Take a deep breath, then tightly grasp the quilt corner, Feng Zhi suddenly lifted the quilt


Feng couldn't help screaming.

After so many years of cultivation, Fengzhi has never screamed in such a disrespectful way since she came to the world of martial arts.

Because of the shock, Feng did not control her volume for a moment.

As a result, her early morning scream spread directly out, and finally into the ears of Long Yan, who lived in the courtyard next door.

Long Yan has already got up and is preparing to come to Fengzhi to see if Fengzhi has already got up. Unexpectedly, he first heard such a scream, which is obviously from Fengzhi.

This can make Long Yan's heart stop shaking.

What kind of character Fengzhi is, of course, Long Yan can't be clearer.

Having been with Feng Zhi for more than ten years, when has long Yan seen Feng Zhi scream like this?

Even if it was a strong enemy, Fengzhi only killed it all the way with his sword. If he was not really scared, how could he scream?

As a fiance, Long Yan Ran to Fengzhi's yard without hesitation.

Jump directly from the courtyard wall into the courtyard, and kick open the door of Feng to.

"Fengzhi, how are you? What happened?" Long Yanji voiced.

At this time, Feng came back from the shock.

She first looked at the mass of things still wriggling between her legs, and then looked back at Long Yan. She said dryly, "Long Yan, do you think it's possible that I suddenly Had a baby? "

Long Yan was dizzy.

Have a baby?

Although Feng Zhicai joked a few days ago and generally mentioned the birth of a child, Long Yan didn't take it seriously. It was just a joke of Fengzhi.

Now, what's going on?

Having a baby overnight is, of course, impossible.

Besides, how can he remember that he never had a baby with a phoenix?

Subconsciously, Long Yan doesn't care what's wrong. He looks directly at Feng Zhi's legs.

From this point of view, Long Yan can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

He understood why Feng Zhi asked such a strange question.

It's just because the one who is wriggling between the Phoenix and her legs is not just a fat and white one. It should be a newborn Baby?

Long Yan stuttered.

He pointed to the meat ball, but he couldn't make it clear, "Feng Feng Feng Feng Zhi, this is how What's going on? "

Even, Long Yan can't help thinking, is it, he and Feng really don't know how to make a child?

Otherwise, where did this sudden meat ball come from?

As for whether children are born like this

Long Yan did not have this concept.

When a woman of the Dragon nationality gives birth to a child, she has to go through a hundred years' pregnancy, and then she gives birth to a dragon egg. After that, the dragon egg hatches and the young dragon comes out of the dragon egg. This is the real birth.

But this is the way the dragon people give birth to children. Human beings must be different from the dragon people.

As for how human beings give birth to children, Long Yan can't say why.

In Long Yan's mind, he became a paste.

He remembered the kiss he had with Fengzhi last night. Could he have given birth to Fengzhi just like that?

Can be before he and Feng to also not have no kiss, ah, before nothing happened, how strange this time?

Besides, isn't it necessary for men and women to have children after this and that? How can this happen?

Long Yan's heart is in a mess.

After a long time, he didn't hear Feng Zhi's response. Long Yancai said with a puzzled face: "Fengzhi, is this really our Children? "

Long Yan felt that his understanding of the world had changed.

At this time, Feng Zhi suddenly burst out laughing.

"Long Yan, you..." Feng Zhi points to Long Yan and laughs for a long time and can't say anything. "It's so funny. You're so funny..."

Then there was another burst of laughter.

When Feng Zhi smiles like this, Long Yan feels deeply hurt and looks at Feng Zhi with black lines.

But at the same time, Long Yan was relieved.

Depending on the situation, the child who didn't know where to play should not be he and Feng to.

He said, how could they suddenly have an extra child?

So, if it wasn't for him and Feng, where did such a small meat ball come from?

Long Yan only thought for a moment, then bit his teeth and said, "squeak?"

And then also don't care to creak, now the position is a little embarrassed, a pull that is still trying to wriggle between the chicken and legs of the meat ball son's leg, put him upside down, merciless is a few slaps heavy hit on the bare little butt."Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

After a few crisp slaps, the small meat ball that was uncovered by Long Yan opened his mouth and began to cry.

Feng to quite disapprove ground one eye of Long Yan, "he is still so small, you can really under the hand."

Long Yan snorted coldly.

Although Zhizhi is such a small group now, it looks as fragile as a newborn human child, but in fact, I'm afraid that Zhizhi's body is much stronger than the adult warrior.

But it was carried upside down, just a few slaps, and what was it?

Long Yan was really angry.

Feng to, and then a burst of laughter.

In fact, at the beginning of seeing such a meat ball crawling between her legs, Fengzhi really felt a little broken down, and she really thought it was ridiculous whether she really had a baby after a sleep.

However, only a moment later, Feng Zhi came back to his mind and denied this speculation.

Now that we have returned to our senses, and we think of the strange impatience of Zhizhi last night, and the situation that Zhizhi had to sleep with Feng, it would be very easy to guess who this little meat ball is.

It's just

Looking at Long Yan's merciless carrying, it was like a white radish just pulled out of the ground. She was still crying. Feng Zhi first laughed for a long time, and then used a dark light technique to record the scene. After collecting the spirit stone with Xuanguang technique, she asked her questions.

"If I remember correctly, it will take at least three or four thousand years for a young dragon to become a human being?" Feng Zhi asked.

Long Yan nodded. "Generally speaking, it's about 4000 years old. I transformed the form earlier, but it took me more than 2000 years. This is the earliest form transformation in the history of the Dragon nationality..."

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