Looking at the performance of several people in Cheng Sinian's eyes, Feng Zhi laughs unkindly.

It seems that their psychological endurance is not very good. It is really necessary to go through another special training. In order to make the effect of special training better, it is better to match the perfect tonic soup.

Well, that's the happy decision.

Cheng Sinian did not know that Fengzhi had already made such a decision in his heart, and he was still praying for Fengzhi's wish to be fulfilled.

Feng Zhi, however, said that she wanted to climb the ninety ninth floor of the ladder. Although she was more amusing, she was not totally careless.

The ninety ninth floor of the ladder

She did want to go up and have a good look.

It's a place that is claimed to be a real peerless genius, and none of the people who have been there are really great figures in the fairyland. It is impossible to say that Feng has no ambition.


Since we have this opportunity, we still have to work hard to get up and go.

When Feng Zhi thought of this, she looked at Longyan, which was opposite to Jin Tong's four eyes.

Long Yan pinched his hand and said, "Fengzhi, no matter where you want to go, I'll be by your side."

Even if it's the ninety ninth floor of the ladder that many talented people can't reach.

Feng Zhi nodded with a smile.

This decision is so understated.

Looking at pick up a few also bitter a face, Feng to funny, and suddenly elated.

"Children, cheer up for my Lord. I'm your great Lord. I want to know that nothing can stop me. Isn't it just the ninety-nine floor of the ladder, let alone the ninety-nine floor. Even if there are 100 floors, your great patriarch will eventually conquer it!"

"When the heavenly ladder is opened to the sky, it is also the name of our five element sect, and it is the day when it rings through the fairyland."

Feng Zhi's voice is not big, but I don't know why. Listening to this sentence in people's ears, there is always a kind of enlightening meaning.


Xiao Xu couldn't help but look up at the sky.

He is the emperor of heaven. He can easily detect every tiny change between heaven and earth. Just now, after Feng Zhi's sentence was finished, he was very sensitive to realize that there seemed to be a little vibration between the whole heaven and the earth, just like

Is it in response to Feng Zhi's words?

In other words, Fengzhi's words resonate with heaven and earth?

But no matter what kind of statement, it means that Fengzhi is extraordinary.

Can have the same effect, before this, Xiao Xu also only heard of the emperor's powerful words.


Can't think, can't think!

Xiao Xu quickly stopped the idea in the brain.

He doesn't know anything now. He just needs to look at Fengzhi and Longyan. He is also looking forward to where Fengzhi and Longyan can go.

What is Xiao Xu thinking? Fengzhi and others don't know.

Neither Longyan nor Fenglai and Fengming have any doubts about Fengzhi's remarks. Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are no exception. However, Cheng Sinian's five people are different. Although they are convinced that their patriarch is the one who can carry forward the five elements sect, they have never thought that their patriarch can do so Ah, on the one hand, they felt that their patriarch was two meters eight meters tall. On the other hand, they felt that it was not easy for Fengzhi to achieve his goal, even his hope was extremely slim. In the end, they were so tangled up that they were very funny.

Of course, in the end, the five decided to believe in their patriarch's ability, and their faces were going to smile.

Especially shi'er, she is the youngest. She has always been the youngest of ten thousand years. But if the sect can accept more disciples, she will be the elder martial sister of many people. I'm happy to think about it.


Shi Er suddenly suffered a face.

Seeing this, Cheng Sinian asked, "shi'er, what do you mean by your sad face? Don't you think our great patriarch can't let our clan be famous in the fairyland?"

He dug a hole for shi'er and didn't let her because she was young.

After hearing this, shi'er gives Cheng Sinian a fierce look, and then looks at Fengzhi nervously. Seeing that Fengzhi is not angry because of Cheng Sinian's provocation, he turns his eyes at Cheng Sinian. "I say you are stupid. I think that the patriarch will be very powerful in this battle of heaven ladder, but we can't see So I feel sorry. "

Listening to shi'er's words, Cheng Sinian and several others are also suffering.

Indeed, it can be predicted that if there are their own patriarch and Lord Long Yan, the struggle for the heaven ladder will be very fierce. If there is one or more demons like our own patriarch and Lord Long Yan, we will not be able to fight for the first time and bleed.

Just thinking like this, they can't help but be boiling.But what they can't see is that they can't find it?


Five people sighed in unison.

Feng raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, originally I thought that I would take you five together to join the fun in the sky. Anyway, there are only so many formal disciples of the five elements sect. I didn't expect that you would not like to go. In this case, I'll..."

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Sinian's five people scrambled to speak out.


"Lord, we are willing to go!"

"It's a great honor for us to travel with the Lord!"


I'm afraid that if they speak late, Feng Zhi will change her mind.

After saying that, the five talents saw the faint smile on Fengzhi's lips. They immediately knew that Fengzhi was teasing them, or because of Fengzhi's dignity as the patriarch, they were afraid to blow their beard and stare at Fengzhi.


All five of them couldn't help laughing in the end.

Think about the past days, and then compare the days after Fengzhi took over the five element sect. It's just a big difference, OK?

Therefore, they are more grateful to Fengzhi, who has changed their future.

No one else noticed how Cheng Sinian's five people felt.

Fengming had already clenched her fists at this time, and some of them roared: "enough to go to the sky. My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

He also wants to take part in the TIANTI battle this time. Although he knows that Fengzhi and Longyan can't be contested, Fengming is also looking forward to seeing the level of other talents.

This kind of event is not common.

Feng Zhi rolled her eyes at Feng Ming.

Even if he is over 1000 years old, he will not know how to write the word "steady".

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