Feng Zhi raised her chin towards the mountain wall, her silhouette looking extremely delicate, she said: "Long Ling'er, tell me, which cave those little brats that haven't come out, are they staying in?"

Long Ling'er and the other Dragon Clan youths that followed over looked at each other.

For some reason, they had a feeling that those who hadn't arrived on time were going to suffer great misfortune this time.

Although she thought that in her heart, Long Ling'er did not have any ambiguity as she directly pointed at the caves and talked about who lived there.

After pointing them out one by one, Feng Zhi lifted her lips and said: "Alright, alright, you guys can watch the show from now on …"

After she finished speaking, she didn't even summon her Fire Feather and directly flew into the sky. She only stopped when she had ascended to a height that was probably the middle of the cliff.

Then, under everyone's attentive gaze, Feng Zhi spread open her hands, as her fingers relaxed.

With the next spin, everyone discovered that there seemed to be a few spots of light around Feng Zhi that were extremely obvious even in broad daylight. Those spots of light were as big as small tadpoles, swimming around Feng Zhi as if they had their own life.

Those with sharp eyes carefully counted the number of light dots.

No more and no less, exactly ninety dots of light.


There were a total of one hundred and eight immature members of the Dragon Clan, but they had arrived at the competition arena on time. Eighteen more people were brought back by Feng Zhi, so there were exactly ninety people who weren't there.

So, these little dots of light...

Without waiting for Long Ling'er and the others to come up with anything, they saw Feng Zhi extend both of her hands, and her fingers that had originally been extended out made a slight clenching motion.

Those specks of light also gathered together.


Feng Zhi suddenly waved both of her hands forward, and the ninety nine small balls of light listened to her command and shot towards the cave on the mountain wall.

It just so happened to be the residence of those who didn't make it to the arena on time.

After those balls of light disappeared into the cave, they were no longer able to see anything.

Because of the ruthlessness of Feng Zhi's attacks the last time, Long Ling'er and the others thought that she must have used some sort of ruthless move to beat up those disobedient tribesmen until they submitted, as Feng Zhi had said last time.

However …

Those light dots had already entered the cave for quite some time, but they still hadn't heard anything.

Just as everyone was puzzled, Feng Zhi who was still floating in the air closed her eyes.

After that, she followed the traces of those specks of light and slowly probed into the ninety caves. In the process, Feng Zhi's mind, as if it had received ninety cameras, was able to clearly see the situation in those ninety caves.

Of course, Feng Zhi did not take action this time to get a glimpse of the situation within the ninety caves.

Not long after, the specks of light that he had released earlier merged with Feng Zhi's strands of consciousness, once again searching for the cave's owner, and entered into his forehead.

In that instant, the ninety five Dragon Clan youths who were secretly thinking in their hearts about how beautiful the Dragon Clan youth's expression would be when Feng Zhi saw that they had not appeared, only felt a chill on their foreheads.

And then, there was nothing after that …

At this time, Feng Zhi finally landed in front of Long Ling'er and the others.

Her two hands deftly turned over, just like she was controlling many threads that no one else could see. And on the other end of the threads, there were ninety dragon youths connected to it.

While Long Ling'er and the others were stunned, the moment to witness a miracle had come.

The ninety dragon youths had originally planned to stay in their residences for a long time, not taking a single step out of this place. They were like puppets as they walked out step by step with sluggish expressions and anxious eyes.

When entering or leaving the cave, they would naturally use their innate talent to fly down from the top of the cave. But now, with Feng Zhi being manipulated like a puppet, and Feng Zhi being put down by these people as a pigeon, how could she possibly have the kind heart to make these people fly down safely?

Heh, of course that was impossible.

And so …

Bang, bang, bang …

One after another, loud noises echoed out. Correspondingly, the dragon youth couldn't help but take another step forward at the edge of the cave, causing them to fall down.

If one were to look down from a high vantage point, this scene would seem like dumplings being dropped.

Long Ling'er and the rest were all dumbstruck.

They couldn't imagine how Feng Zhi had done it.

The dragon clan's body was extremely tough. Even if ninety dragon clan youths were living in high places in the cave but falling down like this didn't hurt them. At most they would only suffer pain.

But even so, these teenagers had no way to regain control of their own bodies. Their heads were still slightly dizzy, so they could not help but advance forward step by step.

Until they saw Feng Zhi and the rest who were behind her.

They had no way to control their movements, but these dragon youths all had traces of anger in their eyes.

They were not stupid, and were perfectly fine when they suddenly had such an anomaly, who else could have done it other than Feng Zhi?

However, the most tragic thing was that even if they hated him to death, they could only stare blankly. They couldn't even stretch their fingers towards Feng Zhi.

Looking at these ninety nine Dragon Clan youths who were staring at each other with their eyes wide open, Feng Zhi first chuckled twice.

For some reason, even though it was just a "hehe", the ninety dragon youths felt chills go down their spines when they heard it.

They were regretting that they had done such a thing to provoke Feng Zhi.

However, it was already too late. They, who were being controlled by Feng Zhi, could not even blink their eyes, much less beg for forgiveness.

Feng Zhi said: "Today is the first day that we will love each other, I never thought that there would be so many people who insist on bowing down. There's no other way, I can only personally come to invite all of you out …"

As she spoke till here, Feng Zhi saw a very eye-catching figure within the crowd. She laughed and crooked her finger at that person.

The person in front scattered to the sides, and the person that Feng Zhi saw, walked to the front step by step just like that.

Who else could it be other than Long Xue'er?

Long Xue'er hadn't walked out of her house for such a long time. The reason for this was, of course, because she always had two green turtles on her face.

For a girl who loved beauty, how could she walk out of the door with such a face?

Just like what Feng Zhi had said last time, how could Long Xue'er remain calm for the entire day?

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