As for why to leave

They can all have vision, arrow roar and Qingying are now difficult to get together, there must be a lot of words to say, if they still stay here, it is not shining to a big lamp bubble son?

It's immoral to disturb the conversation between husband and wife!

This is what Fengzhi said.

For Feng Zhi's words, everyone gave a white eye.

Joke, Feng Zhi, is there anything moral and immoral about this person? How can people not believe it when they say this from her mouth?

When people talk and laugh, they arrive at Xiao Xu's residence.

Although Xiao Xu has a residence in the sky, he seldom lives here. He has been trapped in the Chatian gorge for tens of thousands of years, so his residence has not been taken care of for a long time.

Thanks to the dust-proof array in the residence, although tens of thousands of years have passed, the house is still clean and tidy as before.

He led the party to his house, which was similar to a thatched cottage. Xiao Xu said, "here you are. Don't be polite. You can enter at will."

With words, Xiao Xu himself when the advanced house, Phoenix to several people also followed.

Although Xiao Xu's residence looks like a thatched cottage, but in fact, because of the space array, the real space inside is just a thousand times larger than what it looks like on the outside.

Xiao Xu is still a little proud of this.

"You see, how low-key my residence looks. It's not like those who want to build their own residence like a palace. We call it, call it that. By the way, it's called low-key luxury!" Xiao Xudao.

That low-key luxury such description, or learn from Feng Zhi.

For Xiao Xu's de se, Feng Zhi's response is a white eye.

Xiao Xu, a group of people, settled down here temporarily.

The reason why they come to Xiaoxu is that they want to give Jianxiao and Qingying a space to live alone. We all know that it is impossible to stay here more.

Sure enough, also lived in Xiaoxu here for a few days, arrow Xiao and Qingying came to find Feng to several people.

Looking at the roar of arrows that reappeared in front of them, they could not help feeling the power of love.

Compared with before, the arrow roar now is undoubtedly a lot of spirit. If you look carefully, you can find that his original sharp eyes flash a little tenderness from time to time.

Tut tut

See Fengming several single dog goose bumps out.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that arrow scream could have changed so much.

Of course, arrow Xiao couldn't have noticed that people were looking at him, but he was in an unprecedented good mood these days, so he didn't care about people's gaze at all. He stood there magnanimously from the beginning to the end, not to mention his shyness.

But Qingying, these days, the medicine effect of Ning Hun pill has fully played a role, her soul body has been completely stabilized, if you don't use divine sense, just by naked eyes, you can't find out what difference she has with normal people.

Two people stand side by side, and smile at each other from time to time. Even if they are far away, you can see the pink bubbles constantly emerging between them.

Feng to arrow Xiao and Qingying two people looked at one eye, and then said with a smile: "arrow roar elder look for us what matter?"

Listening to Feng Zhi's question, Xiao Xu can't help but say in secret that the heart is really big.

Arrow Xiao owes Feng Zhi such a big favor, and changes other people. These days, I'm afraid that she has been thinking over and over about how to use this favor to achieve what purpose. She is not like Fengzhi. She is just like a normal person.


If you change a person, you can't refine the soul calming pill.

At this thought, Xiao Xu was relieved.

After Qingying gets better, Jianxiao is much softer. After hearing Fengzhi say this, he smiles and says: "Fengzhi, you have helped our husband and wife so much this time. A few days ago, I didn't have time to greet you. So today, I would like to invite you all to sit in the cold house..."

Feng Zhi and others of course did not refuse.

So, a group of people followed arrow roar and Qingying to arrow roar there.

Jianxiao and other people attach great importance to the arrival of Fengzhi and others. In order to entertain them, they took out the best Xianguo xianniang in their hands early. Most of them were not seen by the villagers who had just arrived in the fairyland for a long time.

Jianxiao is also intentional. The Xianguo xianniang he produced is not only extremely precious, but also of great benefit to the fairies at Fengzhi's stage, which can be said to be well considered.

For arrow roar and Qingying's enthusiasm, Fengzhi of course is according to the single all received.

As a result, this push cup for cup is extremely lively.

Just when Feng Zhi and several people are enjoying themselves with Xianguo xianniang, Jianxiao suddenly has a sharp look in his eyes, and then looks to a direction from his side.

And arrow roar a reaction, only slightly later than arrow roar, and Xiao Xu, followed by Qingying.After that, Fengzhi and Longyan felt something and looked in the same direction.


I saw a faint light whistling from the distance, but I didn't know what it was. It went straight through the border outside the house of Jianxiao and flew towards several people.

For a moment, the room suddenly from the original bustle to quiet, Feng to several people are more nervous.

The whole fairyland knows who the arrow roar is. If you know that this is the residence of arrow roar, there are still people who are so provocative. Isn't it obvious that they are looking for trouble?

If you can look for trouble with the roar of an arrow, you can imagine that you will not be a good person.

However, when Feng Zhi and his party were nervous, arrow Xiao suddenly put away the sharp light in his eyes, and his face showed some faint smile.

"You don't have to be nervous. You're not enemies." Arrow roars back to appease Feng to several people a word.

Feng Zhi nodded, and the party finally relaxed.

At the moment of speaking, the light had already flown in, and it seemed to recognize people. It was straight towards the arrow.

Arrow roar is not nervous, raised hand index finger and middle finger gently a clip, will that light clip in the fingertip.

What was wrapped in the light quivered between the fingers of the arrow, and a hum that seemed to be extremely cheerful.

Fengzhi several people fixed their eyes on it, and found that the thing wrapped in the light was nothing else. It was a tiny purple arrow, which was very small. If he only aimed at the small arrow's greasy strength in front of the roar of the arrow, Fengzhi could guess that the owner of the small arrow should be the roar of the arrow.

Sure enough, arrow Xiao took the arrow away and said, "this is the arrow Rune I sent out to preach the letter before..."

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