This makes Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

You can imagine how angry this foreign devil will be now.

And all this

It's all forced by Phoenix.

So, it's not hard to imagine how much it hates Fengzhi now.

At this time, in that cocoon, there was a fierce conflict between the foreign devil and the devil emperor.

"You fool The devil emperor was furious.

She had no idea that after handing over the control of her body to this foreign evil spirit, such things would happen. When she found out that it was wrong and wanted to stop it, it was too late.

As long as the secret methods of foreign evil spirits start, they can't stop, unless they absorb enough evil Qi, or there is no magic Qi to absorb.

For the following foreign demons, it is not difficult to absorb enough evil Qi, because their capacity is limited.

But this is not the same as the emperor level of foreign demons.

Once you enter the emperor level, you can say that you are not the same species as the foreign demons below, and the amount of evil Qi that can be contained has reached an immeasurable astronomical number.

The current situation is that even if the evil spirit of all the following foreign demons are absorbed, it will not be enough to support this foreign evil spirit to enter a new realm. Therefore, the only possibility is that this foreign evil spirit has absorbed all the foreign demons as their own nutrients, and the effect that can be achieved is just to improve its strength.

This not only can't let this foreign evil devil dominate at the emperor level, but also exterminates the foreign demons below. Besides, it makes it convenient for Fengzhi and others to deal with them.

It's not stupid. What is it?

It's understandable that the devil emperor would be so angry.

If you can, the devil emperor would really like to cut the brain of this foreign devil to see what is inside.

Even if Feng Zhi was angry this time, he couldn't get the Tianji disk, and he could withdraw temporarily for the sake of aftereffect. There is always a chance. But now, the fool has cut his own course and let Feng Zhi and others have no last scruples. Does this fool think that he can get it?

"Do you think you can deal with several emperors with your current strength? One, two, or three? Do you know how many emperors there are in the fairyland The evil emperor was gnashing his teeth.

If we didn't know that this foreign devil was indeed an alien evil, the devil emperor would have thought that this was a spy sent by Fengzhi.

The foreign devil was also itching with hate at this time.

The foreign evil spirits were originally a race that could not be supported. If they had not been discovered by the devil emperor inadvertently, and had taken a fancy to their unique abilities, they would probably have lain in the barren land.

Even if you come out of the barren land and come to a place like fairyland, it doesn't mean that the foreign evil spirits can have more brains.

The word "possessed by the devil" is enough to show that they are possessed by demons?

This is not, previously Feng Zhiqi completely lost his mind, this foreign evil devil did a big stupid thing?

But now, in any case, things have come to this step, no matter what, it is irreparable. This foreign devil at the emperor level secretly regretted that he could not hold his breath. On the other hand, he could not bear the "fool" calling himself.

Maybe, the more stupid you are, the more you can't accept what others call yourself.

"Enough!" This foreign evil spirit also roared, "what's the use of saying these now?"

The devil emperor took several deep breaths in the sea of knowledge, and finally he put down the fierce pressure in his heart.

She is really regret now, if she really know this is such a fool, she will never choose to cooperate with this fool, even if she is not willing to do so. Now, this fool has cut off all their retreating ways, forcing them to face with Fengzhi and others, and successfully let Fengzhi and other celestial emperors to deal with him with empty hands We.

Well, that's great!

The devil emperor was so angry and regretted that he was going crazy.

But she also knew that it was really useless to say these things now. Instead of arguing with the fool, she might as well think about some way to solve the dilemma in front of her.

Therefore, the devil emperor also tried to calm himself down and wanted to come up with a good way.

Now that things have come to this point, they have only one way out.

That is

Heaven machine disk.

This is the purpose of their coming to tianjizong this time. Now, they have to get the Tianji disk to break the game.

The heaven machine disk can cover up the heaven's secrets, which is the only chance for the combination of the devil emperor and the foreign evil devil to step on the realm of the God King.

If they get the Tianji disk, they just need to find a place to hide. When they are fully integrated in the future, they can quietly break through to the realm of God with the help of Tianji disk.At that time

No matter how many emperors there are, they will no longer be a threat to them.

Fairyland, of course, has become their bag.

Even, the whole race of foreign demons can be developed again.

Of course, the devil emperor did not have much interest in the development of foreign demons.

Thinking of this, the demon emperor took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "listen to me. If you don't want to be besieged to death by the emperors in the fairyland, you must seize the heaven's chance this time. Otherwise, we will die together."

The foreign evil devil also knew that the evil emperor was not joking with him, but he did not quarrel with him.

After all, with its brain, it is really can not think of any effective way to come, really listen to the devil emperor.

Well, now the only way to do this is to get the Tianji disk.

If they can't get the Tianji disk, they can only be nailed to death by Fengzhi.

"Well..." The foreign evil devil was full of doubts. "There are stars changing array under it. We can't even break the array. There are Fengzhi and Longyan staring there. How can we get the Tianji disk?"

That's the biggest problem.

Mention this, the devil emperor is also a face of irritability.

The biggest reason for their failure this time is that they would have taken Tianji disk from tianjizong if it had not been for the great array. How could they have fallen such a big trap when Fengzhi and Longyan arrived?

However, they can't think of a way to break the battle for a while. Do you think it's irritating?

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