Thinking of this, Feng Zhi and Long Yan can't help but blame themselves for their dereliction of duty.


Fortunately, their three children are smart. Otherwise, Fengzhi and Longyan don't know how to hate themselves.

Then they let out a long breath.

And the three little guys seem to be aware of something. When Feng Zhi and Long Yan blame themselves, they rub their bodies gently as if they were comforting them.

This is being coquettish.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan feel warm because of the three little guys' actions.

Fortunately, they still have a chance. The three little guys will come to this world soon. They also have a chance to be a good father and mother.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan bow their heads and kiss three little guys respectively.

The two eggs trembled slightly, and the little girl's face looked red. They were obviously shy.

Then, the golden egg touched Feng Zhi's finger.

"You want to go back and rest?" Feng Zhi asked.

The red egg also swayed gently in the air, as if nodding.

It is obvious that the three little guys will be born in a short time. They have absorbed the mysterious power in the heaven machine disk and the power of divine disaster. It can be imagined that they must need time to digest these forces.

When they have digested the energy, they will probably be able to truly come into the world, and then call on Feng Zhi and Long Yan to say "father and mother".

Feng to incomparably looking forward to this day's arrival, she even busy way: "well, you go back to have a rest."

After that, she didn't even have time to put the three little guys back into the space, and the three little guys had disappeared.

Feng to a Leng.

Then, her subconscious divine consciousness penetrated into space.

It's not how to drop, the three little guys have been a non drop in her space, is quietly staying.

This makes Feng Zhi feel very surprised.

The space Fengzhi gets is bound with her spirit. Although she can bring outsiders into the space, there is no way for outsiders to enter the space without her leadership. Even though she and Long Yan have been husband and wife for so many years, even if she and Long Yan have a special tacit understanding, Longyan can only enter the space under the leadership of Fengzhi, and can not enter the space on its own Come on.

But now

The three little guys undoubtedly broke this cognition of Fengzhi.

Think about it just now, when the devil emperor was crossing the robbery, the three little guys really ran out of the space, so it was not so unexpected.

It seems that she has three abilities to go in and out.

As for the reason, Feng Zhi thinks, probably because the three little guys are connected with her by blood.

She could only think of such an explanation.

Knowing that it was absolutely safe for the three little guys to stay in the space, Feng Zhi also put down his mind and thought of the devil emperor.

Previously, because of the shock of the three little guys and the failure of the devil emperor's crossing the robbery, all of them had been chopped into coke by the last thunder. So Fengzhi and others forgot about the devil emperor for a while. Now that the three little guys have gone to rest, Fengzhi and others also think of the devil emperor again.


How is the devil emperor now?

Feng to several people together to look at the place where the former devil emperor stood.

At this point, Feng Zhi and others were all surprised.

Previously, they saw that the body of the demon emperor was almost completely destroyed by looting thunder, and the broken body was filled with the power of divine robbery. How could the devil emperor repair his body.

Not to mention, the devil emperor is also suffering from the spirit at the same time, and has no energy and spare power to repair her body.

But now

The cube where the devil emperor was before was empty at this time.

Although Fengzhi and other 11 emperors were attracted by the three little guys before, this does not mean that they have reduced the monitoring of the devil emperor here. As emperors, one mind and two uses is not a great skill.

But also in such a case, the devil emperor could be so silent disappeared.

So, where did the devil emperor go?

Feng to the brow tightly twisted up.

Although the demon emperor failed in the robbery, she still had the strength to step into the realm of God King with half a foot. Even if she was seriously injured, as long as she could suppress the pain on the spirit, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and she was not necessarily worse than Fengzhi and others.

Even if the devil emperor can have enough time to heal, maybe she can return to the top.

In such a case, the devil Emperor Yu Fengzhi is also a powerful enemy.

Such an enemy, obviously, has fallen in front of them, but disappeared under their eyes. This is really a matter that makes people feel a little upset.And

The most important thing for Feng Zhi is that most of the power of the evil emperor comes from foreign demons, and the greatest ability of the foreign demons is to take away others.

Under such circumstances, the evil emperor and the foreign evil devil at the emperor level are completely integrated together. Taking and giving up this kind of thing must be easy for the devil emperor.

In fact, even if she didn't merge with foreign demons, the evil emperor once had some experiences of taking over her property. It is absolutely not difficult for her to take over others.

So, now the devil emperor, will not have given up her original body to choose to seize, so as to avoid the sight of Feng Zhi and others?

If so, to leave such an enemy in the dark is undoubtedly a bomb that may explode at any time.

Fengzhi is absolutely intolerable.

After all, if you really count it, she must be the one the devil emperor hates most.

Now the three little guys are about to be born. Feng Zhi doesn't want such an enemy who hates her deeply to spy on their family. If the devil emperor knows that he can't take advantage of himself and Longyan, so he takes advantage of the three little guys when they are still young, where are they going to cry?

Therefore, Fengzhi must catch up with the devil emperor before the three little guys were born.

This is back to a few years ago, the devil emperor hide, Fengzhi and others chase.

Thinking of these, Feng could not help but get angry: "is she a mouse, so can hide?"

However, the anger returned to anger, but Fengzhi did not delay the time. After discussing with several other emperors, they explored the past in one direction respectively.

If the devil emperor is seriously injured, if she still drags the original body, she must not be able to run fast. If she abandons the original body and chooses to take the house, the body from which she has taken away will not have much strength or speed.

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