Seeing this scene, Feng Zhi was very satisfied.

Since longhongxiao is an enemy of love, she not only wants to crush longhongxiao on the skin of her mouth and strength, but also surpasses her in the length of her hair.

She took a look at her long hair.

When she looked at it like this, she suddenly grew long black hair to the ankle, and then quietly retracted the normal waist length.

She bent her lips gently, and Feng Zhi took time to look at the extremely ugly Dragon Red gauze. "You see, I even have hair that is longer than you..."

The complacency is not obvious.

Hearing this, longhongxiao's face became black.

Knowing that she can't say anything but Phoenix, Dragon Red gauze simply doesn't speak. With a slight lift of her hands, she sees that the water vapor in the air instantly condenses into ice needles shining with cold awns in the sun. The ice needles are densely floating in the air in front of long Hongxiao's body, which makes people feel chilly when they just look at it.

Ten fingers toward the Phoenix to where a shot, those sharp ice needles will bring out a very terrible sound of whistling toward the Phoenix to fly.

Feng Zhi snorted coldly.

Then, the jade sword in his hand seemed to be waving slowly.

It's strange to say that mingmingfeng has only such a jade sword in her hand, and she doesn't dance very fast. But when she dances like this, she really turns her body into an absolutely safe area. Let alone these ice needles, even if she splashes a basin of water, I'm afraid there will not be a drop close to Fengzhi's body.

Fengzhi is certainly not a person who only knows how to take a move but doesn't know how to fight back.

"Give it back to you!"

After saying that, the jade sword in the hand suddenly pointed to the Dragon Red gauze.

See that dense ice needle, as if it was temporarily instigated the same, directly turned to the Dragon Red gauze there to shoot away.

Long red silk eyebrows twist slightly.

But these ice needles were originally made by her, and how could they hurt her.

However, with a gentle wave, those ice needles with sharp light turned into vapor in the air.

It's just

Dragon Red gauze soon turned pale.

As the ice needle was turned into water vapor by her, she did not know why it suddenly let out a flame. The flame did not seem to hurt people. At first it appeared, it was straight towards the face of long Hongxiao.

Caught off guard, even if the Dragon Red gauze in time to one side to hide, also failed to completely hide in the past.

The direct result is that the Dragon Red gauze that snow-white face immediately becomes black, looking at particularly ridiculous.

Up to now, the image of longhongxiao has been destroyed by Fengzhi.

In the past, she had long hair and a white and delicate face. Even if there was no ugly woman in the dragon clan, who could not say "goddess" to her?

But now?

The iconic long silver hair was only a small part of her shoulder, and her snow-white face was so black that she could hardly see her original appearance under the flame of Fengzhi. Moreover, her long skirt was worn out, which could hardly compare with the beggars in basaltic land.

Is this still the princess of frost dragon?

Those who hide in the distance to see this scene of the small companions one by one opened their mouths, but almost did not call out.

The crowd looked at each other.

I don't know why, they all began to sympathize with long Hongxiao.

It's a sad thing to be the enemy of Fengzhi.

Dragon Red gauze herself was almost trembling with anger.

Having lived for more than nine thousand years, when did she fall into such a situation?

It's just a human being!

Dragon Red gauze can no longer keep calm in the heart.

As Fengzhi said before, the young generation of the dragon people have lived in Longgu since childhood. They have never seen the dangers of the world and can't control their emotions properly. They are easy to lose their sense of propriety when they suffer a little attack.

After two years of training by Fengzhi, the 108 people who stayed in Longgu have made great progress. At least when fighting with other people except kaifengzhi, they will not disturb their rhythm even if they encounter anything.

But dragon red silk is not.

Even though she has been traveling abroad for more than ten years, she has gone to places where people are rarely seen, and her combat experience is not much, and she meets an enemy like Fengzhi. How can she maintain her initial state of mind?

In particular, when longhongxiao's most complacent appearance was destroyed by Fengzhi.

No longer could he suppress his rage. The Dragon Red gauze raised his head to the sky and uttered another song of dragon chanting. Then he suddenly turned back to the dragon. He saw a huge Silver Dragon rolling in the sky, bringing out gusts of wind.

With a burst of whistling sound, the huge dragon tail of the Dragon Red gauze, with the momentum of Wanjun, came to the Phoenix to draw here.

Compared with this dragon tail, the hair silk of the former dragon red silk is just a small one.The most powerful place of the dragon clan is the dragon tail and several claws. The Dragon red silk not only draws out one tail, but also swings several claws at the same time. The claw marks that the Dragon brings out seem that even the space can be cut, and the momentum is extremely frightening.

There is no fear between Feng and Mei Yu.

"But it's just a change of body. I'm afraid of you?"

Then the whole person flew to the air, looking at the extremely small toe so kicked to the dragon tail of the Dragon Red gauze.

At the same time, the jade sword in Feng Zhi's hand also points several times toward those claw shadows.


Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng

At first, Fengzhi's toes and the dragon's tail of the dragon's red gauze were in close combat, and both of them were slightly shocked. Then a hurricane blew out from the place where they contacted, and pulled up the nearby plants and trees, and the sand and rocks on the ground were also blown up, just like a typhoon of 12 degrees here.

This situation lasted for about a breath, and then it was the Dragon Hongxiao that finally lost the power of Fengzhi. After a roar, the huge dragon rolled back at least a hundred meters.

Take a look at her dragon tail, several pieces of silver dragon scales were opened, revealing the flesh and blood covered by the Dragon scales, and a few drops of silver dragon blood floated in the air.

But the shadow of the claws that the Dragon Red gauze waved before, was touched by the Phoenix jade sword, but it made a few clear chirps and disappeared without a trace.

Let's talk about Fengzhi.

Dragon Red gauze is a real dragon clan, and it is also an adult dragon clan. Where can it be compared with the unruly black Jiao that she met in Haicheng. Fengzhi was able to kick Heijiao out of the way intact at the beginning. Now it is the same as the dragon tail of the Dragon Red gauze. Although she still managed to beat back the Dragon Red gauze and even let her suffer a little injury, Fengzhi still managed to beat back the Dragon Red gauze and even made her suffer a little injury I also felt a surge of Qi and blood in my body, and even the aura was shaking up.

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