Thinking of these, Feng Yan and long Qing can't help but look at each other and smile.

For Fengzhi and Longyan, their hearts are inexhaustible gratitude, if not for Fengzhi and Longyan completed the blessing together, the two families would still be in the crisis of survival, and they would not have the happiness they are today.

Think about it, if there is no Fengzhi and Longyan, even if Fengyan and Longqing fight against the two ethnic groups, they still come together, but with their common blood and blood, there is no way to come to this world.

Now in the happiness of Long Qing every time as long as think of this possibility, there are some unbearable heartache.

It's just like this now. If such a thing happened, what would she do?

Because of this, Fengyan and Longqing will be so grateful to Fengzhi and Longyan.

Yifeng is surprised to hear that.


It's not so strange to think that these two people have experienced so many twists and turns before they get together, and then they will be very happy and have children quickly.

Feng then said with a smile: "then we will witness the birth of your child this time."

Since it has been decided to go to Fengzu, Fengzhi will not let Fengyan and longqingduo, etc.

These two people must now most want to rush back to look at their children, this point Fengzhi is also the same feeling, so immediately called for Mo Li, will be in the hands of Mo Li.

Then, after thinking about it, Feng Zhi decided to take Fengming and Fengyue, as well as those young companions of Feng's family, to take them to Longfeng and Fengzu together.

Since Fengyue and others have been flying to the fairyland, Fengzhi hasn't had much time to get together with these young companions. This time is an opportunity.

As for the young companions of the Phoenix family, being taken out of the house by Feng Zhi reminds them of the time when they were in the Xuanwu continent when they followed Feng to the whole continent.

It's just that now it's changed from basaltic land to fairyland.

At the same time, the people of Feng family are also quietly relieved.

After they came to the fairyland, the people of the Feng family were not used to it. When they were in Xuanwu, because they were the children of the Feng family and their talent was excellent, they would be respected by everyone no matter where they went.

But after coming to the fairyland, at the same time, people of Feng family can't help but have a sense of loss.

In the past, they were the favourites of Xuanwu, but after they arrived in the fairyland, they found that everyone in the fairyland, like them, had extremely extraordinary talent. The talent they were proud of before was nothing at all in front of these immortals.

Such a gap can not be accepted in a short time.

But most let the Phoenix family people are not used to, is the Phoenix to several people.

At first, Fengzhi and Longyan, and Fenglai and Fengming rose together, and then they soared. There was also more than a thousand years. It was not long for those who practiced immortals. But these 1000 years undoubtedly opened a huge gap between Fengzhi four people and their little companions of Feng family. The gap was so big that the little companions of Feng family were afraid to catch up with them 。

They think that they will be like this in the future, looking at Feng to several people from a distance, and then the gap between them is getting bigger and bigger, and the two sides are becoming more and more unfamiliar.

But I didn't expect

Fengzhi proposed to take them to the dragon and Phoenix nationalities.

Just listening to Feng Zhi's saying, the people of Feng family immediately recalled the situation when they were in the Xuanwu continent together. All kinds of warmth were filled with them constantly because of these memories.


Feng family members of the company can not help but look at each other.

Maybe, Fengzhi and Longyan have never changed. They just think too much.

In fact, even in the time of Xuanwu, Fengzhi four people were far ahead of them, and there was no essential difference with the present situation.

They believe that as long as they don't want to be too much, they will try hard to practice, even if they can't catch up with Fengzhi and Longyan, they will always go ahead with them and will not be left behind by Fengzhi and Longyan.

To understand this point, Feng family all seem to put down a huge burden in general, don't mention how relaxed.

Since flying to the fairyland, the Phoenix family has been holding such a problem in their hearts. Now they have finally untied this knot. Their mood has been greatly improved, and even one of them has made a very intensive breakthrough in the following period of time.

I have to say, this is also a surprise.

Because of the breakthrough of the Feng family, Fengzhi also specially said hello to Fengyan and long Qing, pushed back the departure time, until all the young friends of the Feng family succeeded in breaking through, and stabilized the realm, and the group of talents set off with some magnanimity.Wuxingzong has a long way to go from Fengchao. Of course, it's impossible to go on the way only with a stuffy head. Therefore, Fengzhi and Fengyan communicate with Longqing about the recent status of fairyland.

Fengzhi thought that the discovery of foreign demons in the Chatian gorge had been well known in the fairyland.

After all, this is related to alien invasion, and everyone in the fairyland has a close relationship.

However, they didn't expect that the loss of contact between the two clans had reached a certain level. Therefore, up to now, the two clans did not know any foreign demons.

"Foreign demons?" Feng Yan and long Qing are surprised on one face, "what is this thing?"

Feng to smell speech can not help but whistle: "yes, this is not a thing."

Finish saying also took a kind of indescribable look at Feng Yan and long Qing.

When Feng Zhi looks at them like this, Feng Yan and long Qing can't help thinking that there is something on their faces. They touch their faces several times and show each other carefully several times. They confirm that it is not what they have on their faces, but what they say is wrong.

Then, Feng Yan looked at Feng Zhi and asked cautiously, "well, should we know this foreign evil spirit?"

Don't say it's the Phoenix. Even other people are speechless.

Now who in the fairyland doesn't know what the evil spirits outside the territory are? Fengyan and Longqing all the way from Fengchao to wuxingzong. On this way, if they pay more attention to the outside world, they will never fail to know what the foreign demons are.

So, ah, these two people probably only focused on their way. As for other things, I'm afraid they didn't pay any attention to understand.

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