Of course, no one will admit it.

Phoenix to damage into such, if who admitted to her, it is not clear that is looking for abuse?

In the silence of the crowd, Feng Zhi said, "I know you are all reluctant to part with me, but you are all relatively shy. In this case, I will be merciful and tell you in advance that..."

After listening to this, they were all in a hurry.

“…… Just now, I specially sent you some graduation gifts. Well, it's not something valuable. It's just some powder made of dragon scale fruit. You can enjoy it, ha ha By the way, I'll wait for you at Yuelong valley. The first ten people can form a group to fight with me. Oh, I'll give you a chance to clean up my work. I'll take good advantage of it... "

After saying that, Fengzhi went away with the blossoming and squeaking laughter.

In the arena, long ling'er and others howled.

Dragon scale fruit is a very favorite fruit of the dragon people. It only grows in Longgu.

The powder of dragon scale fruit has no effect on other races, but after being mixed with other miraculous drugs through Fengzhi, it has a function that makes everyone laugh and cry

That's to say, if you are a dragon, you'll never stop if you are a dragon Fart!

Tut Tut, therefore, Feng Zhi ran away for a short time. In the arena, he only heard one sound after another, which was too loud to be ignored.

The crowd listened to their own or the small company's exhaust, and then smelled the unbearable smell. Finally, they couldn't help but get mad. Then they called "ah ah" and ran after Feng Zhi in the direction of leaving.

Damn it, it's disgusting!

They all made a fierce run towards the Dragon Valley, vowed to grab the top ten, and then group ruthlessly brush Phoenix to this big boss!

As for the outcome, it remains to be seen.

Yuelong Valley is a long way away from the arena. Even at the speed of the dragon race, it took about two quarters of an hour for people to arrive. At this time, Feng had already been waiting at the gate of Yuelong valley.

She was counting the first ten arrivals.

"Long ling'er, long Bing, long Shuang, long xue'er, long..."

Ten people were named in a row.

"If you want to challenge me, please hurry up. I won't play with you later..." Feng Zhi changed the squeak on her shoulder, which had no change in the past two years, and then pointed to ten people such as longling'er.

That look, it's a real shame.

Long ling'er and other servants looked at each other, and then they all moved forward to fight with Fengzhi.

Even if you know that ten of you can't be Feng Zhi's opponent, but the opportunities are in front of them. Can't you just shrink back?

Seeing a big war on the verge of breaking out, the young people of the nearly 100 dragon race also opened their eyes to watch the war.

Just at this time, Feng Zhi suddenly moved her eyes away from the crowd and looked at the other side.

People do not know why, but for the past two years to Fengzhi's conviction, they can't help but follow Feng Zhi's line of sight to look out.

At this time, I didn't see anything.

When people can't help being suspicious, they see a red shadow approaching towards this side in the distance. Then, a cold voice is heard in the ears of all.

"What are you all doing?"

When he had finished speaking, the owner of the voice fell to the crowd.

First of all, it's a red dress.

Wearing the clothes of this color, the master's temperament is mostly enthusiastic, but the young woman in front of her is not the same. Her appearance is extremely beautiful, but her expression seems to be always with a light frost color.

However, such contrast will not make people feel that there is any abrupt, that cold and hot so get a perfect integration, so that she looks like the whole person has another point of strange charm.

See this person, Feng to the heart of the first time to jump out of a few words.

Dragon red silk.

She also did not guess wrong, the next moment long Xueer and other people's exclamations confirmed this point.

"Red silk!"

"Sister Hongxiao..."

A lot of people cried out like this.

Long Hongxiao is the daughter of the elder of the frost dragon clan. She is the princess of each clan, just like long ling'er in the Yanlong clan.

Because of her excellent appearance and talent which is only a little inferior to Long Yan, long Hongxiao has been the most dazzling existence of the dragon family since she was young. She is more than a thousand years older than Long Yan. More than ten years ago, she faintly touched the threshold of adulthood, but only one foot short of the door, so she went out for a long journey to find opportunities.

A few years ago, the Dragon Red gauze had sent a letter to the Dragon Valley, saying that it was coming back in these years.

However, this even several years did not see the Dragon Red gauze back, people also did not take seriously.

But I didn't expect that she would come back at this time.

People look at the Dragon Red gauze back from the long journey, and then look at the fight. When they realize the appearance of the Dragon Red gauze, they squint a little and don't know what Feng Zhi is thinking about. All of them are silent for a moment.For thousands of years, people have been used to discussing long Hongxiao and Long Yan together.

Even more, because of the outstanding long Hongxiao, everyone subconsciously recognized that she was very likely to form a relationship with Long Yan and become the next Dragon Princess of the dragon clan.

And long Hongxiao, although she has never commented on this on any occasion, her eyes when she looks at Longyan undoubtedly tells everyone that she is also affectionate to Longyan.

Many people in the dragon clan are happy to see this happen.

Until Long Yan came back from Xuanwu, he also brought back Fengzhi.

If it had been two years ago, the 108 people present would have stood on the other side of longhongxiao.

But now

After being taught by Fengzhi for two years, the scales in people's hearts unconsciously incline towards Fengzhi.

On the one hand, they have been with each other for thousands of years. On the other hand, they are very grateful and know that they can't afford to provoke Feng Zhi

For a moment, everyone was in a dilemma.

It is also aware of the strange atmosphere, the Dragon Red gauze a pair of cool beautiful eyes then look to the Phoenix like this.

Did not wait for Dragon Red gauze to speak, Feng to first open a mouth, "how, you do not introduce, who is this?"

A master's voice.

The crowd was speechless.

You know, this is the Dragon Valley. If you talk about it, the Dragon Red gauze is the master.


According to the relationship between Fengzhi and Longyan, laifengzhi will become the Dragon concubine of the dragon clan again. It seems that there is nothing wrong with Fengzhi's speaking in this way.

People can't make sense of it, so they just ignore it.

Long ling'er and Feng Zhi were most familiar with each other. At this time, he said, "Fengzhi, this is the Dragon Red gauze of frost dragon clan..."

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