Since all of them have already opened their mouths, Fenghua will not hide any more. He will directly explain his intention clearly.

Of course, Fenghua has a son. The purpose of his coming to find Fengzhi today is also for his son.

Although she is only two years older than Feng, and now she is twenty-three years old, Feng Hua's talent in martial arts is not high. Now it is only in the late stage of martial arts, and even the generals have failed to break through.

This talent is nothing in front of so many elite children of Feng family.

It is also because of this very clear, so Fenghua has never placed hope on their own strength can suddenly leap forward, and then into the ranks of masters.

Even the parents of Lian Fenghua can understand this.

Therefore, shortly after Fengzhi left Feng's home for Longgu, Fenghua married his wife under the leadership of his parents.

His sons are now one year old.

For more than two years, not only have I married and had children, but also my son has been one year old. I have to say that this speed is absolutely fast.

Fenghua was very happy to have a child.

His own talent is not strong, and he may not be able to break through in martial arts. In the rest of his life, he may have to rely on his family to do some common work to support his family. But since he has children, of course, he can place his hope on his own children.

As long as his children's talent is outstanding, will he still be able to get the family's resources and become famous in the future?

This is the wild hope belonging to Fenghua.

Originally, Fenghua has been looking forward to it.

Until some time ago, his son turned one year old.

In the Feng family, when the children of the family reach the age of one, they will take a preliminary talent test to test the talent of the children in the family.

Of course, because this is the preliminary test, so the test result is not very accurate, the accuracy rate is only about 78 / 10.

Seventy eight out of ten, although this accuracy rate can not be said to be 100%, in fact, it can well explain some problems.

Before her children take this test, Fenghua has been looking forward to it, and she is a little nervous.

As parents, who doesn't want their children to have a bright future?

However, the final test results, but Fenghua was disappointed.

In fact, although Fenghua has great expectations for his son's test results, he also knows that even if his own talent is not good, the daughter-in-law he married is of ordinary quality, and the children they give birth to are likely to die out of the public. Therefore, Fenghua has a premonition in his heart.

But even with such psychological preparation, Fenghua still could not accept the test results.

The worst, he thought, was that his son was as gifted as he was.

However, the final test results showed that his son did not even have the talent to practice martial arts?

How could that be possible?

On the land of Xuanwu, does anyone have any talent for martial arts?

It's almost impossible.

If you want to really say that there is one, it is the former Fengzhi.

However, although Fengzhi was confirmed to have no martial arts talent at the beginning, her powerful strength later proved to everyone that Fengzhi was not a waste material. Therefore, all people today only think that Fengzhi's talent test was wrong.

But Fenghua's son, after testing back and forth several times, did not really have any talent for martial arts.

For Fenghua, it's just like the sky is falling.

When he put all his hopes on his son, he found that his son could not even become an ordinary warrior with lower strength in the future?

If you want to survive on the basaltic continent, how can it be done without force?

During this period of time, the Fenghua family were only worried about the white hair for this matter.

At this time, Feng Zhi and his party returned to Feng's home.

Fenghua was also in a state of emergency and went to the doctor in a hurry. He thought that Fengzhi had done so many shocking things since he was 16 years old. Maybe this time he could see hope, so he found Feng to come here.

"Fengzhi, I know that I was wrong before. You can do whatever you want, but I beg you to help my son. He has just turned one year old. If this is determined that he will not do anything in the future, how will he survive in this world?"

Feng Hua looks puzzled.

He now understood how Fengzhi felt when they called "waste materials" one by one.

Well, if Fengzhi knew what Fenghua was thinking, she would laugh.

God knows, she was really at the beginning, did not put Feng Hua and other people's words in the heart.

Is it waste materials, Feng to their own most understand, but where need others to say?

After Feng Hua finished speaking, she raised her head slightly and looked at Feng with infinite hope.Look at his appearance, probably Feng Zhi says a "no help" or "can't help", he will immediately faint in the past.

Feng immediately rolled her eyes.

When she was a child, Feng didn't look at those things. Anyway, it wasn't her who suffered losses, so she certainly didn't have any disgust or hatred for Fenghua.

What's more, Fenghua's son was found to have no talent for martial arts, which really made Feng Zhi a little curious.

But she still remembers how hard she felt when she was born to practice martial arts, but suddenly she found that she didn't have any talent for martial arts. Finally, she had to go back to her old profession to practice.

Can it be that Fenghua's son, like her, has spiritual roots but no martial arts talent?

If so, she can't help seeing Feng Hua's son.

Therefore, Fengzhi took a look at Fenghua and waved, "in this case, please hold your son and let me have a look. I'm sleepy now. Time is limited. You can do it yourself..."

Words have not finished, Fenghua has already rushed out.

However, after a few seconds, Fenghua rushed in again like a gust of wind.

Following Feng Hua, there is also a woman who looks like 212, with a sleeping baby in her hand.

Come on, this is Fenghua's daughter-in-law.

When Fenghua got married, Fengzhi had already gone to Longgu with Longyan, so this is the first time that Fenghua's daughter-in-law has seen such a legend as Fengzhi.

Thinking about her son's future, she can only rely on Feng Zhi's body. The woman pressed down her embarrassment and uneasiness, biting her lips and saying, "Miss Fengzhi, the child is still so young, please ask Miss Fengzhi to help him..."

After a word, they almost burst into tears.

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