"Basaltic land, here comes my king..."

The devil emperor chanted such a sentence in his mouth, and then with a determined determination, he threw himself into the space crack.

Just for a moment, the figure of the devil emperor disappeared, just like she was swallowed up by the space crack.

Also in the devil emperor disappeared after a few breath time, Fengzhi and others arrived.

There is no one in front of you. The air seems to have the delicate smell of the magic emperor. In addition, there seems to be the power of space.

So, the devil emperor escaped with the law of space?

Also do not know why, the heart of Feng Zhi begins to gush out light uneasiness.

Long Yan noticed the uneasiness in Feng Zhi's heart and gently shook her hand, "it will be OK."

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

She thought carefully that the devil emperor was now at the end of her tether. Just now, they came after her all the way. They didn't meet anyone else, but the devil Emperor didn't choose to take the house. Instead, she dragged her tattered body all the way to here. Obviously, she couldn't do it again.

But her own body was so badly damaged under the divine robbery that it is still a big problem whether it can be repaired. Even if her strength is not enough, I'm afraid it will not be saved.

Under such circumstances, if the devil emperor could hide as well as before, she would be able to keep safe for a while. As long as she showed some clues and was found by Fengzhi and others, she would never be able to escape again.

And the original magic emperor can hide strictly, that is because her strength at that time is not worse than Feng Zhi and others.


With the remaining strength of the demon emperor, she could not hide her whereabouts under the search of 11 emperors such as Feng Zhi.

It seems that the devil emperor has no chance to turn over.

Fengzhi felt that the reason why he was so upset just now was that he finally took the devil emperor, so he was worried about his gains and losses.

Think about it, because the devil emperor and those foreign demons have been busy for thousands of years, and now it is only a painful process. She will feel that there is no sense of reality, which is the most normal thing.

When Feng arrived, she settled down again.

When they got here, they lost the trace of the devil emperor. They chased forward for a period of time, but they didn't find the figure of the devil emperor, so they stopped again.

The southern emperor said: "the devil emperor is not afraid now. Although she has not been found, she can not hide for too long. Finally, this matter can come to an end."

Everyone else nodded.

Everyone felt very relieved.

Because the devil emperor, set off so many waves, but also disaster the whole fairyland, now is finally solved this person, she is no longer possible to disaster the fairyland, how can they not relax?

And also in the South emperor's voice down, Feng to and others can not help but light "Yi" a, and then with a happy face.

Only because they can feel that there is a strange force flowing into their bodies at this time. Although the amount of this power is not large, it actually has a certain mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, and the benefits to them are obvious.

Fengzhi and Longyan can clearly feel that their bottleneck has been relaxed.

This is

Feng Zhi and others looked at each other and saw the answer in each other's eyes.

This is probably the reward given to them by fairyland.

Aware of this, Feng Zhi and others really put down their minds.

This means that the will of the fairyland also confirmed that the harm of the devil emperor has been completely over. No matter where she is now, whether she is dead or alive, she is absolutely impossible to cause any damage to the fairyland.

Since the discovery of the devil emperor's intention, for thousands of years, all the emperors have worked together to prevent the celestial world from falling into catastrophe. Now they have finally done it, and what they have done has been recognized by the will of the fairyland. This makes people relax and enjoy themselves at the same time.

"The disaster in the fairyland is really and completely over." South emperor Jun road.

Others nodded with joy.

Several emperors are not sticky people. Since this matter has had the best result, they can certainly put it down completely and do their own thing.

The southern emperor clasped his fist at Fengzhi and others: "ladies and gentlemen, I have gained a lot from the cooperation over the past several thousand years. However, all the banquets in the world will end. Let's leave now..."

Others responded with fists.

After a while, the emperors left each other.

Looking at the emperors who went to their respective destinations, Fengzhi held Long Yan's hand tightly and beamed at him with a smile: "Longyan, other emperors are all alone. It seems that we are the best. No matter where we are, we have each other's company."Long Yan returns with a faint smile.

Not only in the past, but also in the present and future, no matter where they go, they will never feel lonely.

Because, beside them, they all walk side by side.

In this long fairyland, there is such a lover who can keep pace with himself all the time. What a precious thing.

They didn't let go of each other's hands on the immortal road. They were extremely similar in temperament and strength. They were the two closest people in the world.

How lucky they are to have such a lover.

Long Yan sticks to Feng Zhi's hand, pulls her hand up again, reaches to his mouth and gently prints a kiss. With a deep but affectionate voice, he says, "Fengzhi, my greatest luck in this life is to meet you."

Because of this kind of luck, Long Yan is full of gratitude for the fate in the dark.

Thank fate, let them meet in the best time, so that they can accompany each other in all their lives.

Thanks to Fengzhi, when he met such a little golden snake, he not only saved him, but also took him with him, so that they had the opportunity to become the most important person in each other's life.

Thank them for each other, in this tens of thousands of years of time, can never forget the original heart, holding each other's hand has never been released.

Feng to two hands around Long Yan's back, let himself whole lean into Long Yan's arms.

Long Yan has always said little. It is very difficult for him to say these words.

Fengzhi's heart is filled with tenderness.

After a long time, Feng Zhi looks up and looks at Longyan with a bright smile that can darken the sunshine.

"Me too." She said.

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