to Long Yan and other people together, but Fengming several people, but the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound, only carefully on guard.

Although, they are also clear, can hide even Xiao Xu can not detect the person, they even how to guard is useless.

In such silence, Feng Zhi was a little impatient.

No matter who is hiding in the dark, they can't keep fighting with that person all the time. Someone has to speak first, isn't it?

Feng Zhi chooses to be the voice person.

"Don't talk?" Feng raised her eyebrows, and then took out one of the xianjiancao plants which she had collected into the space, and pinched them in her hands at will. "If you don't come out any more, this plant of xianjiancao will be destroyed..."

With these words, Feng Zhi made a gesture and wanted to exert himself.

In addition to its rarity, xianjiancao is delicate and easy to be damaged. If someone gets xianjiancao, who is not holding it for fear of being damaged, and where does anyone say to destroy it like Fengzhi?

When long Yanfeng came to Fengming, the three of them would not have any doubt about Fengzhi's words. After hearing Fengzhi said this, they did not have any reaction, but xianbao'er. She especially knew the value of xianjiancao, so she was reluctant to speak at this time.

However, out of the trust of Fengzhi, xianbao'er didn't say anything.

And in the Phoenix to make momentum toward the Xianjian grass pinch up, Xiao Xu also clearly feel the wave of that person.

Sure enough, the man came to xianjiancao.

"I'm not a joker. When I count to three, if you don't show up, we'll have to compare whether it's you or I'll destroy the xianjiancao..."



Did not wait for the Phoenix to the mouth of the "three" count out, people will hear a sigh.

"Little friend, be merciful..."

When the voice dropped, I saw that in the cave, only ten meters away from Fengzhi and others, the normal air began to twist, and a figure gradually appeared in the public's sight.

Sure enough, someone!

Although this has been clear for a long time, it is also until this time that people really see this person show up, people really realize this point.

There is no way, who can let someone let the power of the emperor in front of Xiao Xu completely unable to detect, this matter is a little difficult for people to accept.

Xiao Xu originally thought that the man hiding in the dark should be one of his old talents, but after seeing the man clearly, his eyebrows tightened tightly.

Because he didn't know this man at all.


The man who appeared in Xiao Xu's eyes was obviously much younger than Xiao Xu thought.

Xiao Xu can feel that this man is as powerful as he is, but he doesn't recognize him at all.

Who is this?

Is there such a brilliant person who has made great achievements in the tens of thousands of years when he was trapped in the Rift Valley?

Xiao Xu didn't know what kind of feeling he felt in his heart.

Xiao Xu does not know this person, but Feng to several people saw this person but can not help but look slightly moved.

The man's long hair was tied up at will with a silver crown, and his face was as deep as a knife and chisel, especially a pair of eyes. Even if he only looked at people peacefully, it always gave people a sharp feeling, which made people feel that if he looked at people like this, his hair would stand up.

He was wearing a simple white robe without any unnecessary lines, a jade belt around his waist and boots of the same color.

And behind me

He is also wearing a very simple bow.

Because she was carried behind her back, Feng Zhi and others couldn't understand what the bow looked like.

However, those who had the strength to make Xiao Xudu bow down and used bow as weapons could only get one answer after several times in the fairyland.

That is

God's arrow roars!

There will be no one else but him.

This is a legend. Fengzhi and others, especially Fenglai, can't help but stare at the arrow whistling without blinking after guessing the identity of the person, as if they were looking at something strange.

Can't help, who let the God arrow Heavenly King fame is really too big?Of course, what's more important is that Fenglai among the people has also got the inheritance of arrow roar.

Before that, Fengzhi several people had thought about whether one day they could see the legend, but no matter how, they did not think that they would see the arrow roaring so early.

Is it not to say that arrow roar closed the door in order to seek a breakthrough, so he even left his inheritance in the sky fire forest, which caused many immortals to fight for it?

In this way, Fenglai entered the forest of sky fire and finally got the inheritance.

But this just passed not many years, the legend went to close the arrow roar, so the living appeared in front of the people.

Of course, arrow roar failed to break through. It only needs a glance to confirm. Although the emperor and the emperor are only one word apart, and even the realm is only separated by one layer, they are so different from each other. No matter how the emperor conceals his own breath, he also has a kind of awe inspiring dignity, but the emperor can't do it.

Now that Jianxiao is closed, we can see how determined he is to seek a breakthrough. It is said that there are only two results in the end. Either he can break through the pass successfully, or he can't break through, and he has to go out after being hit hard.

But now

Feng to a few people carefully looked at a time, but feel that these two may not be.

So, what happened when the arrow roared to death, so that he had to leave the customs ahead of time without breaking through?

But in the Phoenix to ponder these questions, the Phoenix looked to the arrow roaring eyes, but slowly more fanatical.

In the fairyland, however, no one who uses bows and arrows as weapons worships the roar of arrows, because the roar of arrows has almost reached the peak that people who use bows and arrows can reach.

Under such circumstances, how can people not follow his example and chase his steps all the way?

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