He did not know what Long Yan did, but the leaves had stuck closely to the bodies of Tie Lin and the others, and did not seem to have any intention of falling at all.

After confirming that the leaf was sufficient to cover the important parts of Tie Lin's body, Long Yan nodded his head in satisfaction. Then, he removed his hand from Feng Zhi's eyes.

Feng Zhi was not angry.

She wasn't actually very interested in the important parts of Iron Forest and the others, so when she looked at them now, she could only see the extremely eye-catching emerald green leaves on their bodies.

"Isn't this Adam?" She could not help but exclaim.

This made Tie Lin and the others' faces darken.


What is this?

Could it be another new term used by Feng Zhi to curse at others?

However, things had already gotten to this point. Tie Lin and the others could no longer afford to complain. Since they had already taken off their clothes, they might as well run.

When he turned around, Tie Lin was the first to run out.

The Iron family disciples behind him naturally followed him. In an instant, everyone could see rows and rows of assorted fart …

The city gates that were crowded with people suddenly quietened down. It was probably a single breath of time later, and everyone couldn't help but laugh out loud when they saw the Iron family disciples running away in a row in front of them.

Most of the people in Clear Sky City were gathered here, and the laughter spread out from the center bit by bit until everyone was immersed in this sea of joy.

Tang Ning and the rest were at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

They were sure that they had never been so happy ever since Clear Sky City was built.

Tang Ning looked at Feng Zhi with a complicated expression.

Amongst all the people he knew, if one were to say who could cause the most trouble, he would definitely push Feng Zhi to the very top.

In fact, no one had the strength to push her from the top seat!

His line of sight once again returned to the Iron family disciples.

Of course, they had to watch the whole show.

Apart from running around naked, the Iron family disciples also ran around the city walls, shouting slogans as they ran.

That slogan...

Everyone could not help but laugh at that slogan.

He had already watched half of the liveliness, so of course he would watch the rest of the liveliness.

Therefore, the martial artists crowded at the city gate automatically lined up in a line and followed behind the Iron family disciples.

If one looked at this situation from the air, it seemed as if the Iron family disciples were leading the way, and the candidates behind them were being led by them.

Even though the people leading the way were a bit strange …

How could Feng Zhi miss the liveliness, she immediately grabbed Long Yan and started flying.

Feng Lai and the others all had feathered clothes, so they naturally followed suit and flew in the air. Yue Tang also had feathered clothes, while Mo Li and Mo Li originally didn't have feathered clothes, but Feng Zhi had given her and Long Yan, the gift from the Qiao Family.

As a result, all ten of them flew up to the sky in their feather clothes.

He then quickly arrived on top of the Iron family disciples' heads, maintaining the same speed as them.

The Tang Clan disciples looked at Feng Zhi and the others who were wearing identical feathered clothes, and admiration could not be seen on their faces.

However, although the Tang Clan disciples could not get a single piece of Yu Yi's clothing, the Tang Clan's refining level was considered the best in the entire continent, so it was not strange that there would be something else to replace Yu Yi's clothes.

Tang Ning thought for a while, then took out a blanket from her spatial equipment and laid it on the ground. She then called for the Tang Clan disciples to stand up, and imbued her own Qi into the blanket.

In an instant, the blanket slowly rose into the air.

Although his speed couldn't compare to Yu Yi's, he could at least fly, right?

When the blankets that Tang Ning and the rest were sitting on slowly floated to the side of Feng Zhi and the others, the Iron family disciples below also started to shout out their first slogan.

"Unscrupulous people from all over the world …"

"Look at the Iron family …"

The Iron family disciples said the last few words in extremely soft tones. After they finished speaking, they lowered their heads deeply, looking as if they had nothing to live for.

The long dragon formed by the warriors that was running behind him also let out an earth-shaking roar of laughter.

Perhaps it was because they were provoked by the warriors behind them, but the Tie Family disciples' running speed suddenly accelerated. They were like smoke, causing the weaker warriors to be unable to catch up.

Hao Tian City's area was extremely vast, and because of this, running a circle around the city walls was already a huge project. Even if the Tie Family disciples were to run with all their might, it would still take at least two hours to finish this circle.

These two hours were probably the darkest times for the Iron family disciples!

After finishing this run, Tie Lin and the others returned to the starting point, and with a speed that far surpassed human limits, they wore their clothes again. Afterwards, they didn't linger in Clear Sky City and left dejectedly.

As for the surrounding crowd, when they thought of the liveliness that they watched that day, they laughed as they discussed with the people around them. The atmosphere was extremely warm.

Many of these people had specifically stayed behind in order to see this lively scene. Now that Tie Lin and the others had already left, they naturally wouldn't stay any longer. In just a short while, many people had already left.

The entire Clear Sky City suddenly became much quieter.

Feng Zhi and the others stayed in Clear Sky City for another two days before Feng Zhi bade farewell to Tang Tian Jue and Tang Ning.

Tang Tian Jue and Tang Ning did not stay for long either.

In fact, they had more or less guessed where Feng Zhi was going to go next, and what she was going to do next.

However, guessing was just a guess, Tang Ning was not much older than Feng Zhi, she still had a lot of curiosity, but she could not hold it in, and asked: "Feng Zhi, are you heading towards the Mu Rong family now?"

Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows, "Of course, you're in debt to me, so you want to use such low level methods to avoid it? They shouldn't think too much about it! "

Tang Ning's brows twitched.

He already knew what kind of outcome Si Bei would end up with yesterday.

Hehehe, that hairstyle that can perfectly maintain itself for a month, I believe it will definitely make Si Bei not take a step out of his room this month, and won't meet anyone.

Si Bei had only thought that it would be a small matter. Not only did he lose a large amount of gold coins, he had also been dealt with by Feng Zhi in such a way. It was hard to imagine how Feng Zhi would take revenge on the Mu Rong family who intentionally reneged on their debt.

Having lived with Feng Zhi for so long, Tang Ning had long ago treated her as her friend. Since they were friends, and since she was curious, she naturally didn't need to hide anything.

Tang Ning asked curiously: "Feng Zhi, then, how do you plan on getting back that debt of the Mu Rong family?"

He felt that this time, the Mu Rong family would suffer a huge loss in Feng Zhi's hands.

After all, in front of Feng Zhi, everything that seemed impossible turned into possibility in the end.

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