There is Feng to wait for him outside, how can he give up early on his own?

Long Yan thought like this, trying to close up his consciousness, and then struggle with the body and the soul of the Dragon constantly spread the pain.

Hold on, as long as the past, he can see the Phoenix to.


This is the source of all the beliefs of Long Yan.


After enduring such a long time of pain, because his body is very strong, it is Yi Long Yan's body, although he also suffered some injuries, in the end, there is no big obstacle, but his consciousness is undoubtedly greatly hurt.

After holding on for a long time, Long Yan only felt that the string in his brain, which was always tense and struggling with pain, suddenly broke after a "buzz".

After that, Long Yan's eyes were black and fainted.

Almost at the moment when Long Yan fainted, long Zhan and Shi Yan's residence, which had been recalled by the announcement of Fengzhi, suddenly looked tense.

Only because, in their room, there was a rapid scream.

They suddenly stood up and said, "this is..."

Before he could finish speaking, he rushed into the room.

The jade card was placed in the corner of the wall by the dragon war. Although it was not very impressive, it was undoubtedly a piece of gold jade plate which was greatly protected. At this time, the golden light was constantly flashing. When the golden light was still strong and weak, it was inexplicably frightening to see. With the rapid scream, it was obvious that something important had happened.

Confirmed their own guess, Shi Yan in front of a faint.

Long Zhan has a calm face, but he is more calm than Shiyan. He reaches out in time to catch Shiyan.

Shi Yan swayed a few times and held out a trembling finger at the jade card Long Yan, our son, something happened... "

Long Zhan's face was not very good at this time.

Long Yan's coming into adulthood after his seclusion. Neither longzhan nor Shiyan felt that he would have any problems in advance, so their mentality was very relaxed. They just needed to wait for Long Yan to go out safely.

But now it seems that Long Yan is in danger?

Long Zhan and Shi Yan have only one son. How can they not worry about the safety of Long Yan?

Both of them did not care about anything else. With one hand, long Zhan grasped the Golden Jade card in his hand, and in the other hand, he held Shi Yan's arm tightly, and left in the direction of the cave where Longyan closed down.

At the same time, many people of the Dragon nationality seem to have some reaction. Their faces change with each other, and they rush to the cave one after another.

Not only these dragon people, but also Fengzhi.

After the announcement, Feng didn't have time to look at long Hongxiao's face, and suddenly felt a wild jump in her heart.

It's like

Something happened to someone she cared about so much.

She is in Longgu. If there is anyone else here who can make her have such a reaction, who can there be besides Long Yan?

Phoenix to a white face.

Then, she did not say a word, even the fire plume did not call out. She saw that the killing fairy sword on her waist seemed to sense her mood. When Fengzhi jumped into the air, she automatically jumped to the foot of Fengzhi.

One person and one sword, they will be in the eyes of all people.

After Feng Zhi left, the rest of them felt as if something had happened.

Then, naturally, people followed.

The master's sword controlling skill is faster than that of Fengzhi controlling the fire plume. Under the full control of Fengzhi's sword, when she arrived in front of the closed cave, longzhan and Shiyan didn't even arrive.

Also closer to this cave, Feng Zhi's feeling of uneasiness will become more obvious.

She can be sure that something must have happened to Longyan.

Long Yan entered the cave for the purpose of closing down. Now that something has happened, I think it is also because of something happened in the process of breaking through to adulthood.

Feng to just this one reason clear, see the Dragon battle and division Yan with a gust of wind howling.

Seeing these two people, Feng took a deep breath and pressed down all the uneasiness.

The more urgent it is, the less flustered it is.

If you want to save her, you should calm down first.

When he was sure that he had calmed down, Feng Zhicai said: "something happened to Longyan. Could you open this cave for me to have a look?"

Seeing Fengzhi like this, if at ordinary times, longzhan and Shiyan must have a better impression of her. But now the situation of Longyan is still unclear. Where do they have such a mood.

Dragon war shook his head, calm face way: "this door, from the outside is impossible to open."

This cave was originally designed for the closure of the dragon people, but once closed, it could not be affected by any external things. Therefore, although the cave, even the whole mountain, looks nothing special, it is actually arranged with the secret method of the Dragon nationality. It can not only isolate everything on the outside, but also protect the people who are closed inside. The whole mountain is different The constant firmness, even if the dragon clan attacks with all its strength and is protected by the dragon clan's Secret Law, it can not be broken in a short time.“…… The door can only be opened from the inside by the closed person. " Shi Yan closed her eyes, quite a bit difficult tunnel.

Feng to the heart is a sink.

She looked at the jade card that longzhan was holding tightly.

Does the flash of gold on the jade plate show how bad the situation of Long Yan is?

As long as I think of it, where can Feng continue to endure?

She doesn't have much time to wait here.

Maybe he saw Feng Zhi's eyes fall on the jade card, and the dragon's eyebrows twisted into a deep knot. "This is the soul card that everyone of the dragon clan will make after he is born. A little dragon soul of the corresponding person is extracted from the soul card, and the safety of the corresponding person can be seen from the soul card..."

The soul card in longzhan's hand is of course Longyan's.

Obviously, soul card now has such a change, Long Yan must be in trouble, and it will not be a trivial matter.

Feng to tightly pursed lips, her eyes seem to have a light flame in beating general, although there is no urgent color on the surface, but everyone can feel how upset she is now.

"I'll open this door," Feng said, adding two words to the back, "right now!"

At this time, other people of Longyan also arrived here.

Before long Zhan and Shi Yan had time to answer, one of them, who saw that he was older than longzhan, said in a deep voice: "it's impossible!"

The Dragon leader did not lie.

Of course, the most important place for the dragon people is to close the gate. If it can be opened easily from the outside, how can anyone rest assured of being closed inside?

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