Feng Zhi was not surprised to be stopped by Tie Lin.

In fact, the moment she saw Tie Lin, she had a premonition that the events that had occurred in the Wu Wei Restaurant hadn't ended yet.

However, Feng Zhi was not afraid of any tricks Tie Lin and the others had up their sleeves. If they really talked about tricks, she alone could defeat a group of Iron family members.

Therefore, when facing Tie Lin's loud shout, Feng Zhi's lips were raised into a smile, "So it's the young master of the Iron family …"

Speaking to this, Feng Zhi looked at Tie Lin and the others meaningfully for a while, "It's been a long time, young master Tie, as well as these Iron family brothers, how have you guys been?"

Hearing these words, Tang Qi and the others who knew the inside story couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

The faces of Tie Lin and the others instantly darkened.

It was one thing to have a dark history. It was another to have a dark history meeting the culprit, but they still had to meet those people who knew about it. When they heard these laughter, they subconsciously thought back to their miserable state that day.

If not for the fact that they still had the intention to show Feng Zhi a lesson, Tie Lin and the others would have already dug a hole in the hard ground to bury themselves.


Of course, it was because they really did not have the face to see anyone!

Tie Lin clenched his teeth and used all his patience, finally suppressing his anger.

He nodded at Feng Zhi with a fake smile, "Thanks to Miss Feng Zhi, us brothers are doing very well!"

He deliberately emphasized the word "very good".

Feng Zhi also nodded after she heard it, and even smiled as she exchanged greetings with Tie Lin, "Since Young Master Tie, you two are doing very well, then I can relax now. Sigh, I have a Bodhisattva heart, that day when I went back, I felt that my actions were a little too heavy, and even worried for Young Master Tie, for a few days, so I can finally heave a sigh of relief …"

At this moment, the surrounding tens of thousands of spectators all fell silent.

Everyone's gaze fell on Feng Zhi's face, and there was even a little bit of curiosity and evaluation in their eyes.

She wondered what kind of person would say such shameless words. She was curious, how on earth could she be so shameless?

This question was undoubtedly the most puzzling one on the Profound Martial Continent.

Therefore, of course, no one could figure it out.

Afterwards, the crowd put this question aside and began to laugh in unison.

They could finally see just what kind of "Bodhisattva's Heart" this Feng Zhi was. Under the gazes of so many people, she tore open people's scars in front of everyone's eyes, and even spoke with a "I'm doing this for your own good" tone.

If they were Iron family disciples, they would've surely been angered to death by now.

Sure enough, the faces of Tie Lin and the others could be said to be extremely marvelous. One moment red, one moment white, the next green, the next black. One couldn't help but wonder if their faces had changed because of the rainbow.

After a while, Tie Lin finally calmed down.

He took a deep breath, and became even more determined in his heart that he would definitely teach Feng Zhi a lesson.

After a long while, he finally said: "Miss Feng Zhi, let us put aside the things you have done to us brothers previously …"

Hearing him say that, Feng Zhi became a little interested.

So, Tie Lin and the others, were they preparing to seek justice from her?

Well, why don't you listen to them first and tell us how they're going to get it back.

So Feng Zhi nodded her head, and even made a "please" gesture, signalling Tie Lin to continue.

Seeing that Feng Zhi agreed, Tie Lin's eyes lit up.

In fact, if Feng Zhi did not take this matter on him, he would have no other choice, and could not fight, could not beat the other party, and scolded him, and was far from being their opponent, and even more so at the Refiner's Competition. As long as Feng Zhi ignored him, he would not be able to do anything.

Fortunately, Feng Zhi nodded.

Tie Lin's heart was filled with joy.

"Miss Feng Zhi, this is the Refiners' Competition, since we are all here, we should be able to have a higher position, don't you think so?" Tie Lin looked at Feng Zhi with expectation.

Feng Zhi was not someone who thought it was logical, she could not stand to see others acting the way they wanted, so she blinked her eyes, "No, it is just a competition, we can 'Friendly first, Competition second' it."

Look, even the slogan on Earth has been used.

Tie Lin almost choked on a mouthful of blood.

Fortunately, Feng Zhi was still interested in what he wanted to do. After enjoying enough of Tie Lin's depressed expression, she also wanted to let Tie Lin go, and said: "Ah, right, I was joking earlier, since it's a competition, winning or losing is obviously the most important. Every one of us will do our best to fight for the last position.

It was only then that Tie Lin let out the breath he had been holding back.

Worried that Feng Zhi would say something that would make him uncomfortable, he decided not to wait for Feng Zhi to speak and continued: "Since Miss Feng Zhi is also thinking this way, then of course it's for the best, just say there's no first, and no second, it's extremely easy for us refiners to decide who is the best. Furthermore, in this Refiners' Competition, all the judges are the seniors of the Refiners' Association, so they can naturally judge our standards based on the works that we have produced …"

Feng Zhi nodded, "So?"

Tie Lin was stunned.

This Feng Zhi, even if she didn't say anything weird, but she could still stop him with her words.

However, he did not say anything yet, so Tie Lin naturally would not let this matter go. He took a deep breath and continued, "Miss Feng Zhi also agrees that we need to decide who is the best and who is the best, and the seniors of the Refiners' Association also have the best strength and vision, so, Miss Feng Zhi, why don't we use the Refiner's Competition to decide who is the best?"

This was the true plan of Tie Lin's group.

As for his refining level, Iron Lin wasn't afraid in the slightest.

Although he was not absolutely confident that he could win, he was confident that the two of them would not be too far off in terms of talent.

As for Feng Zhi, although her martial power was extremely strong, if one were to talk about the quality of equipment forging, Tie Lin would be the first to be unwilling to accept it.

He did not know why Feng Zhi was able to directly enter the top one hundred, but this did not stop him from looking down on Feng Zhi with all his might in the matter of artifact forging.

Previously at the Wu Wei Tower, Feng Zhi made the two brothers suffer a great loss, and it had even become a joke in the Clear Sky City.

That time, his skills were inferior, so they accepted it.

Then, this time, since they had absolute confidence, they would naturally seek justice for themselves!

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