
At this time, it is not the weapons on the ground that attract people's attention.

Wang Zong looked at all the weapons in the air.

When Fengzhi was going to help the sword elder to refine weapons, there were not many people who came with Fengzhi, that is to say, only a few Fenglai. Therefore, although other disciples of the five element sect heard Fenglai and others talk about it afterwards, they also knew that there was a magic sword named "killing heaven" in qiwangzong, but when they saw the sword, it was still that Fengzhi and Longyan were so incomparable Smoothly came to the bottom of the sky killing sword.

As for the sword elder's saying, we can't get close to the ten meters around the sky killing sword. Ah, it doesn't exist.

Feng to slightly raised his head, looking at the sky killing sword, and then twisted eyebrows.

Feng Zhi is very dissatisfied with the fact that he needs to look up at the sky killing sword.

She then took back her sight and said, "come down!"

Although she did not specify who she was talking to, everyone knew that Fengzhi was saying this to the sky killing sword.


Will the skykiller sword be so obedient?

All of them thought it impossible.

If the sky killing sword was so obedient, they would not have been locked up in the qiwangzong for so many years.

But then, let the sword elder and other people break their glasses.

After Feng Zhi's two words were finished, the sky killing sword, which had been staying in the air, landed in a straight line without any hesitation, and then appeared in front of Feng Zhi.

What's more, I don't know if it's a coincidence. The sword elders and others always think that the falling position of the sky killing sword is extremely delicate. It seems that Fengzhi can hold the sky killing sword in his hand with a gentle hand.

Well, there's a kind of sky killing sword. It's the feeling of giving up to Fengzhi.


How could that be possible?

You know, in front of Fu Bailian and the sword elder, don't mention how cold the sky killing sword is. Don't even let the sword elder and others get close to its ten step range. Even if Fengzhi is stronger and more beautiful, there is no need for the sky killing sword to put down its body like this?

No matter how to say, the sky killing sword is also the Zhenzong magic sword of the qiwangzong now!

Well, definitely not!

But then, the fact again hit the face of Wang Zong.

Feng Zhi's mouth was slightly hooked, and then he did not hesitate. He stretched his hand forward and held it on the hilt of the sky killing sword.

The sword elder and other people's hearts have been raised to the throat.

When they want to come, according to the urination nature of the sky killing sword, someone holds it directly on its handle. It should be very angry. Then it will fight Fengzhi for at least 300 rounds. This is just like saying.


No, nothing happened.

There is no imaginary sky killing sword to get angry or fight for 300 rounds. It is in Fengzhi's hands, just like the obedient little daughter-in-law. She is so good that people can't find anything wrong.

Therefore, the sword elder and others are stupid.

Seeing this scene, they had to sigh again. This is really more irritating than others. Is it difficult? In addition to their strength, the reason why they did not get the approval of the sky killing sword was that they did not look beautiful?

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