In the following period of time, it can be said that the outside of Yinxian peak is more lively than ever before.

Feng Zhi didn't do anything about the people who surrounded the Yinxian peak, but temporarily detained the injured ones. However, so many disciples lost contact with each other, so it was impossible for those small sects to react at all.

Jokes, the people who stay in the clan, they are still waiting for the news from the same door that they have won a great victory, and then rush to divide up yinxianfeng, OK?

However, before these people realized that something was wrong, they received the news from those who went to the five element sect, saying that they had already occupied yinxianfeng, and asked the elders of the sect to lead their disciples to yinxianfeng.

This can make a few small family members happy.

Oh, they have been thinking about yinxianfeng for many years. Now it's really hard to capture yinxianfeng. It's just a big wedding, OK?

With such a blessed place as yinxianfeng as the residence of the sect, their disciples' cultivation speed will be much faster than before, and their sect will be stronger and stronger day by day.

The Lords of several clans began to look forward to the future.

Their disciples have already occupied yinxianfeng. Of course, the clan should move to yinxianfeng. Therefore, the leaders of several sects led their own disciples and rushed to yinxianfeng without delay.

However, when the people of these small families finally arrived at yinxianfeng, they found that things were a little different from what they imagined

When she arrived at the top of the mountain, all the people who came to the top and the bottom of the mountain were the first to see them.

This is not the reason why the strength of Fengzhi is so strong that they can defeat 100 with one enemy, but because the strength of the people of these small families is really too weak.

As a matter of fact, these small clans are also some non mainstream sects. Considering the original Donglai sect, at least there is a patriarch of Daluo Jinxian. However, among these small sects, the most powerful one is not far away from the Dalao Jinxian.

In such a case, with the strength of Phoenix to a few people, it is easy to take them down.

Feng Zhi was also disappointed.

She thought there would be a big war, but in fact, she and Long Yan won these small clan people with overwhelming victory.

Feng thought in advance that she must use all kinds of means to dig some good things from the people of these sects, so as to fill the treasure house of the five element sect, which has nothing at present. But now, seeing that these people's strength is so poor, I want to know that they can't have any good things in their hands.

It's really

What a disappointment!

Feng Zhi thought it was boring.

The people of those small clans became prisoners, but none of them did not understand people. The leader of one of the small clans understood why Fengzhi was so apathetic.

If it was him, it would have to be the same.

That small clan is called Changsheng sect, and its name is very impressive, but there has never been an immortal who can live up to this name. The leader of Changsheng sect is Changsheng, but he has a name with Changsheng.

He looked at other people who were tied up like him and couldn't move. He thought that if he could satisfy Feng, he might suffer less than others.

This sense of happiness comes from comparison. As long as you can feel better than others, will you feel happy if you lose it?

Therefore, although tied to death, Chang Sheng still tries to move his body, just like a silkworm baby who is striving to be strong, he keeps moving to the Phoenix.

He has not yet attracted Feng Zhi's attention, but has first attracted the attention of shi'er.

"What are you doing?" Pick son that lovely small face to make a "I'm very fierce" expression, pointing to Chang Sheng bared teeth way, "do you have any wrong idea to our great lord?"

After saying this, Long Yan has already swept the past with a cold eye.

Chang Sheng shudders suddenly.

Long Yan's cold and merciless golden pupil looks at him like this. His heart and liver are trembling.

He has no doubt. If he really dares to nod this head, he is afraid that he doesn't need Feng Zhi. Long Yan can make him regret why he wants to fly.

Therefore, he shook his head crazily, while shaking his head, he strongly denied: "no, no, I don't dare to think so, I just want to talk with Well, said the great Lord

He opened his mouth and learned to call Feng Zhi Shi Er in the past.

But Long Yan, after staring at Chang Sheng for a long time, confirms that he really does not have the courage to do things, which is finally let him go.

Chang Sheng is relieved.

Feng felt a little funny at this time.

Great Lord.

As she rubbed her white chin, she looked at Changsheng and said, "do you think Am I really so great? "He is always in a daze.

How can this not play cards according to reason? At this time, Feng should not ask him what he wants to say to her?

However, Chang Sheng is not a fool to be the first to react to this situation. So he immediately nods his head and says: "yes, Lord, I think you are very great..."

A "patriarch" is just like he is also a member of the five element sect.

In fact, in saying these words, Chang Sheng also spits on himself in his heart.

What's more surprising to him is that there are only five crooked melons and split dates left in the five element sect. This patriarch, ah, bah, he is getting used to this saying. Who is the leader who suddenly appears?

Of course, although thinking about these things in his heart, on the surface, Chang Sheng still looks at Fengzhi with sincere eyes, hoping to impress Fengzhi with his sincere eyes.

Will Feng Zhi be moved by him?

Of course not.

It's not a good experience for Fengzhi to be complimented by people like Changsheng. She waved her hand to Changsheng and said, "OK, you don't have to put a high hat on me. Even if you say more good words, don't expect me to spare you. However, if your words are valuable enough to make you suffer less than others, it's nothing. So now you have something to say

Feng to this is a glance will often Sheng's mind to see.

After hearing Feng Zhi's remark, the Lords of the other small clans all responded to his evil intentions and raised their eyes to stare at him, and then to him!

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