What's the situation?

More than one hundred people are ignorant, such a highly unified expression only makes people laugh.

The speed of the arrow branch is extremely fast. Just when people were shocked, the light that was split by only one arrow had already met with many warriors.

I saw the dazzling light flash by

And then it was all quiet.

Why, it's gone?

Those who recognized the identity of Fengzhi and Longyan originally wanted to see a good play with Fengzhi. When they wanted to come, the people from Fengzhi were designated as not mediocre. They just saw Fengzhi and let such a young man do it.

Originally, I wanted to see a big war. As a result, it ended up with just one arrow?

I didn't find the difference between those martial artists on the opposite side and before!

As for Feng Lai's arrow, in the eyes of those martial artists who know Feng Zhi's identity, well, it's very beautiful, but it doesn't work.

This is the conclusion of many people in their hearts.

Then, after a short rest, the warriors with such ideas felt their faces slapped with "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa".

Some people pointed to those soldiers with strange expressions on their faces and said, "look, they have them!"

If the eye movement can also bring out the sound, then people can certainly hear the neat "Shua Shua" sound.

I saw that on the hands of those warriors in the opposite direction, there was even a little white light shining on them at this time. However, the corresponding light was that there was an extra blood hole in each person's hands.

The most surprising thing was that the people suddenly realized that the light split from the arrow of Fenglai corresponded to the number of people in the opposite direction one by one.

It made many people gasp.

You know, from Fenglai to Fengwu bow, he shot an arrow, and the arrow branches split into light. After a while, it was just a short rest time. This means that at that moment, Fenglai not only accurately knew the number of those warriors on the opposite side, but also controlled the light arrow to split the corresponding amount of light, and let those lights all penetrate the opposite ones The palm of a warrior.


What an incredible insight!

For a moment, people no longer dare to take the previous disapproval to treat Feng Lai.

Sure enough, can walk together with Feng Zhi, where can be what mediocre hand?

Think of themselves and others had thought that Feng Lai's arrow was just looking more beautiful, and everyone could not help but feel ashamed.

It's true that pearls are mistaken for fish eyes.

Even if there are martial artists who are good at bowing in the crowd, they just have to pay homage to the Phoenix.

As for Fenglai.

He swept the soldiers on the other side, who were not aware of the pain until then. They were looking at their hands in horror. "Some things are not something you can think about, and some people can't be provoked by you. If you want to extend your paws to other people's things, you must have the awareness that your claws have been chopped off. This time it's cheap for you..."

The tone is cool, just like I just raised my hand at will.

However, those martial artists on the opposite side can only shrink their heads and dare not take a look at Feng Zhi and others.

In this land of the jungle, in pursuit of their own strength, all people have learned how to distinguish who can not be provoked.

In the eyes of these warriors, Fengzhi and his party are undoubtedly such existence.

Therefore, after the words of Phoenix came down, these people left the city wall one by one with their heads drooping.

When these people left, those warriors who had already recognized the identity of Fengzhi and Longyan were all around in this direction.

One of them looked at the middle-aged warrior who had a high reputation among them. He also took the place of the others and gave a hug to Fengzhi and Longyan. "Miss Fengzhi, I haven't had time to thank you and this young master for your help..."

When it comes to Long Yan, there is still awe in their faces.

The dragon clan, but also the Golden Dragon royal family, can not help but they do not fear!

The man wanted to go on, but Feng Zhi waved, "you don't have to thank us. I've already said that the reason why we slaughtered the animal last time is that it just provoked us, and it's not for you."

This is the original words of Fengzhi.

If it wasn't for the black Jiao who pretended to be a dragon clan and annoyed Fengzhi, she and Longyan would not have made a move.

Everyone can see that Feng Zhi is absolutely telling the truth.

But even so, Fengzhi and Longyan solved a big problem for the warriors of Haicheng, which is an indisputable fact.

Therefore, people still repeatedly expressed their thanks to Fengzhi.

Feng Zhi can't bear to stay here again to listen to so many people say thank you. She's a little hungry now. She hasn't eaten any good food after flying on the sea these two days. Instead, she grabs several exotic animals from the sea that are said to be delicious. She waits for Nie Qiniang to make them for her.Therefore, Feng even didn't wait for the people to thank, just like the last time, she led a group of people to jump directly from the high wall.

Take a shortcut to walk like this, probably only Feng to a person.

Leaving the city wall, Feng Zhi and his party went to Nie Qiniang's delicious food.

Delicious food can be described as one of the signboards of Haicheng. In the past two years, Haicheng has lost its black Jiao, but it has become crowded again. At Fengzhi, Nie Qiniang is afraid that she will be much busier than two years ago.


Really came to the delicious outside, Feng to found that here than she imagined even more cold.

What's going on?

Feng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

At this time, someone passed by Fengzhi and others, and saw a group of people standing outside the delicious door like this. The man originally wanted to ignore it and go straight there, but after several changes on his face, he could not help but remind himself: "are you the first time to come to Haicheng? It's delicious. Although it's a signboard of Haicheng, you'd better stay away from here now... "

Before he had finished speaking, the man's words stopped abruptly.

He looked at Fengzhi and Longyan standing in front of him, and his facial expression also changed from a little pity to some gaping.

Obviously, they recognized Feng Zhi and Long Yan.

Feng to see this person's appearance, immediately also happy.

"Oh, uncle, this is a coincidence!" Feng Zhi waved to the man.

It's a coincidence.

This reminds Fengzhi and others to stay away from the delicious food. Isn't it the warrior who was caught by Longyan when Fengzhi and Longyan first arrived in Haicheng two years ago?

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