The confrontation between the Phoenix family and the evil emperor continues.

At the beginning, the demon emperor thought that it was just a formation set by the Phoenix before it had risen. Even if the array was exquisite, its level was still lower. With her emperor's respect, if you want to break this array, it should not be a big problem. At most, it would take more work.

But with the real battle, the devil emperor knew how naive his ideas were.


Whether it was Fengzhi who had not yet ascended, was still on the Xuanwu continent, or after she went to the fairyland, she was Fengzhi!

Although the great array of unity of purpose was set by the Phoenix when it had not yet soared, its subtlety and firmness were no less than those of the fairyland.

The most difficult point of this array is that the power source of the big array is not the Xuanwu continent, but directly breaks through the space and borrows strength from Fengzhi to benzun.

As long as Fengzhi still has enough strength, this great array will never be broken by brute force.

For the devil emperor, this is the most difficult thing.

Now, the only thing she needs to do is to reduce her strength.


When she had to deal with the object of Feng to, that let the devil emperor headache.

This battle made her fight with Fengzhi in disguise. If she had the courage to continue to fight with Fengzhi face to face, she would not run, let alone come to the Xuanwu continent.

Therefore, the devil emperor spent a lot of things, and the lightsaber formed by the formation of the great array of concerted efforts made a lot of moves, but after that, she was frustrated to find that she could not break the great array, but also could not cause any damage to the array.

Because, behind the big array, actually stands the Phoenix to!

Fengzhi, Fengzhi!

The devil emperor could not help gnashing his teeth.

In contrast to the devil emperor's mood, Feng's family members are protected by the great array of unity.

Feng family people can be said to have high morale now.

The array left by Fengzhi is really extraordinary. They even stopped the terrible enemy!

Aware of this, if it is not still in danger, Feng family people are afraid to jump up.

And it is precisely because of this array that the younger generations of the Phoenix family have reached a peak of worship for Fengzhi.

In the past, although they grew up listening to the legend of Fengzhi, in their hearts, the image of Fengzhi was very vague. But now, with the United Front, they have personally participated in it and become a member of the array. They have faced the terrible enemy outside for such a long time without losing the wind, which makes the Phoenix in the hearts of the younger generation of Feng family The image of to has been materialized.

And listen to the enemy outside

Fengzhi Laozu, whose name they have only heard of, will soon return to Xuanwu?

Aware of this, the younger generation of Feng family is also more excited.

They all felt that they must let Fengzhi's ancestors see their best side. Therefore, when facing the devil emperor, these young people were like fighting chicken blood. Looking at their appearance, they were eager to rush out to fight with the devil emperor immediately.

Although the elders of the Feng family are somewhat baffled, they are not afraid of this strong enemy at all. This is a good thing, isn't it?

He did not say anything about it.

This confrontation continued for a long time.

During this period, the demon emperor did not stop attacking the large array. However, to her disappointment, no matter how she attacked, the array seemed to have a steady stream of strength as a support, and it did not see any fatigue.

Think about it, the devil Emperor himself is now seriously injured, but Feng to can not, even if she must be stepping up to the Xuanwu continent, but this does not mean that her strength has much loss.

In this way, can we provide enough energy for the united front?

This also makes the devil emperor realize that if she has been using brute force like this, she is absolutely impossible to break the great array of unity.

Who let, behind this big array, is actually the Phoenix?

Since we can't rely on brute force, we can only find another way

The devil emperor stopped attacking, and his eyes first fell on the great array of unity of mind, then gradually shifted, and finally fell on the three people of Phoenix heaven.

By the way, there's a way.

Looking at the Phoenix Sky Sky three people to their own angry look, the devil emperor can not help but show a look at some terrible smile.

"Look at my memory..." The evil emperor patted his scorched head. "I didn't want to use such a good array breaking props in front of me. Instead, I spent so much effort doing useless work..."

Phoenix Sky Dome three people heart one Lin.

Although they still don't know what kind of idea the devil emperor is planning, they just think about it for a moment and know that this is definitely not good news for them and the Feng family."What do you want to do?" Feng Tianqiong asked.

What do you think I want to do

Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language also began to be nervous.

At first, they were also very happy to see that the great array of concerted efforts could stop the evil emperor, but after a while, they actually thought of something wrong.

They all know that it is the strength of Fengzhi that keeps the great array together, but it is not the strength of Fengzhi that keeps the formation, but the belief of people in the old house of Feng family.

Faith, this is an empty word.

No one can see what faith is, it's just a spirit.

Naturally, no one can strike this spirit with any kind of material object.

It's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing.

It's true that no one can hit the spirit with physical objects, but if you don't use brute force to strike, what if you think of another way?

For example

Now the three of them are in the hands of the devil emperor. If the devil emperor takes them as a threat, can all the people of the Feng family in the old house of the Feng family still keep such faith?

Think of these, Feng Liancheng and dragon light language heart all again worry.

Fortunately, to their little relief, the devil emperor only wanted to break the array with brute force after seeing the great array of concerted efforts. It was clear that he meant to depart from Feng.

This also let Feng Liancheng and dragon light language at that time secretly relieved in the heart.

But now

It seems that the devil emperor suddenly woke up, so he wanted to think of another way to break the battle.

And this method is undoubtedly the three of them.

Feng Liancheng and the Dragon light language, the heart is not from a tight.

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