Fengzhi and Longyan are the three little guys who have a cold sweat at this time.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan were very worried when the three little guys rushed out to meet Jielei. Fortunately, they looked at the three little guys as if they were well versed in their ability, so they were relieved.

When the last thunder robbery takes shape, the three little guys are very careful to avoid, they will be more at ease.

However, it was obviously too early for them to rest assured. Who would have thought that these three little guys would have the courage to attack the remaining force of the golden thunder?

These three little guys, their appetite, how dare they be so big!

Feng Zhi held hands tightly.

This really broke her old mother's heart!

She decided that when the three little guys were born, she must catch them and give them a good smack on the ass, or I'm sorry for her worry for so long.

And Long Yan, well, he thinks Feng Zhi is right.

In the worry of Fengzhi and Longyan, the three little guys have been in contact with the much smaller golden rob thunder.


Another sound.

Previously, when the demon emperor met the robber thunder, after such a light call, the demon emperor became a ghost that no one could bear to look at. Now, when facing the thunder robber, he became three little guys

All the people who saw this scene thought that even if the three little guys were so powerful, they would not be able to make a good deal this time.

But in fact, the three little guys are safe and sound.

I saw that the golden rob thunder had already taken the initiative to fly towards the three little guys before contacting the three little guys. When it was about to touch the three little guys, the golden rob thunder was divided into three parts and split into three small guys.

However, I don't know what the Eggshells of the two eggs and the transparent film wrapped around the girl's body are. Even if it is split by the golden thunder, the impact is only that the cracks on the eggshell are deepened again. It seems that the little guy inside will break the shell at any time, and the film wrapping the little girl is just the same It's just thinner.

As for other

They haven't found out yet.

The three little guys belched again.

At this moment, the whole world can not help silence down.

No one knows what kind of reaction they should have now.

That's a godsend!

And it's the last terrible thunder!

Even the emperor, even the devil emperor, who has already stepped into the realm of God King with half a foot, is still in fear under the divine robbery, and has no courage to compete with it.

Even, the devil emperor only suffered the last thunder, and the whole person was chopped.

But now, two eggs, and a strange little girl, after suffering four robberies, actually face the last one?

Even though the last thunder has been consumed by the devil emperor, it is still the ninth one.

At this moment, people who saw this scene, especially several other emperors, felt that they were also struck by thunder. Of course, more people were angry than people.

They did not dare to take the edge of the divine robbery, these three little guys, to be exact, two eggs and a small group of little girls, could be unhurt next?

In addition to Fengzhi and Longyan, all the emperors felt that their ten thousand years of practice had probably been cultivated in the body of the wind pig.

It's hard to say.

Several emperors glared at two eggs and a chubby little girl and murmured in their hearts, "whose bear child is this! Is it to shame them to death? "

Feng Zhi and Long Yan secretly smile in their hearts at this time.

Hey, whose bear kid?

Of course, it belongs to their family!

From the first worry about the three little guys, to later, even if the three little guys were under the divine robbery, there was no sign of suffering any loss, so Fengzhi and Longyan were really calm down later.

They are not like the other nine emperors. They think that there is nothing wrong with the three little guys who dare to face the divine robbery that they are afraid to deal with. As parents, their children are better than others, and they are the happiest.

If they didn't want to stimulate the other nine emperors, Fengzhi and Longyan would probably jump up.

Of course, even if Fengzhi and Longyan didn't take the initiative to stimulate, the other nine emperors were still stimulated.


Of course, the three little guys flew directly to Fengzhi and Longyan after they were full. Two eggshell eyes looked at the egg which was about to be broken completely. They rubbed the face of Fengzhi with one left and one right, showing their attachment. The little girl flew directly into Longyan's arms, as if to let Longyan hold her.Although the three little guys have gradually become active, they have never been as obvious as this one.

Two eggs are even, but Long Yan is surprised by the little girl's behavior.

Long Yan has only held Feng Zhi in his whole life. As for the three little guys, he has never held them. Now the little girl flies directly into his arms, and Longyan subconsciously reaches out to catch them. When his daughter is now being held by him, Long Yan becomes nervous and does not know where he is going Yes.

Through the extremely thin membrane, Long Yan could feel how soft the little girl's body was, so soft that he was afraid that he would hurt her with a little effort.

Because of this, he didn't even dare to move.

Feng Zhi wanted to laugh.

Although she has never held a baby before, she has never eaten pork. She has always seen a pig run. She has never looked less at Feng family's baby hugging before. She can still draw gourds according to the same pattern.

Therefore, she reached out and picked up the two eggs one by one, and then she laughed at Longyan and said, "don't be so nervous. Her hands are slightly bent up, just like a cradle to gently hold up our daughter. She is not as fragile as you are like."

Long Yan immediately did what Feng Zhi said, and then found that the little girl not only had a sweeter smile on her face, but also slightly opened her eyes and looked at him.

He was relieved.

Then, the heart of Long Yan gushed a light joy.

I can see that the little girl likes him very much.

This makes Long Yan's feeling very complicated and wonderful. For the first time, he realized that he had a child, and that he and Fengzhi shared the same blood and were connected with his blood.

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