If Feng Zhi can't see what's wrong with Long Yan, she has lived for so many years and watched so many dog blood dramas on the earth.

Isn't that jealousy?

However, I'm afraid there is no one else to eat such a two-year-old little bean curd the size of a palm.

Feng to simply some of the crying and laughing.

However, looking at Long Yan's "baby is very unruly", she sighed slightly, and then, regardless of whether there are more than 100 electric light bulbs opening their eyes to look at them, she took a few steps to Longyan's place, with a very familiar hand around Long Yan's waist and the other hand around his neck, so she kissed him fiercely.

"There's no other man, just you."

Feng Zhi gently took her soft red lips and rubbed them on Longyan's lips until she saw the slightly raised lip corners of Longyan, and then she stepped back.

At the end of the kiss, she noticed that the people around her seemed to be very quiet. Feng Zhi took a look of disdain at them and said, "it's a big surprise. It's just a kiss. I haven't held it high yet."


In fact, the reason why people bow their heads to look like quails is not only because they saw the scene they should not have seen.

It's about

Long Yan gently coughed, "cough, Phoenix to, they mean, Dragon Red gauze is coming."

Is dragon red silk coming?

Feng Zhi looks back.

Sure enough, what is coming from behind her is not Dragon Red gauze?

Feng Zhi couldn't help but pick her eyebrows.

Therefore, beauty misleads people. The people she is always alert to will never forget to pay attention to the surrounding activities with divine sense. However, she only cares about teasing Long Yan, and she can't even notice that such a big living person as long Hongxiao is so close.

What a shame!

Feng to can't do that kind of know that the Dragon Red gauze came, but also deliberately in front of her face and Longyan intimate things.

Just as Feng Zhi and long Hongxiao said last time, she didn't regard longhongxiao as her rival in love. Of course, she would not do such a thing.

Long Hongxiao was watched by so many people, and saw the intimate behavior of Longyan and Fengzhi before. At this time, her whole body was somewhat stiff.

I have fantasized about the future of himself and Long Yan so many times before. Although this idea has been canceled because of the existence of Fengzhi, I really see that Fengzhi and Longyan are close to each other in front of so many people. It is certainly false to say that there is no fluctuation in longhongxiao's heart.


In any case, longhongxiao is also the most dazzling pearl of the dragon people, not her own people. Even if she does not give up, she will not do anything out of date.

So, see Phoenix to turn to look at oneself, Dragon Red gauze smile.

The Phoenix returned with a smile.

After that fight, I heard that the Dragon red silk gauze was not as good as himself. Of course, Fengzhi would not regard the Dragon Red gauze as yesterday's enemy.

As a matter of fact, she didn't hate the Dragon red silk.

Is Long Yan, see dragon red gauze, also gently nodded, light way: "red gauze."

The attitude was extremely calm.

They are the playmates who grew up together, and this attitude can't be more appropriate.

If it is said that before long Hongxiao's heart is still a little unwilling, then at this time when she heard her name said by Long Yan in a flat voice, her heart was also precipitated.

Long Yan, this is not her people.

Dragon Red gauze then also nodded.

Long Yan did not intend to speak again.

Except in front of Feng Zhi, he is not a person who talks much.

At this time, Long Yan gently raised his eyebrows.

He received the message from longzhan and Shiyan, and asked him to take Feng to go to their place together. The way was to discuss important matters.

Something important?

Long Yan is rather suspicious.

However, since his parents have already opened their mouth, of course he will not ignore, so he looked at Feng Zhi, "Feng Zhi, my father and my mother asked me to take you with me to their place."

Feng Zhi nodded, and then she said hello to long ling'er. She asked her to take Zhizhi with her in the past few days. Then she turned around with Long Yan and went to longzhan and Shiyan.

When Fengzhi and Longyan arrive, longzhan and Shiyan are waiting for them.

Seeing Feng Zhi and Long Yan, Shi Yan quickly called them and said, "come on, come and sit down."

When Fengzhi and Longyan both sit down, longzhan and Shiyan look at each other, and Shiyan opens his mouth. "Longyan, Fengzhi, let you come here today, to say something about you two."

About the two of them?

Phoenix to dark eyebrows.

What will not be said is

Sure enough, the next moment, Shi Yan's words affirmed Feng Zhi's guess.

Shi Yan said: "Fengzhi, Long Yan is a person who knows clearly what he is thinking. So for the matter between them, from the moment when he saw him bring you back to Longgu, we parents didn't want to object."Feng Zhi nodded in her heart.

In fact, the attitude of long Zhan and Shi Yan is really open-minded.

More than two years ago, when she first arrived in Longgu, who really regarded her as Longyan's fiancee, except for long Zhan and Shi Yan, the whole dragon family?

It has to be said that Fengzhi is also happy to be recognized by his parents.

Seeing Feng Zhi's approval, Shi Yan laughed and continued: "I thought you were both young, so I didn't have to worry about getting married. But after the last thing, I changed my mind. Since you two are in love, why should you be old and young? Anyway, Long Yan has already entered adulthood and can get married at any time. So, my husband and I can get married at any time I mean, why don't you fix your marriage first

Long Yan was nervous when he heard the speech.

God knows, he wants to marry Phoenix to want to go crazy.

In his opinion, his Phoenix is simply the best gift God has given him, and he would like to rub her into his own bones.

It takes a long time for Longyan's plan to marry his beloved Fengzhi home.

Now, his mother, in front of Feng Zhi, has made such a request.

But Long Yan also knows that Fengzhi doesn't really want to get married now, even though she has the same feelings for herself as she does for her.

Long Yan wants to marry Feng Zhi, but he doesn't want to force Feng Zhi. He feels uneasy for a moment.

So, seeing Fengzhi open his mouth, Long Yan said, "Fengzhi, we have a long time to go in the future. Don't worry. When I take the Dragon King's scepter from my father in the future, we will marry again. At that time, I will wear the Dragon crown for you in person."

The scepter and the crown are the symbols of the Dragon King.

When he personally put the king's crown on Feng Zhi's head, it must be very beautiful.

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