Sure enough.

Phoenix to secretly nod.

In fact, after the Han Dynasty named those cities, Fengzhi had a vague guess.

When Feng Zhi went out for the first time, he studied the map of Xuanwu continent carefully. If the cities mentioned by the Han Dynasty just now formed a line on the map, it would be the whole route for Fengzhi to go to Youye city this time.

If you think of what Han said, the sun family in Pingyang City, who has nothing to do with her, seems to have taken refuge in some alien race

Feng Zhi took out the invitation card sent to her three years ago.

The golden invitation looks very exquisite. Even though it has been three years, the invitation still has no change.

Looking at her name on the invitation, Feng Zhi gently pulled out a smile.

"I think it's because of this, don't you think?" Feng Zhi looks at Longyan.

Long Yan also took his invitation in his hand and nodded to Feng Zhi.

Besides this, Feng couldn't think of any other reason.

Is it true that, as long Yan said, what important progress has been made in the study of that ancient site by the yezu?

What's more, the invitation cards sent by the night clan to all ethnic groups were recognized by some people as tickets to enter the site?

That's why someone has come up with the idea of this invitation in their hands.


Long Yan also has invitation cards in his hand, but no one has any idea of him. In this way, some people regard themselves as soft persimmons that can be pinched at will?

Think of here, Feng to some of the crying and laughing.

Up to now, she can be regarded as a soft persimmon, which is really a novel experience.

However, think carefully, Feng Zhi can also understand the psychology of the people behind the scenes.

This time, the invitation sent by the night clan is very precious. One family only sends one. The dragon's is in Longyan's hand, the night's is in Yeli's hand, and the Terran's is in Fengzhi's hand.

And Terran, if you really want to talk about the strength of a single, in the different clans, is really in the bottom.

It is probably because of this that some people regard Feng Zhi as the weakest among all the people who receive the invitation this time, and want to steal her invitation from her hand.

This is really

Infer the truth of the matter, Feng to some smile.

In fact, although Feng Zhi was interested in the night clan trip, she didn't have to go there. She didn't pay much attention to the invitation.

Still, it's the same thing.

Feng to things, she can not want, she can give her to see the people, but she can not allow someone to covet her things.

Those claws that come out, chop them off.

So, Feng to see that a face of tension of the leader of the big man one eye, "then you still wait for what?"

The big man was stunned.

He looked at Fengzhi and didn't know what Fengzhi was talking about.

Feng then turned a white eye, "only a long body, not a long brain, how to communicate with you is so difficult? Have you not been ordered to look for my whereabouts? Now that I'm all in front of you, don't you hurry to deliver the message to the people above you? "

The big man was stunned again.

He thought that their action was a complete failure. How could they think of Feng Zhi's thoughts? They couldn't even guess. They even asked them to send a message to them?

Although he didn't know why Fengzhi wanted to do this, he could see that Fengzhi didn't allow them to resist at all, so he didn't say much. He took out a small bamboo tube like thing from his arms and poured out a small thing, which was the size of his thumb, like a bird, not a bird, a insect or a insect.

He went to the window and threw the thing out of his hand, which immediately disappeared.

"It's a hummingbird from the family. It's very fast. It's used for credit." Han also made a special explanation.

Feng to Yang eyebrows, "how fast, how long does it take for the news to get back to Pingyang city?"

After a while, the big man said, "it will take about two days for the family to send someone after receiving the letter."

Do not need to Feng to make a sound of sarcasm, Fengming and others have been Qi Qi "ha ha".

Although the big man does not know how many other meanings are contained in the sound of "ha ha", subconsciously, he feels that this is absolutely not a good word. However, even if he knows, he can only honestly hold his nose. Who calls him in a weak position now?

Because of the time given by Han, Fengzhi also decided to stay here for two days, waiting for the sun family to come.

As long as we catch the people from the sun family, we can always catch the people behind the scenes.

At the same time, Fengzhi also wanted to eat the dishes made by Nie Qiniang. Next, she simply did not go out to eat. She took out the Jiaorou that had not been eaten yet. She directly asked Nie Qiniang to make a whole Jiaoyan, including steaming, frying and boiling.If the black Jiao knew that he was dead, he would be eaten in such a fancy way. I don't know if he would come back angry.

The reason why Nie Qiniang takes the initiative to follow Feng Zhi is that she can easily get high-grade food materials by relying on Feng Zhi. She is certainly overjoyed that Fengzhi takes out these Jiaorou, and uses all means to make a table full of Jiaoyan.

Even, because the Jiaorou is so delicious, it has attracted many people who want to come over and have a good share, and even have a fight.

It can only be said that even in the basaltic continent, eating goods for food can also produce a lot of power.

Feng Zhi thought that this time we had to wait for two days.

But in fact, only a day later, she met the people she wanted to meet.

Moreover, it is not the sun family's person, but the person who instructs the sun family to inquire about Feng Zhi's trace behind the scenes.

That day, Fengzhi and his party had just finished lunch. Because Nie Qiniang's cooking was too intolerable, they all ate their stomachs one by one.

After eating and drinking, and then lazily lying in the chair in the sun, this is simply a kind of supreme enjoyment.

At this time, the gate of the courtyard where the crowd was located was pushed open. A young man, who was not in his twenties, had a very striking light green hair and wore a snow-white robe. His appearance was very good, but he was a young man with a gloomy face.

The man obviously didn't expect to see such a group of people who were obviously full or even supported in the yard. They were stunned at first, and then they became angry, "where are the dog slaves who don't go out to work and pretend to be like Uncle, are you going to turn the sky?"

All the people are silent, just look at Feng.

Feng Zhi's posture didn't change. She didn't even move. She just raised her eyes. "You said something wrong. We don't pretend to be uncle. We are your uncle..."

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