Long Ling'er couldn't help but think of Long Xue'er's expression when she looked in the mirror.

Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes me feel intoxicated.

However, she had a nagging feeling that this material that Feng Zhi had added called the 'Chameleon', should not be only limited to just that.

She carefully asked, "Then, when will the marks on Long Xue'er's face be washed away?"

You can't possibly never wash it off in your entire life, can you?

Feng Zhi waved his hand, "About that, we can't wash them off, but it's easy for the two turtles to disappear."


Long Ling'er was very suspicious.

Feng Zhi said: "It's really very simple, as long as she can truly remain calm for an entire day. Look, isn't it very simple?"

Long Ling'er...

Yes, it was simple.

However, as a young girl who cared deeply about her appearance, how could Long Xue'er still remain calm after seeing her lush green face?

This answer was extremely obvious.

Long Ling'er sympathized with Long Xue'er once again.

Yes, I hope she can calm down soon, haha …

After that, Long Xue'er really hadn't left her house for a long time.

Of course, although she didn't go out, word of what happened to her spread throughout Dragon Valley.

And because of this matter, no one dared to provoke Feng Zhi anymore. Firstly, Feng Zhi's strength had gained the recognition of everyone in the previous battle, and she was definitely a ruthless person.

Secondly, after seeing Feng Zhi's methods, no one dared to provoke her anymore.

Being beaten up was not scary at all. What was scary was being beaten up by Feng Zhi using her endless means.

Thinking about Feng Zhi's methods, such as brushing honey on his face and throwing it into the forest to attract the Silver Ringed Bees and metal-eating ants, as well as the chili concoction, etc.

These Dragon Clan young generation who had never seen the dangers of the outside world, how could they still dare to approach Feng Zhi?

During this period of time, Feng Zhi would lead Squeak Squeak to slip out of the door every day. As for the other young Dragons, they would hide far away from her whenever they saw her, as if she was some sort of plague.

In fact, in the eyes of the dragon race, Feng Zhi was even more terrifying than a plague.

Feng Zhi didn't mind being treated as a plague by others. As long as no one bothered her anymore, it would be fine if they displeased her again.

However …

This morning, Feng Zhi, who had just woken up and was about to go eat at the Long Zhi couple's place, couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw the crowd of people waiting outside.

"So many of you …" Feng Zhi's gaze swept across the group of people in front of him one by one. "Could it be that you're here to demand an explanation for your clan's younger generation?"

These seven to eight people in front of him looked to be around the same age as the Flame Dragon Clan's elders, Long Zhi and Long Zhaofeng. Even if their auras were not released in the slightest, how could Feng Zhi not feel the faint sense of oppression from them?

If she wasn't wrong …

These people should be the upper echelons of the various clans in the Dragon clan.

It was also because Feng Zhi had guessed the identity of these people that she said such words.

Other than the people from the Shuang Long Clan, there were also a few other Clans among the youths and girls that had been beaten up by Feng Zhi that day. Having been beaten up so heartlessly by Feng Zhi, it was not impossible for the elders to come knocking on their doorsteps.

Feng Zhi stroked her chin, ignoring the few people in front of him whose faces had instantly turned black, she did not suppress her voice at all, "Could it be, that this is the so called 'the big one' after hitting the small one?"

The expressions of those people became even more unsightly.

Just then, Long Zhi and Dragon Crystal walked over from afar. Seeing that Feng Zhi was in a confrontation with this group of people, the couple immediately quickened their steps, and in a blink of an eye, arrived in front of Feng Zhi and separated him from the group of people.

"Feng Zhi, don't be rash …" This was what Dragon Crystal had said.

Dragon Crystal was afraid that Feng Zhi would suffer a loss.

Long Zhi then turned to face the group of Dragon Clan higher-ups, "What are you guys doing with that tiger-like faces? But don't forget what you guys came here for today, this is not a good place to talk. Coincidentally, Miss Feng Zhi is also going to eat at our place, how about we all go together?"

The few higher ups of the dragon clan looked at each other and nodded.

Afterwards, the group of people followed Long Zhi and Long Jing to their residence.

The mountain wall where Long Yan lived on was where the underage dragon race lived. All the mature dragon race lived in an extremely beautiful valley in the Dragon Valley.

In a valley near the mountain and next to the water, a clear stream was flowing by. The place where the fragrance of birds and flowers was sparse and dotted with extremely exquisite bamboo houses, where Long Zhi and Long Jing lived.

After inviting everyone into the room, he remembered that Feng Zhi had not eaten yet, so he hurriedly called her over to eat.

However, being stared at by so many people, Feng Zhi's appetite wasn't good, so she simply put down her chopsticks and said, "Speak, why are you guys looking for us so early in the morning, and even putting up such a show? If you don't speak now, I really would think that you guys are going to stick your heads out for those brats."

These words were obviously a joke.

The battle between Feng Zhi and the youths of the dragon clan was just a joke between the younger generation. Furthermore, Feng Zhi had to rely entirely on her strength to beat up those people, so if she could call out the elders from the dragon clan, then the people from the dragon clan would not be able to afford it.

Therefore, Feng Zhi was only trying to poke them with her words.

It had to be said that what Feng Zhi said was not pleasant, the mouths of the Dragon Clan higher ups twitched.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Long Zhi hurriedly came out to smooth things over, "Feng Zhi, it's like this, we want to ask you for a favor this time …"

Then he said what they had come for.

The reason was still because Feng Zhi had beaten up that group of Dragon Clan youths last time.

Although those Dragon Clan youths were beaten up by Feng Zhi, their skills were still inferior to others. Furthermore, they had lost to a human girl, so naturally, no one would have the face to spread the news, let alone complain to the elders.

However, with so many people injured, how could they keep it a secret? Thus, the elders of the family called out to the youths to question them.

With this question, he revealed the situation at that time.

When they heard what Feng Zhi had said at that time, the upper echelons of the various families had all fallen silent.

Just as Feng Zhi had said, the dragon race had lived in the Dragon Valley for too long a time without any danger, so long that these young generation had no idea what danger was.

If this continued, then it could be imagined that the youths of the dragon clan would not have the strength to survive outside of the Dragon Valley.

The higher ups of the dragon race were also not short-sighted people, thus, after everyone discussed for a while, they decided to look for Feng Zhi.

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