Then, Fengming glared at Longyan, but didn't work hard with this "heartless man".

Or Phoenix to see Fengming's expression some wrong, asked more, "Fengming, what's wrong with your brain?"

Feng Feng realized that she wanted to smile.

However, in the end, the origin of the little guy in the opponent is curious and suspicious. Fengming can't help asking, "Fengzhi, where did this little fart come out? It's not yesterday."

After that, he took a look at Longyan.

If Long Yan can guess what Fengming is thinking in his unrestrained heart, he will surely feel that he is even more unjust than Dou E.

Fengzhi and Fengming were also brothers and sisters who grew up together. They guessed Fengming's idea more or less. They immediately put out their hands and played hard on Fengming's forehead. They said, "what are you thinking about? This is squeak

Feng Ming's mouth immediately opened wide, only to be able to put in a fist.

"Is this squeak?" He couldn't believe it. He looked up and down the small meat ball in his hand, but he couldn't connect it with the squeak of a small reptile. "Isn't it that it takes thousands of years for the dragon people to become human beings?"

Fengming looks like "I may have known a fake dragon clan".

Feng to toward Feng Ming rolled a white eye, "don't doubt, this is of course because your sister, I'm really too strong."

Feng Ming's face did not believe.

He would like to learn the tone of Fengzhi and say, "why don't you go to heaven?" however, he thought that Fengzhi was a person who could fly to the sky at will. At that time, he might even fly to the sky in front of him, so he swallowed this sentence.

However, such a interruption, Fengming also previously saw two people in the room to ignore the past.

Since Da Feng came back, every day when he came back, people who were close to Fengzhi would come to Fengzhi's yard to ask for food as long as they were free.


First, it's because the people here are so busy. Secondly, it's because of Nie Qiniang.

Nie Qiniang's craftsmanship is even praised by Feng Zhi. After tasting the food prepared by Nie Qiniang, everyone else is greedy.

So, when it comes to breakfast, Fengzhi's yard has two tables.

Because it was in the morning, Nie Qiniang also simply made a small dish of congee.

Simple as it is, it's not ordinary.

The rice used for porridge is dragon blood rice. Fengzhi took some seeds from Longjing and planted them in the space. Later, it survived. Because of the adverse effect of space on the miraculous medicine Lingzhi, now people can make congee with dragon blood rice, except for a few people.

Fenglai and Fengming had a meal made of dragon blood rice, but it was the first time for others to eat it today. After a sip of porridge, the noisy courtyard suddenly quieted down.

After a bowl of porridge, Fengjiao put the bowl down and sighed, "if I could have such porridge every meal, I would like to eat only porridge every day..."

Feng Zhi sniffed at Feng Jiao and said, "you want to be beautiful. Even in the dragon clan, no one will take this dragon blood rice to cook porridge."

Speaking of this, Feng Zhi's sight swept over all the faces on the table, "you all go back one by one, and then you will have a good practice, or you will be blind to this dragon blood rice."

People immediately nodded their heads like chickens pecking rice.

They are not stupid. They can recognize what is good.

After this meal, everyone also understood that the little guy Longyan held in his arms was Zhizhi.

After that, Feng came to ask a question that made Feng Zhi feel a little difficult to solve.

"So..." Feng came to see that she was opening her mouth to show a "toothless" smile and said, "Fengzhi, Zhizhi, what are you going to do? Is it difficult to learn how to raise children before getting married

At the same time, Feng Lai also took some provocative look to Longyan.

Even if Long Yan has been recognized, but for Fenglai, such a person who is destined to take away his sister, he always has no way to have any good feelings.

Feng to listen to a Leng.

This is really a big problem.

Fengzhi didn't take care of such children before. Even when Fengming, the only younger brother of Fengzhi, was so young, Fengzhi did not take care of such a child.

In fact, when Fengming was so young, Feng Zhizheng was busy thinking about life and practicing again.

When Fengming was two or three years old, she was as precocious as a little adult, and she didn't need to worry about it at all.

So, the question is, who should take care of it in the future?

Feng Zhi's line of sight moves back and forth on the people.

Until finally, her eyes were nailed to Mo Li, who was only eight years old.More than two years have passed. Mo Li, who was once cute, is still cute now, but he has grown up a lot.

Mo Li was looked at like this by Feng Zhi. She felt cold at the bottom of her heart. She always felt that her master was making some wrong ideas. After waiting for a long time, she didn't wait for Feng Zhi to open her mouth. Mo Li couldn't help saying, "master, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

Hearing Mo Li's active opening, Feng Zhi's face is gratified.

"Mo Li..." Feng Zhi laughed like Grandma wolf, "you know, there's a saying called 'if you have something to do, you know what it means?"

Mo Li shook his head.

Others, however, looked at Mo Li with a little sympathy.

After listening to Feng Zhi, he said, "the meaning of this sentence is that if the master has something to do, the disciples should strive to share the worries for the master. Do you know?"

Mo Li nodded seriously this time.

In Mo Li's heart, she really regarded Fengzhi as someone as important as her only sister, Mo Liu. Of course, she was willing to share her worries for Fengzhi.

Seeing that Mo Li is so clever, Feng Zhi is not good enough to dig a hole for Mo Li.


Is Feng Zhi a person who will give up the matter to his apprentice?

Of course not!

So, just embarrassed for a moment, Feng Zhi again rightfully said: "that's right. Now, this It's your second younger martial brother. The master is busy thinking about life every day, so the responsibility of taking care of your second younger martial brother will be entrusted to you. Can you complete this glorious and great task? "

Later, Feng Zhi thought of the wide meaning of the word "second younger martial brother" on the earth, but he laughed.

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